S M : 2600 books

Book cover of MRI of the Fetal Brain

MRI of the Fetal Brain

Normal Development and Cerebral Pathologies

by C. Garel, A.-L. Delezoide, L. Guibaud
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In recent years, Fetal MR has grown continually in importance, and the brain has become the main focus of investigation. However, we lack established standards and a good knowledge of the normal MR appearance. To fill this gap is the purpose of the first part of this book, which is an MR atlas of...
Book cover of The Whiplash of Truth to Bid'ah
by M.S.M Abdullah, Sheihul Mufliheen, Sultan ul Arifin
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2013

The Author has written this Book responding to queries made by his disciples on controversial issues included in a Book published by a Moulvi (Religious Scholar) who has totally misled the ordinary people by distorting the true meaning of the basic principle of Islam La Ilaha Illallah. Evidences to...
Book cover of Meditations for a Quiet Place

Meditations for a Quiet Place

Devotional for Thoughtful and Biblical Living

by Benson Ebinne (M.S. M.Div.)
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Meditations for a Quiet Place aims to present two goals that become apparent as the book progresses. First is the exposure to scriptural references; followed by thoughtful analysis. The authors approach to scripture interpretation involves attention to textual connections that make the Word of God...
Book cover of Cortical Bone Healing after Internal Fixation and Infection
by W.W. Rittmann, M. Allgöwer, F.H. Kayser
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The danger of infection remains the most serious drawback to internal fixation. Prevention, using all available prophylactic measures should be the central feature in every surgical department. Though the infection rate may remain below the acceptable level of 2 %, the infected patient derives little...
Book cover of Sukhayu


The Ayurveda Way to a Healthy Life

by Dr.Rajmohan B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)
Language: English
Release Date: February 23, 2018

Ayurveda is one of the oldest sciences, but it is still unknown to many people all over the world.This book attempts to answer few queries about Ayurveda.Ø Is Ayurveda just a preventive medicine and how unique is it?Ø How Ayurveda helps to overcome daily and seasonal changes?Ø How one can overcome...
Book cover of Zeit für Lust

Zeit für Lust

eine erotische Novelle/Satire

by S.M. Jansen, Marquise de Noire
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2013

  Aus dem Leben eines Luxus-Callgirls. Spitz, spannend, humorvoll, nachdenklich, lustvoll... Auszug: "Ich schaute mich um, niemand folgte uns und auf der Etage war keine Menschenseele zu sehen. Wir waren alleine hier oben. Die erste Tür rechts ließ sich nicht öffnen,...
Book cover of The Court of Reason
by M.S.M Abdullah, Sheihul Mufliheen, Sultan ul Arifin
Language: English
Release Date: March 10, 2014

We know that about 6,000 Million people in the world live with the objective of attaining peace, tranquillity and self-fulfilment. The countless number of people who lived and died before this also had the same objective. It is also true that the generations that will come after us will also have...
Book cover of Radiation Oncology for Cure and Palliation
by R.G. Parker, S.M. Mellinkoff, N.A. Janjan
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2013

Given that treatment with curative intent is possible in only one-half of cancer victims, and that such treatment frequently fails, the majority of patients with cancer will require relief of symptoms and signs caused by their disease. In this book, the specific contribution of radiation therapy to...
Book cover of Das Böse aus dem Morgenland

Das Böse aus dem Morgenland

Roman mit autobiographischen Elementen

by S.M. Jansen
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2017

Seit Kindertagen verzaubern die dreiunddreißigjährige Bea Schneekugeln und Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht. Sie träumt vom märchenhaft anmutenden Orient, bis ihr eines Tages ihr Traumprinz über den Weg läuft. Majid, groß, schlank, olivfarbene Haut, schwarze Haare, dunkle blitzende Augen, Jordanier....
Book cover of Personalbeurteilung. Die Bedeutung des Personals für Unternehmen
by T. Schmitz, S. Müller, N. Häger
Language: German
Release Date: April 24, 2017

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2015 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation und Wirtschaft, Note: 1,0, Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Beschäftigung geeigneter Mitarbeiter ist, gerade in Zeiten des Fachkräftemangels, für jedes Unternehmen von immenser...
Book cover of Jim Henson's Storyteller: Witches
by Jim Henson, Matthew Dow Smith, Jeff Stokely
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2015

Inspired by folklore from around the world and all told in the spirit of Jim Henson's beloved beloved television series, this hardcover collects the watercolor story of "The Magic Swan Goose and the Lord of the Forest" from S.M. Vidaurri (Iron: Or, the War After), Spera artist Kyla Vanderklugt's...
Book cover of Jim Henson's Storyteller: Witches #1
by Jim Henson, Matthew Dow Smith, Jeff Stokely
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2014

S.M. Vidaurri, writer and watercolor illustrator of the award-winning graphic novel IRON: OR, THE WAR AFTER, unfolds the stunning tale of "The Magic Swan Goose & the Lord of the Forest." When her brother is kidnapped by a witch, a young princess must venture into the mysterious forest...
Book cover of Ache
by S.M. Soto
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2019

A second chance romance.  What happens when you fall for the boy next door? Bea Norwood had the market on normal. Drama free life? Check. A single-mother who doubled as her confidant and partner in crime? Check. A neighbor and best friend she trusted more than anyone?...
Book cover of Higher Honor
by S.M. Kirkland
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2011

When Cadet Cassidy Sanders is brutally assaulted, it threatens to push her further away from the God she thought already abandoned her. For her assailant, it's clear evidence his life is spiraling out control at an alarming rate. Caught in the middle are their mutual friends, torn between justice and forgiveness. Can they find forgiveness, not just toward each but themselves?
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