Russell Craig: 36 books

Book cover of Coraline
by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2018

Nouvelle édition du conte noir, signé Neil Gaiman et adapté par P.C. Russell, qui a été comparé à Alice au Pays des Merveilles pour son surréalisme et la présence d'une réalité alternative. Cet album a remporté l'Eisner Award de la meilleure publication pour ados. Coraline Jones et ses...
Book cover of American Gods Volume 2: My Ainsel
by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2019

The bizarre road trip across America continues as our heroes gather reinforcements for the imminent god war! Shadow and Wednesday leave the House on the Rock and continue their journey across the country where they set up aliases, meet new gods, and prepare for war. The Hugo, Bram Stoker,...
Book cover of American Gods Volume 1: Shadows (Graphic Novel)
by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2018

**This supernatural American road trip fantasy tells the story of a war between the ancient and modern gods. The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award-winning novel and new Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a graphic novel for the first time! The first...
Book cover of L'Étrange Vie de Nobody Owens T01
by Neil Gaiman, Collectif, Craig Russell
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2015

Un bébé échappe par miracle à l’assassin de sa famille et trouve refuge dans un cimetière. Neil Gaiman est de retour, avec un conte gothique, étonnant et drôle ! Nobody Owens serait un garçon normal... s’il ne vivait pas dans un cimetière, élevé par des fantômes, avec un gardien...
Book cover of Fragment
by Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2016

When avalanching glaciers thrust a massive Antarctic ice sheet into the open ocean, the captain of an atomic submarine must risk his vessel to rescue the survivors of a smashed polar research station; in Washington the President’s top advisor scrambles to spin the disaster to suit his master’s...
Book cover of Millennial Culture and Communication Pedagogies

Millennial Culture and Communication Pedagogies

Narratives from the Classroom and Higher Education

by Ahmet Atay, Mary Z. Ashlock, Raymond Blanton
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2018

This book examines the ways in which faculty and staff at the higher education level teach and communicate with their millennial students and colleagues. The contributors address how millennials' academic and non-academic interests and everyday performances within and outside of higher education influence...
Book cover of Alternatives to Prison

Alternatives to Prison

Rehabilitation and Other Programs

by Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

In 2003, there were almost seven million criminals in the United States. But only about two million of them were behind bars. In Alternatives to Prison, you'll learn why those other five million people are out on parole or probation. You'll also learn about: rehabilitation, community service, boot...
Book cover of Incarceration Around the World
by Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2015

In one wing of Sweden's top-security prison, red drapes hang from the ceiling while small candles burn on an altar and men kneel in prayer; prisoners can apply to spend some of their sentence in religious meditation. Meanwhile, the guards at Jyderup State Prison in Denmark don't wear uniforms, and...
Book cover of Java Data Objects

Java Data Objects

Store Objects with Ease

by David Jordan, Craig Russell
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2003

Java Data Objects revolutionizes the way Java developers interact with databases and other datastores. JDO allows you to store and retrieve objects in a way that's natural to Java programmers. Instead of working with JDBC or EJB's container-managed persistence, you work directly with your Java objects....
Book cover of Wolfsfährte



by Craig Russell
Language: German
Release Date: March 27, 2017

Märchentode. Mysteriöse Verbrechen beunruhigen die Hamburger Bevölkerung, und nur eines scheint die Opfer miteinander zu verbinden: Bei allen finden sich Hinweise darauf, dass der Täter sich gezielt an den Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm orientiert. Hauptkommissar Jan Fabel versucht verzweifelt,...
Book cover of Walküre



by Craig Russell
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Im Hamburger Rotlichtviertel wird ein britischer Popstar tot aufgefunden, mit Messerstichen übersät. Hat der Engel von St. Pauli wieder zugeschlagen, ein Serienkiller, der vor zehn Jahren seine blutige Spur durch Hamburg zog - und der nie gefasst wurde? Hauptkommissar Jan Fabel hat seine Zweifel. Denn...
Book cover of L'Étrange vie de Nobody Owens T02
by P. Craig Russell, Neil Gaiman
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2016

Un bébé échappe par miracle à l'assassin de sa famille et trouve refuge dans un cimetière. Neil Gaiman est de retour, avec un conte gothique, étonnant et drôle ! La vie de Nobody Owens est étrange. Élevé dans un cimetière par des fantômes, il a pour père de substitution un vampire. Mais...
Book cover of Tiefenangst



by Craig Russell
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Die Polizei nennt ihn den Network-Killer. Er sucht sich seine Opfer im Internet, ausnahmslos Frauen. Anschließend lockt er sie zu sich, vergewaltigt und erdrosselt sie und wirft sie ins Wasser. Hauptkommissar Jan Fabel und sein Team widmen ihre ganze Aufmerksamkeit den brutalen Morden. Eines Tages...
Book cover of Auferstehung



by Craig Russell
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2016

Die Schatten der Toten. Jan Fabel, Chef der Mordkommission in Hamburg, hat sich verändert. Vor zwei Jahren ist er beinahe gestorben, als ein Mann ihn anschoss. Er hatte eine Nahtod-Erfahrung, die ihn noch mehr zu einem intuitiv arbeitenden Polizisten werden lässt. Als bei Bauarbeiten eine Leiche...
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