Saint Paul: 23 books

Book cover of The Tyranny of Utility

The Tyranny of Utility

Behavioral Social Science and the Rise of Paternalism

by Gilles Saint-Paul
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2011

The general assumption that social policy should be utilitarian--that society should be organized to yield the greatest level of welfare--leads inexorably to increased government interventions. Historically, however, the science of economics has advocated limits to these interventions for utilitarian...
Book cover of 低端人口:中國,是地下這幫鼠族撐起來的


Le peuple des rats: Dans les sous-sols interdits de la Chine

by 派屈克‧聖保羅(Patrick Saint-Paul)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 27, 2018

「這世界的現實就是人人要尊嚴,但尊嚴呢,可不是人人要得起。」 這是北京城裡不可言說的低端禁忌,潛居地下室的底層勞動人口悲歌 毛澤東曾歌頌他們,現代中國的經濟奇蹟要歸功於他們 但是現在,他們卻面臨被「切除、清理、掃蕩」的命運 《低端人口:中國,是地下這幫鼠族撐起來的》見證了這一切 方怡潔、李志德、李岳軒、沈秀華、林立青、阿潑、劉嫈楓、藍佩嘉共同推薦 北京,中國極度富有的一線大城,匯聚了所有的奇蹟。 大舉遷移到此的人只有一個目的,他們要追求屬於自己的中國夢。他們以勞力換取微薄的溫飽,成為支撐北京城運轉的底層基礎勞力,擔任清潔工、外送員、服務生。 北漂的民工與移工構成了北京的日常風景,但在高房價、沒有北京戶籍的限制下,被迫無奈屈居於暗不見天日的地下室、橋墩下、廢棄建築的縫隙之間。他們有老有少,有為了籌措兒子結婚聘金千里迢迢到北京當清潔工的老夫婦;有為了在市中心飯店實習而住進地下,習慣了北京地底腐臭氣味的大學畢業生;有為了孩子的未來,離鄉打工的父母。 一旦進入北京地底,舉目所及皆是懸殊至極貧富問題的見證。明亮大廈底下,陰暗的走廊上晾著各種服務業、工人的制服;人們在勞斯萊斯、奧迪名車停靠的牆壁背面煮著千篇一律的餃子當晚餐;孩子們靠著一扇小窗,勉力呼吸著來自北京地上世界的霧霾。 這些拚命留下且住不起地面上房子的人,被稱作「鼠族」。他們像鼠一樣,群聚在北京城的地下廊道裡竄動、討生活,為中國夢燃燒生命,卻注定被貼上「低端」標籤,被驅趕、切除。 法國最大報《費加洛報》記者派屈克‧聖保羅,耗時整整兩年,帶著翻譯四處採訪北京城裡默默做工的人,數度遭遇被當局請去喝茶的危險。然而真正讓他得以貼近「鼠族」生活的契機,卻近在他暫居的大樓地下室。 當派屈克‧聖保羅發現日常所見的門房、清潔工都是自己苦無門路深入採訪的對象,正是他們維持了他的生活時,這才驚覺自己正置身中國幻夢的風暴中心,正看著這巨獸大國最殘酷的一面。 ※各界一致推薦 派屈克‧聖保羅親身帶領我們在他生活的亮麗北京與鼠族居住的地底世界來回穿梭,直指這中間的終極反差,看進地底世界勉強又讓人敬佩的日常生活,看區區電梯上下之間潛居人群的不同面貌──工地工人、留守兒童、外地大學生、為兒子攢錢娶妻的父母、鼠窩裡的房東、有幸的出洞者……訴說發展背後的代價與冷漠、生存的卑微與堅韌,在在顯露出被沒收的尊嚴、體制造就的頑強。 ──方怡潔(清華大學人類所 助理教授) 在這本書裡,「鼠」、「底層」、「洞穴」既是形容,更是真實寫照。 冷戰年代,中國政府下令人民挖掘無數的地下室,但直到今時今日,這些地下室才起到了原本始料未及的作用:成了最底層勞工遮風避雨的處所。這讓作者書寫中國底層時有了一個意象鮮明的切入點。...
Book cover of Innovation and Inequality

Innovation and Inequality

How Does Technical Progress Affect Workers?

