S D Michael: 118 books

Book cover of Patterns of Life History

Patterns of Life History

The Ecology of Human Individuality

by Michael D. Mumford, Garnett S. Stokes, William A. Owens
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

This work summarizes an ongoing longitudinal study concerned with the nature of human differences as manifest in peoples' life histories. The traditional models for the description of human differences are reviewed, then contrasted with the presentation of alternative models. This volume is also one...
Book cover of Alles Anders

Alles Anders


by Ulrike Zimmermann, Maria Hertting, Beate Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Ein Kaleidoskop schillernder Farben, unglaublicher Begebenheiten, die alle eines gemeinsam haben: Nichts - gar nichts - ist, wie es scheint. Besuchen Sie ein faszinierendes, farbiges, überraschendes Potpourri aus Krimis, Lebenschroniken, Fantasy, Science Fiction und manchem mehr, dessen Fäden sich...
Book cover of The Psychology of Marriage

The Psychology of Marriage

An Evolutionary and Cross-Cultural View

by Carol Cronin Weisfeld, Glenn E. Weisfeld, Lisa M. Dillon
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

From their location in the heart of Detroit, Michigan, the Weisfelds’ lab has reached out for thirty years to couples in long-term partnerships around the world. In living rooms of Detroit, London, Moscow, Beijing, and beyond, couples of all types and ages have shared their insights into adult romantic...
Book cover of 1989er Schicksale

1989er Schicksale


by Jutta Gornik, Uta Benefeld-Süß, Renate Handge
Language: German
Release Date: April 24, 2019

Viele Menschen erinnern sich gerade in diesem 30jährigen Jubiläums-Jahr der Wende an Begebenheiten, die sie persönlich in diesem Zusammenhang berührt haben. Wie haben damalige Besucher aus dem Westen die DDR erlebt? Welche Schicksale ereilte Men-schen, die sich in dem System nicht gefügt haben?...
Book cover of Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Non-traditional Aquatic Models

by Roberto Rico-Martinez, Sajal Ray, C. R. Walters
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor...
Book cover of Migrationsland Schweiz

Migrationsland Schweiz

15 Vorschläge für die Zukunft

by Christine Abbt, Johan Rochel, Amina Abdulkadir
Language: German
Release Date: September 2, 2016

Die öffentliche Debatte über Migration ist heute ebenso geprägt von Ängsten und Befürchtungen wie von Idealisierung. Was fehlt, sind Perspektiven für die Zukunft - kritische Analysen und optimistische Entwürfe, die von der Öffentlichkeit aufgenommen und diskutiert werden können. Das vorliegende...
Book cover of Modern Biocatalysis

Modern Biocatalysis

Advances Towards Synthetic Biological Systems

by Anne Zaparucha, Yasuhisa Asano, Jean-Pierre Mahy
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The synergy between synthetic biology and biocatalysis is emerging as an important trend for future sustainable processes. This book reviews all modern and novel techniques successfully implemented in biocatalysis, in an effort to provide better performing enzymatic systems and novel biosynthetic...
Book cover of Maximum Likelihood for Social Science

Maximum Likelihood for Social Science

Strategies for Analysis

by Michael D. Ward, John S. Ahlquist
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

This volume provides a practical introduction to the method of maximum likelihood as used in social science research. Ward and Ahlquist focus on applied computation in R and use real social science data from actual, published research. Unique among books at this level, it develops simulation-based...
Book cover of Imaniman


Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands

by ire'ne lara silva, Rodney Gomez, Daniel E. Solís y Martínez
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

In homage to Gloria Anzaldúa and her iconic work Borderlands/La Frontera, award-winning poets ire'ne lara silva and Dan Vera have assembled the work of 54 writers who reflect on the complex terrain—the deeply felt psychic, social, and geopolitical borderlands—that Anzaldúa inhabited, theorized,...
Book cover of Called and Chosen

Called and Chosen

Toward a Spirituality for Lay Leaders

by Regina Bechtle, , S.C
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2005

That lay women and men increasingly serve as leaders of institutional ministries in the Church is nothing new. Yet, until now, these lay leaders have longed for theological resources and formational training to help them in their vocation and ministry. Called and Chosen: Toward a Spirituality for...
Book cover of Key States, High Stakes

Key States, High Stakes

Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, and the 2010 Elections

by Charles S. Bullock III, Dante J. Scala, Daniel C. Reed
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2011

The 2010 elections were one of the most highly anticipated midterm elections in our nation's recent history. After the historic 2008 election, in which America elected its first black president, Sarah Palin's involvement and the emergence of the Tea Party in the 2010 congressional elections had the...
Book cover of The Rehnquist Court and Criminal Justice
by Joyce A. Baugh, John D. Burrow, Mark S. Hurwitz
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2011

This book examines the criminal justice decisions of the Rehnquist Court era through analyses of individual justices' contributions to the development of law and policy. The Rehnquist Court era (1986-2005) produced a period of opportunity for the U.S. Supreme Court's judicial conservatives to reshape...
Book cover of American Catholics and Civic Engagement
by Margaret O'Brien Steinfels, W Shepherdson Abell, Kirk Adams
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2003

Sheed & Ward, in partnership with the Commonweal Foundation and with funding from the Pew Charitable Trust, proudly presents the first of two volumes in a groundbreaking series called American Catholics in the Public Square. The result of a three-year study sponsored by Pew aimed at understanding...
Book cover of Dostoevsky's Political Thought
by Ethan Alexander-Davey, Steven D. Ealy, Khalil M. Habib
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2013

Recognized as one of the greatest novelists of all-time, Fyodor Dostoevsky continues to inspire and instigate questions about religion, philosophy, and literature. However, there has been a neglect looking at his political thought: its philosophical and religious foundations, its role in nineteenth-century...
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