Samuel A : 118 books

Book cover of Debugging Game History

Debugging Game History

A Critical Lexicon

by Mikael Jakobsson, Nick Montfort, Erkki Huhtamo
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2016

Essays discuss the terminology, etymology, and history of key terms, offering a foundation for critical historical studies of games. Even as the field of game studies has flourished, critical historical studies of games have lagged behind other areas of research. Histories have generally been...
Book cover of Technology in America

Technology in America

A History of Individuals and Ideas

by Merritt Roe Smith, Brooke Hindle, Hugo A. Meier
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2018

The new edition of a popular collection that traces the history of American invention from the age of the artisan to the era of Silicon Valley. This volume traces the history of American technology—its inventions and inventors—from the age of the artisan to the era of Silicon Valley. The...
Book cover of Retirement and the Hidden Epidemic

Retirement and the Hidden Epidemic

The Complex Link Between Aging, Work Disengagement, and Substance Misuse -- and What To Do About It

by Peter A. Bamberger, Samuel B. Bacharach
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2014

Evidence from both local and national surveys suggests that substance misuse and abuse among older adults in the United States is a "hidden epidemic" that poses a major threat to the welfare and quality of life of older drinkers and their families, and has significant public health implications. Based...
Book cover of American Science Fiction: Four Classic Novels 1968-1969 (LOA #322)
by R. A. Lafferty, Joanna Russ, Samuel R. Delany
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2019

Four mind-bending novels from science fiction's most transformative decade in a deluxe collector's edition hardcover, including two long out-of-print classics In this second volume of a two-volume set gathering the best American science fiction from the tumultuous 1960s, R. A. Lafferty's quirky...
Book cover of 基因編輯大革命:CRISPR如何改寫基因密碼、掌控演化、影響生命的未來
by 珍妮佛・道納Jennifer A. Doudna, 山繆爾・史騰伯格Samuel H. Sternberg
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 31, 2018

微小細菌的免疫系統,如何變成強大的基因編輯技術, 這項科技又如何成為掌控生物演化的力量, CRISPR革命即將帶來前所未見的影響,我們準備好了嗎? 重量級推薦 周成功|陽明大學生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所退休教授 林欣榮|花蓮慈濟醫院院長 凌嘉鴻|中央研究院生化所助研究員 廖俊智|中央研究院院長 閻 雲|臺北醫學大學講座教授暨前校長 (依姓氏筆畫排列) CRISPR基因編輯技術帶來的革命正在全面展開, 波及地球上的所有生命,你我都無法置身事外。 CRISPR原本是自然界中細菌的一種免疫系統,能鎖定入侵的病毒,剪碎它們的DNA。經過科學家的解密,利用這種系統的定位與切割功能,把它變成最簡單、便宜又有效的基因編輯工具。如今我們幾乎可以用CRISPR來編輯每一種生物DNA上的字母,到了隨心所欲的地步。 這項基因編輯技術問世才短短幾年的時間,已經成功製造出能夠抵抗病害的水稻、無法傳播瘧疾的蚊子、還有不再長角的牛,並可望開發出治療癌症、遺傳疾病及愛滋病等疾病的療法。甚至有科學家正在讓滅絕的猛獁象復活,還有人想要把訂製寵物、訂製嬰兒發展成一門產業。 現今每一種生物的基因組成,都是長達幾十億年的演化傑作,現在透過CRISPR,只要短短幾天,就可以快速改編所有基因。人類接手了演化的力量,能夠左右所有生物未來的命運,這似乎帶來無限前景,但也可能帶來駭人危機,像是無意間擴大遺傳不平等,或使一個物種消失。 道納是解開CRISPR機制的科學家之一,與研究夥伴史騰伯格合力寫下本書,親自導覽這趟驚心動魄的發現歷程,以及令人嘆為觀止的科學原理、各種實用或充滿想像力的應用,以及未來的展望和隱憂。 微小細菌的免疫系統,如何變成強大的基因編輯技術, 這項科技又如何成為掌控生物演化的力量, CRISPR革命即將帶來前所未見的影響,我們準備好了嗎? 得獎紀錄 ★...
Book cover of Signs of Power

Signs of Power

The Rise of Cultural Complexity in the Southeast

by David G. Anderson, Richard Jefferies, Jon L. Gibson
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Traces the sources of power and large-scale organization of prehistoric peoples among Archaic societies. By focusing on the first instances of mound building, pottery making, fancy polished stone and bone, as well as specialized chipped stone, artifacts, and their widespread exchange, this...
Book cover of Audio Production Worktext

Audio Production Worktext

Concepts, Techniques, and Equipment

by Samuel J. Sauls, Craig A. Stark
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2019

Audio Production Worktext, 9th Edition provides readers the best introduction to audio and radio production. It shows how to navigate modern radio production studios and utilize the latest equipment and software. The 9th edition is updated to cover new mobile technologies, digital consoles,...
Book cover of Jonathan Edwards and Justification
by Douglas A. Sweeney, Samuel T. Logan Jr., Kyle Strobel
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2012

Josh Moody has assembled a team of internationally reputed Edwards scholars to ask and answer the question: What is Jonathan Edwards’s doctrine of Justification? The contributors also examine the extent to which Edwards’s view was Reformational while addressing some of the contemporary discussions...
Book cover of The Assimilation of Yogic Religions through Pop Culture
by Rex Barnes, Joel Bordeaux, Albion M. Butters
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

The image of the meditating yogi has become a near-universal symbol for transcendent perfection used to market everything from perfume and jewelry to luxury resorts and sports cars, and popular culture has readily absorbed it along similar lines. Yet the religious traditions grounding such images...
Book cover of China’s Incomplete Military Transformation

China’s Incomplete Military Transformation

Assessing the Weaknesses of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

by Michael S. Chase, Jeffrey Engstrom, Tai Ming Cheung
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2015

Through extensive primary source analysis and independent analysis, this report seeks to answer a number of important questions regarding the state of China’s armed forces. The authors found that the PLA is keenly aware of its many weaknesses and is vigorously striving to correct them. Although...
Book cover of Nathan and Oski's Hematology of Infancy and Childhood E-Book
by David G. Nathan, MD, Stuart H. Orkin
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2008

To address the exponential growth in the fields of pediatric hematology and oncology, this classic reference has been separated into two distinct volumes. With this volume, devoted strictly to pediatric hematology, and another to pediatric oncology, you’ll keep you on the cutting-edge of these two...
Book cover of Aesthetic Head and Neck Surgery
by Samuel J. Lin, Thomas A. Mustoe
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2013

A FULL-COLOR, STEP-BY-STEP ATLAS OF AESTHETIC HEAD AND NECK SURGERY TECHNIQUES Aesthetic Head and Neck Surgery is an unmatched visual guide to learning how to successfully perform these challenging procedures. Specific surgical procedures are illustrated step-by-step to help you fully understand the...
Book cover of Sing Them Over Again to Me

Sing Them Over Again to Me

Hymns and Hymnbooks in America

by Mary Louise VanDyke, Candy Gunther Brown, John R. Tyson
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Hymns and hymnbooks as American historical and cultural icons. This work is a study of the importance of Protestant hymns in defining America and American religion. It explores the underappreciated influence of hymns in shaping many spheres of personal and corporate life as well as the value...
Book cover of Religion, Culture, and International Conflict
by David Bloom, David Brooks, Peter Brown
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2005

As religiously grounded moral arguments have become ever more influential factors in the national debate-particularly reinforced by recent presidential elections and the creation of the faith-based initiative office in the White House-journalists' ignorance about theological convictions has often...
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