by Gilles Saint-Paul
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2008

Karl Marx predicted a world in which technical innovation would increasingly devalue and impoverish workers, but other economists thought the opposite, that it would lead to increased wages and living standards--and the economists were right. Yet in the last three decades, the market economy has been...
Book cover of Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds

Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa

by Patrick Delices, Moussa Traoré, Esther I. Rodríguez-Miranda
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2018

Between Two Worlds: Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa is a special volume on Jean Price-Mars that reassesses the importance of his thought and legacy, and the implications of his ideas in the twenty-first century’s culture of political correctness, the continuing challenge of race and racism, and...
Book cover of Advent Christmas Grace

Advent Christmas Grace

Daily Gospel Reflections

by Saint Paul
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2019

In this daily Advent companion, members of the Daughters of St. Paul share their reflections and lead readers in lectio divina on the Scripture readings for the season. Includes reflections for the Octave of Christmas.
Book cover of The Human Project
by Arnaud Saint-Paul
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2011

'We are not human beings having a spiritual experience...we are spiritual beings having a human experience.' Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Book cover of Faire les bons choix avec la PNL
by Josiane de Saint Paul
Language: French
Release Date: August 16, 2018

Qui suis-je ? Qu'est-ce qui est important pour moi ? Comment me réaliser dans ma vie personnelle comme dans ma vie professionnelle. A partir des outils de la PNL et la méthode de l'Orientation Fondamentale du Moi, ce livre nous fait découvrir un itinéraire guidé pour y voir plus clair et dresser...
Book cover of 50 bonnes façons de renforcer estime et confiance en soi
by Christiane Larabi, François Baude, Josiane de Saint Paul
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2018

Vrai cahier pratique, ce guide donne au lecteur une série d'exercices et de tests accompagné du minimum de théorie nécessaire lui permettant d'augmenter sa confiance en soi. Dessins originaux de François Baude
Book cover of Heilig's Mördle: Schwäbische Krimikomödie
by Bettina von Cossel, Carolin von Saint Paul
Language: German
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Berta Meier ist entzückt über den neuesten Auftrag ihres Neffen, seines Zeichens Privatdetektiv. Er soll die Blaubeurer Hochzeit des Jahres platzen lassen. Als dann auch noch ein Mord passiert und ein wertvoller Diamant gestohlen wird, gibt es für Berta kein Halten mehr. Wer wäre besser geeignet...
Book cover of In God's Hands

In God's Hands

The Spiritual Diaries of Pope John Paul II

by Pope Saint John Paul II
Language: English
Release Date: March 28, 2017

Available for the first time in English, the private reflections of the modern pope recently elevated to sainthood—deeply personal writings that reveal a spiritual leader who agonized over his service to God, continually questioning whether he was doing enough. As the head of the Roman Catholic...
Book cover of Duo Interdits 3 - Sélection bourgeoise
by Gilles de Saint avit, Paul Duvalier
Language: French
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Ce volume compile deux romans Media 1000, issus de la collection Les Interdits. Vicieuse et bourgeoise Gilles de Saint Avit Carole, riche bourgeoise oisive, s'ennuie dans son xvie. Que faire de sa peau ? Eternel problème, on prend un amant, puis deux... L'appétit vient en mangeant. Mais voilà...
Book cover of A Year with John Paul II

A Year with John Paul II

Daily Meditations from His Writings and Prayers

by Pope Saint John Paul II
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Called the Pilgrim Pope, a pope of the people, John Paul II connected with his flock from the highest to the lowest. He was one of history's most beloved popes among Catholics and non-Catholics alike, a man whose indomitable spirit touched and taught us all. A Year with John Paul II showcases his...
Book cover of Tense Future

Tense Future

Modernism, Total War, Encyclopedic Form

by Paul K. Saint-Amour
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2015

We know that trauma can leave syndromes in its wake. But can the anticipation of violence be a form of violence as well? Tense Future argues that it can-that twentieth-century war technologies and practices, particularly the aerial bombing of population centers, introduced non-combatants to a coercive...
Book cover of Some Counsels Of S. Vincent De Paul : To Which Is Appended The Thoughts Of Mademoiselle Le Gras
by Saint Vincent De Paul
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2013

The counsels contained in the following pages were addressed to the Companies of Mission Priests and Sisters of Charity, founded in France for the teaching and assistance of the poor more than two hundred and fifty years ago. They are characterised by the simplicity and the directness which distinguished...
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