Said: 158 books

Book cover of La cuestión palestina
by Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 3, 2013

Uno de los títulos capitales en la obra de Said analiza con lucidez y desde dentro el conflicto palestino-israelí. Este inteligente ensayo, publicado por vez primera en 1979, fue pionero al abrir un serio debate, desde el punto de vista palestino, sobre el conflicto que desde hace más de...
Book cover of Power, Politics, and Culture
by Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

Edward Said has long been considered one of the world’s most compelling public intellectuals, taking on a remarkable array of topics with his many publications. But no single book has encompassed the vast scope of his stimulating erudition quite like Power, Politics, and Culture, a collection of...
Book cover of On Late Style

On Late Style

Music and Literature Against the Grain

by Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2008

In this fascinating book, Edward Said looks at the creative contradictions that often mark the late works of literary and musical artists. Said shows how the approaching death of an artist can make its way into his work, examining essays, poems, novels, films, and operas by such artists as Beethoven,...
Book cover of Out of Place

Out of Place

A Memoir

by Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

From one of the most important intellectuals of our time comes an extraordinary story of exile and a celebration of an irrecoverable past. A fatal medical diagnosis in 1991 convinced Edward Said that he should leave a record of where he was born and spent his childhood, and so with this memoir he...
Book cover of The Politics of Dispossession

The Politics of Dispossession

The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination, 1969-1994

by Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

Ever since the appearance of his groundbreaking The Question of Palestine, Edward Said has been America's most outspoken advocate for Palestinian self-determination. As these collected essays amply prove, he is also our most intelligent and bracingly heretical writer on affairs involving not only...
Book cover of Orientalismo
by Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 9, 2013

Un clásico imprescindible para comprender los eternos malentendidos sobre el mundo islámico. En estos tiempos en que los medios de comunicación nos inundan y se ven inundados por imágenes y estereotipos que se refieren al Islam y a los musulmanes, Edward W. Said nos ofrece una descripción...
Book cover of Cubriendo el islam

Cubriendo el islam

Cómo los medios de comunicación y los expertos determinan nuestra visión del resto del mundo

by Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Una obra más necesaria que nunca para reconsiderar la visión que recibimos del islam. Desde la crisis de los rehenes en Irán hasta la guerra del Golfo y el primer atentado con bomba en el World Trade Center, la mayoría de los medios de comunicación estadounidenses han retratado el islam...
Book cover of Paralelismos y paradojas

Paralelismos y paradojas

Reflexiones sobre música y sociedad

by Daniel Barenboim, Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 10, 2011

Un libro de ideas originales y sorprendentes sobre música, política y cultura que despliega un derroche de inteligencia de dos grandes mitos de nuestra cultura contemporánea: Daniel Barenboim y Edward W. Said. El israelí Daniel Barenboim -director de la orquesta Sinfónica de Chicago y...
Book cover of Nuevas crónicas palestinas

Nuevas crónicas palestinas

El fin del proceso de paz (1995-2002)

by Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 9, 2013

Desde el corazón de las tinieblas del conflicto palestino se alza de nuevo la voz de Edward Said para mostrarnos la evolución de la situación en Palestina después del triunfo electoral de Sharon y de los atentados del 11 de septiembre. La victoria de Sharon en las elecciones israelíes...
Book cover of Freud And The Non-European
by Edward Said, Jacqueline Rose
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2014

Banned by the Freud institute in Vienna, this controversial lecture eventually became Edward Said’s final book. Freud and the Non-European builds on Said’s abiding interest in the psychoanalyst’s work to examine Freud’s assumption that Moses was an Egyptian and from there explore the limits...
Book cover of Me and Money

Me and Money

The Psychology of Wealth

by Said Davlatov
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2017

Me and Money is a book that will change the way you look at your relationship with money. Said Davlatov breaks down the relationship that we have with money and creates a simple, easy to follow process for changing your life and creating wealth. Do you want to be rich? Financial security is something...
Book cover of Reflexiones sobre el exilio

Reflexiones sobre el exilio

Ensayos literarios y culturales seleccionados por el autor

by Edward W. Said
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 9, 2013

La selección definitiva de los ensayos culturales y literarios de Edward W. Said realizada por el propio autor. Este libro reúne ensayos sobre temas culturales y literarios escritos por Edward W. Said a lo largo de tres décadas de intenso trabajo intelectual y político. Vistos en conjunto...
Book cover of Mimesis


The Representation of Reality in Western Literature (New Expanded Edition)

by Erich Auerbach, Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2013

More than half a century after its translation into English, Erich Auerbach's Mimesis remains a masterpiece of literary criticism. A brilliant display of erudition, wit, and wisdom, his exploration of how great European writers from Homer to Virginia Woolf depicted reality has taught generations how...
Book cover of Orientalism
by Edward W. Said
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2014

More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said's groundbreaking critique of the West's historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic. In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, Said traces the origins of "orientalism" to...
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