Russell Frank: 29 books

Book cover of Plus X
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: May 20, 2016

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian John Leeming, pilote terrien, est prisonnier dans un camp extraterrestre, quand lui vient l’idée géniale : l’homme Plus X, l’inconnue dans l’équation de la guerre, qui fera pencher la victoire en faveur des humains... en faisant perdre la tête à l’ennemi !
Book cover of Guerre aux invisibles
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: April 22, 2016

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian Des crises cardiaques frappent des scientifiques ayant détecté la présence d’êtres invisibles se nourrissant d’émotions. Comment gagner la Guerre aux invisibles capables de manipuler la conscience ?
Book cover of Guêpe
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 25, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian Seul espoir dans la guerre contre Sirius : envoyer dans les rangs ennemis une Guêpe, un homme capable de miner l’armée la mieux organisée de la galaxie.
Book cover of Mutants à vendre
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 11, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian La boutique était exiguë et crasseuse, située au milieu d’une rue latérale guère plus large qu’une allée. On pouvait passer devant elle mille fois sans lui accorder la moindre attention....
Book cover of Rendez-vous sur Kangshan
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian Accoudé au bastingage du vaisseau, l’officier de pont Warhurst regarde les passagers monter à bord. Des hommes de toute origine sociale, des femmes, des vieux... et notamment ce vieux-là, qui...
Book cover of Quand vient la nuit
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 18, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian C’était un monde incroyablement ancien, doté d’une lune piquetée de trous, un soleil qui se mourait, et une atmosphère trop ténue pour soutenir le moindre nuage d’été. On y trouvait...
Book cover of Triste fin
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 11, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian Le M1. Un vaisseau au sigle magique, qui avait autrefois occupé les écrans de télévision et excité la ferveur populaire. Les joureaux avaient déjà préparé leurs grands titres pour son retour......
Book cover of Le Chioff
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: French
Release Date: November 11, 2013

« Russell mérite sa place dans le panthéon des écrivains de science-fiction. » The Guardian Le commandant McNaught, enfin revenu d’une longue mission, pensait pouvoir se détendre... Malheureusement, son vaisseau a été choisi pour faire l’objet d’une fouille minutieuse et...
Book cover of A Field on Fire

A Field on Fire

The Future of Environmental History

by Mark D. Hersey, Ted Steinberg, Marco Armiero
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2019

A frank and engaging exploration of the burgeoning academic field of environmental history Inspired by the pioneering work of preeminent environmental historian Donald Worster, the contributors to A Field on Fire: The Future of Environmental History reflect on the past and future of this discipline....
Book cover of A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940–1945

A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940–1945

Tunisia and the End in Africa, November 1942–1943

by Giovanni Massimello, Christopher Shores, Russell Guest
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2016

The third volume in the epic military aviation series focuses on the Allied invasion of North Africa during World War II. This work of WWII history takes us to November 1942 to explain the background of the first major Anglo-American venture: Operation Torch, the invasion of French North Africa....
Book cover of The Mindwarpers
by Eric Frank Russell
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2017

Something bizarre is happening among the government workers at weapons laboratories across the United States. Increasing numbers of employees are abandoning their jobs for no apparent reason, some of them committing suicide, others trading their high-profile, specialized careers for unskilled jobs...
Book cover of Shakespeare Closely Read

Shakespeare Closely Read

Written and Performance Texts

by Frank Occhiogrosso, John Russell Brown, Rob Conkie
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2011

Shakespeare Closely Read is a collection of essays by Shakespearean scholars, all of which were originally papers presented at the 2008 International Shakespeare Conference at Stratford-upon-Avon. Each contains a close reading of Shakespearean or other Elizabethan dramatic texts in an effort to open...
Book cover of Black September 1918

Black September 1918

WWI’s Darkest Month in the Air

by Norman Franks, Russell Guest, Frank Bailey
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2018

The follow-up to Bloody April 1917 continues fifteen months later into World War I. Much had happened over this period. More battles had been fought, won and lost on both sides, but now the American strength was feeding in to France with both men and material. With the mighty push on the French/American...
Book cover of Connecting Teaching and Learning

Connecting Teaching and Learning

History, Evolution, and Case Studies of Teacher Work Sample Methodology

by Ronald A. Beghetto, Karen S. Buchanan, Barbara Chesler Buckner
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2011

As accountability in education has become an increasingly prominent topic, teacher preparation programs are being asked to provide credible evidence that their teacher candidates can impact student learning. Teacher Work Samples, first developed 30 years ago, have emerged as an effective method...
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