Rowe: 574 books

Book cover of The Club – Kiss
by Lauren Rowe
Language: German
Release Date: July 3, 2017

Playboy Josh Faraday ist es gewohnt, zu bekommen, was er will. Und als Nächstes steht Sarahs beste Freundin auf seiner Liste – Kat Morgan, das wilde Partygirl. Wer auch immer behauptet, Liebe sei genügsam, ist diesen beiden noch nicht begegnet. Josh und Kat pokern gerne hoch. Was wäre die Liebe...
Book cover of The Club – Joy
by Lauren Rowe
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2016

Nachdem Sarah und Jonas den "Club" zu Fall gebracht haben, genießen sie jetzt ihr wohlverdientes Happy End. Sie heiraten, sind glücklich, und Sarah ist schon bald schwanger – mit Zwillingen. Alles wäre perfekt, wenn Jonas nicht von Ängsten gequält würde. Er befürchtet, dass die Vergangenheit...
Book cover of The Club – Flirt
by Lauren Rowe
Language: German
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Jonas muss verrückt geworden sein. Immerhin hat er sich gerade bei einer sündhaft teuren Datingagentur angemeldet, obwohl es in Seattle mehr als genug Frauen gibt, die mit ihm zusammen sein wollen. Aber genau deshalb braucht er "The Club": Er möchte nicht nur eine einzige Frau glücklich machen....
Book cover of Children's Creative Music-Making with Reflexive Interactive Technology
by Victoria Rowe, Angeliki Triantafyllaki, Francois Pachet
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Children's Creative Music-Making with Reflexive Interactive Technology discusses pioneering experiments conducted with young children using a new generation of music software for improvising and composing. Using artificial intelligence techniques, this software captures the children’s musical style...
Book cover of Principles of Modern Grinding Technology
by W. Brian Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2013

Principles of Modern Grinding Technology, Second Edition, provides insights into modern grinding technology based on the author’s 40 years of research and experience in the field. It provides a concise treatment of the principles involved and shows how grinding precision and quality of results can...
Book cover of The Heart: The Key to Everything In the Christian Life
by Tim Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

We need to recover a truth that has been all but lost in modern-day Christianity. It has been buried for too long, and it is too valuable to be forgotten. This life-changing truth is that the heart is the key to everything in the Christian life. The heart is the wellspring of all our actions, emotions,...
Book cover of An Out of Body Experience
by Aaron Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

This is a compilation of all of the Poetry Profiles I've been working on. These poems were written about other people and basically their life story as I would see it. Enjoy this walk in someone else's shoes.
Book cover of Playing the Other

Playing the Other

Dramatizing Personal Narratives in Playback Theatre

by Nick Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2007

This book is an exploration and critique of 'playback theatre', a form of improvised theatre in which a company of performers spontaneously enact autobiographical stories told to them by members of the audience. With more than ten years' experience as an actor with Playback Theatre York, the...
Book cover of Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences
by Philip Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2015

Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences is targeted at all those involved in research in pharmacology, pharmacy or other areas of pharmaceutical science; everybody from undergraduate project students to experienced researchers should find the material they need. This book will...
Book cover of The Healing Power Of Natural Foods
by Sophia Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Different foods have different ways of impacting our health. There's a popular saying that "we are what we eat". The food we ingest into our body will either have a positive or negative effect on us. It’s a fact that in this present age, we are surrounded by preserved foods and...
Book cover of A Practical Approach to Using Statistics in Health Research
by Adam Mackridge, Philip Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2018

A hands-on guide to using statistics in health research, from planning, through analysis, and on to reporting A Practical Approach to Using Statistics in Health Research offers an easy to use, step-by-step guide for using statistics in health research. The authors use their experience of statistics...
Book cover of Flat Belly Fitness a Simple Guide: 53 Tips to How to Get a Flatter Belly and Build a Better Body
by Riley Rowe
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2015

If you’ve tried just about everything to shed stubborn belly fat, including bizarre diets, insane workouts and extreme calorie counting, you realise by now that most of these “magic bullet” solutions often fall short in getting you that coveted trimmer middle. Yet by making a selection of small...
Book cover of El Club. El Club 1

El Club. El Club 1

Dos destinos atormentados. Una provocación

by Lauren Rowe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 14, 2016

Sarah es una chica joven que trabaja como agente de admisión en un club de citas por internet para poder costearse la carrera de Derecho. Jonas Faraday, un hombre adinerado y exitoso profesionalmente, entra en contacto con El Club después de que se lo recomienda su propio hermano y decide probar...
Book cover of El Club. El Club 2. La entrega
by Lauren Rowe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 14, 2016

Cuando regresan de su romántico viaje a Belice, Sarah y Jonas encuentran el departamento totalmente destrozado. Ella sabe que su vida corre peligro desde que descubrió información comprometedora sobre El Club. Sin embargo, ahora cuenta con el apoyo incondicional de Jonas, quien mataría, si fuera...
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