Rudyard Kipling : 844 books

Book cover of Actions and Reactions
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2017

Imagine an alternate reality where the man who gave the world The Jungle Book and Gunga Din and The Phantom ‘Rickshaw was a science fiction writer – generations before Hugo Gernsbeck and Amazing; before the pulp SF that dominated the thirties; before intellectually prescient Astounding in the...
Book cover of Das neue Dschungelbuch
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

"Das Neue Dschungelbuch" enthält Erzählungen und Gedichten des britischen Autors Rudyard Kipling. Es erschien 1895. Die bekanntesten Erzählungen darin handeln von Mowgli (in einigen Übersetzungen Mogli, einem Findelkind, das ohne Kontakt zu Menschen bei den Tieren des indischen Dschungels...
Book cover of Aus Indiens Glut
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: German
Release Date: July 6, 2017

Das Werk "Aus Indiens Glut" ist eine Sammlung von sechs Kurzgeschichten, geschrieben von Rudyard Kipling. Die Sammlung enthält folgende Kurzgeschichten: Über die Grenze / Die Botschaft vom Jenseits / Das Thor der hundert Sorgen / In Soddhus Hause / Die Geschichte von Muhamad Din / Lispeth.
Book cover of Big Book of Best Short Stories - Volume 1
by Washington Irving, Oscar Wilde, Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2019

Ten of the greatest authors of all time present their great works in the short story genre. A great compilation of tales for all tastes with the great geniuses of literature in his most acclaimed works. This selection specially chosen by the literary critic August Nemo, contains the following stories:...
Book cover of The Jungle Book
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2013

The Jungle Book is a collection of stories written by Rudyard Kipling, an English Nobel laureate . The stories were first published in 1893–94. This version contains both color and b/w illustrations.  The contents of this book included Mowgli's Brothers Hunting-Song of the...
Book cover of El libro de las tierras vírgenes
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 5, 2015

Autor de obras tan famosas como " Kim " , " Capitanes intrépidos " o " El hombre que pudo ser rey " , Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936), Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1907, supo siempre hacer del relato breve una estructura literaria perfecta.
Book cover of La luz que se apaga
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 4, 2019

En "La luz que se apaga", la primera novela que publicó el maestro Rudyard Kipling, ya están presentes sus temas y actitudes favotiras. Tras la parte inicial, reflejo autobiográfico de su niñez desamparada, el relato discurre en Londres, África y la India.Su personaje central es el...
Book cover of La casa de los deseos
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 18, 2018

"La casa de los deseos" es un relato fantástico del escritor británico Rudyard Kipling, publicado en 1924. En "La casa de los deseos" una mujer refiere a otra mujer una historia mágica y dolorosa; ambas son demasiado humildes para el asombro; aceptan lo increíble con la misma resignación con que aceptan los hechos cotidianos.
Book cover of El segundo libro de la selva
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 13, 2019

Rudyard Kipling presenta en esta obra divertidas historias enlazadas por sus exóticos escenarios. La salvaje naturaleza de estos parajes crea entre sus protagonistas, hombres y animales, fuertes lazos de amistad que les permiten enfrentarse con éxito a los grandes peligros que depara la vida en...


Book cover of Kim


by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 20, 2015

En las calles de Lahore, en la India colonial, vive, mendiga y se divierte Kimball O'Hara, conocido por todos como Kim, un muchacho busca del mítico río de la Flecha, Kim se decide a acompañarlo en su peregrinaje en condición de discípulo suyo. Pero este viaje iniciático será para Kim mucho...
Book cover of Cuentos de la India
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 10, 2019

Escritos con un lenguaje directo y vigoroso, los Cuentos de la Alta India constituyen una magistral crónica sobre la vida y las gentes de la India desde la perspectiva de un occidental. Rudyard Kipling, como gran contador de historias, como un Tusitala moderno, supo transmitir emoción, entusiasmo......
Book cover of El gato que andaba solo
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 11, 2016

El gato que andaba solo Rudyard Kipling fue un escritor inglés nacido en la India. De su tierra natal recoge la espiritualidad de los mitos de los orígenes de la convivencia del hombre con los animales ahora domésticos. En su cuento El gato que andaba solo, narra el proceso mítico de domesticación...
Book cover of Puck Of Pook's Hill (Mobi Classics)
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Puck of Pook's Hill is a children's book by Rudyard Kipling, published in 1906, containing a series of short stories set in different periods of history. The stories are all told to two children living near Pevensey by people magically plucked out of history by Puck. Excerpted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Book cover of From Sea to Sea, Letters of Travel
by Rudyard Kipling
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2018

From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches, Letters of Travel is a book containing Rudyard Kipling's articles about his 1889 travels from India to Burma, China, Japan, and the United States en route to England. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)
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