Ruggiero: 83 books

Book cover of Adventures and Holidays at the Orange Barnge
by Wilma Ruggiero
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2018

The author Wilma Ruggiero continues her love of words and play on words with her third book in the Orange Barnge series. The latest book, Adventures and Holidays at the Orange Barnge follows her other childrens books: The Orange Barnge and Adventures at the Orange Barnge. Follow Tannon Fortuna and his farm animals as they celebrate various holidays at the Orange Barnge.
Book cover of Origini - XXXV

Origini - XXXV

Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

by Flavio Altamura, Italo M. Muntoni, Grazia Ruggiero
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 31, 2015

Book cover of Trotula. Medicina e cosmesi delle donne nel Medioevo
by Trotula de Ruggiero, Monica H Green, Valentina Brancone
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 17, 2014

Trotula fu il trattato di ginecologia e cosmesi più diffuso nell’Europa medievale, attribuito a Trota de’ Ruggiero, illustre magistra presso la Scuola medica di Salerno, la cui identità storica rimane ancora misteriosa. Questa traduzione italiana di Valentina Brancone si basa sul testo latino...
Book cover of Il delitto, la legge, la pena

Il delitto, la legge, la pena

La contro-idea abolizionista

by Vincenzo Ruggiero
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 29, 2016

Il carcere scoppia in ogni parte del mondo. Il numero dei detenuti aumenta ovunque in modo esponenziale pur in una sostanziale stabilità del numero dei reati. Parallelamente cresce il senso di insicurezza dei cittadini dimostrato, tra l’altro, dal boom degli acquisti di armi per difesa personale....
Book cover of The Truly Healthy Family Cookbook

The Truly Healthy Family Cookbook

Mega-nutritious Meals that are Inspired, Delicious and Fad-free

by Tina Ruggiero
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2013

When it comes to food and nutrition, it's understandable to be confused right now. What's healthier; vegan, Paleo, gluten-free or raw? Are you stumped about what to feed your family? THE TRULY HEALTHY FAMILY COOKBOOK has the answers. It's full of delicious recipes based on modern nutrition...
Book cover of L’armonia delle donne
by Trotula de' Ruggiero
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 26, 2014

"De ornatu mulierum", qui tradotto e presentato con testo a fronte, è il primo manuale di cosmesi del mondo occidentale. A scriverlo è Trotula de’ Ruggiero, allieva e poi "magistra", nel secolo XI, presso la Scuola Medica Salernitana, autrice anche del "De passionibus...
Book cover of Pagliacci
by Ruggiero Leoncavallo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 20, 2014

Pagliacci - Dramma in un prologo e due atti. Musica e libretto di Ruggiero Leoncavallo Riassunto del prologo e dei due atti, personaggi e testo completo dell'opera.
Book cover of A Kid from South Philly
by Dominick A. Ruggiero Jr
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2011

Well I have always wanted to document growing up and introduce my family. Allow me to give some stats that some in the family might not know. When I started to reminisce I was in awe of what I had found with the help of my dearest Aunt Rose. I am recounting what she has told me and including it here...
Book cover of The 2014 Elections in Florida

The 2014 Elections in Florida

The Last Gasp From the 2012 Elections

by Robert E. Crew Jr., Mary Ruggiero Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: March 27, 2018

This book places the 2014 elections in Florida in historical perspective and provides an analysis of the outcomes of each of the state and federal races held in that year: Governor, State Constitutional Offices, the US Congress and the Florida State House of Representatives and the State Senate. It...
Book cover of Dirty Money

Dirty Money

On Financial Delinquency

by Vincenzo Ruggiero
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2017

Navigating financial crashes of the Late Middle Ages up to the present day and analysing them through the lenses of classical, positivist, functionalist and Marxist criminology, Dirty Money: On Financial Delinquency explores the growth of grey areas in the financial world and our understanding, or...
Book cover of Aging and Social Expenditure in the Major Industrial Countries, 1980-2025
by Edgardo Mr. Ruggiero, Peter Mr. Heller, Menachem Mr. Katz
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 1986

Most of the seven major industrial countries are now experiencing significant changes in their demographic structure. A persistent pattern of declining fertility and improving life expectancy has created major segments of the population that are already relatively aged or will become so in the near...
Book cover of Comunicazionepuntodoc numero 4. Più Italia
by Mario Morcellini, Nicola Tranfaglia, Gianluigi Rossi
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Il quarto numero di Comunicazionepuntodoc, intitolato Più Italia, è dedicato alle modalità in cui il discorso politico è riuscito e riesce a contribuire alla costruzione dell’identità nazionale, con specifico riferimento ai centocinquant’anni dell’Unità d’Italia. La struttura del volume...
Book cover of Migration and Remittances in Moldova
by Milan Mr. Cuc, Erik Mr. Lundbäck, Edgardo Mr. Ruggiero
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2006

Labor migration and remittances, which have increasingly become a part of the global landscape, have profound economic and social consequences. Moldova, a small low-income country where an estimated one-third of the economically active population has been working abroad, is an interesting illustration...
Book cover of Movements in the City

Movements in the City

Conflict in the European Metropolis

by Vincenzo Ruggiero
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2014

For 2nd and 3rd year courses in urban sociology, sociology of exclusion, social stratification, planning and cultural studies in departments of sociology and urban geography. This book provides an in depth examination of social movements and urban life in European cities today. Unique in its interdisciplinary...
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