Sara M: 129 books

Book cover of Virtue
by EL George, Tracy A. Ball, Sara Schoen
Language: English
Release Date: January 17, 2019

Virtue A Crazy Ink anthology We've all heard of the seven deadly sins. But lesser known are the seven virtues that give us our humanity. Faith is belief in the right things. Hope is taking a positive future view that good will prevail. Charity is concern for,...
Book cover of Creeps
by Rena Marin, M.W. Brown, Mary Duke
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2019

Creeps A Crazy Ink Anthology They come in all shapes and sizes. Some are scaly and walk on webbed feet through shallow marshes. Others linger in the water, slimy and waiting for human toes to snack on. Most of them are blood thirsty. Many are merely curious. There...
Book cover of A Winter's Romance
by Patricia Paris, Elise Manion, Sara Daniell
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2015

When winter and romance collide, they create an unpredictable force. Whether a raging storm outside or within our hearts, a touch of romance can be found in the most unlikely of places. Join us in this eclectic exploration of winter romance that includes stories of happily ever afters, wicked seductions,...
Book cover of Sacred Inception

Sacred Inception

Reclaiming the Spirituality of Birth in the Modern World

by Pamela Hunt, Kristin Brig, Angela N. Castañeda
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2018

This edited volume explores the intersection of spirituality with childbirth from 1800 to the present day from a comparative perspective. It illustrates how over this time period in much of the world, traditional practices, home births, and midwives have been overshadowed and undermined by male dominated...
Book cover of Adverse Events, Stress, and Litigation
by Sara C. Charles, M.D., Paul R. Frisch
Language: English
Release Date: April 14, 2005

What is it like to be sued for medical malpractice? Bad medical outcomes traumatize patients but they also traumatize physicians. The litigation that often follows is a profoundly human, rather than just a legal experience. Although every physician's case is different, this book shows how each case...
Book cover of Ottawa, lieu de vie français
by Joël Beddows, Kenza Benali, Philippe Couton
Language: French
Release Date: November 22, 2017

Ottawa, lieu de vie français discusses the urban changes and the ways in which Ottawa francophones began thinking about and building their city, from the 1960s onwards, the ideas and actions of that period still shaping life in French Ottawa today.  Stemming from the Chantier Ottawa collaborative...
Book cover of The Human–Animal Boundary

The Human–Animal Boundary

Exploring the Line in Philosophy and Fiction

by Joshua A. Bergamin, Kristian Bjørkdahl, Gary Comstock
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2018

Throughout the centuries philosophers and poets alike have defended an essential difference—rather than a porous transition—between the human and animal. Attempts to assign essential properties to humans (e.g., language, reason, or morality) often reflected ulterior aims to defend a privileged...
Book cover of Merrell's Strong Start—Grades K–2

Merrell's Strong Start—Grades K–2

A Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum, Second Edition

by Sara A. Whitcomb Ph.D., Danielle M. Parisi Damico Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2016

Featured in our 2018 Growing Strong Calendar. Teach social-emotional competence to children Grads K–2 with the NEW edition of the Strong Start—Grades K–2 curriculum! Part of the Strong Kids™ series, Strong Start is the fun, easy way to help children develop the social-emotional skills...
Book cover of 99 erotische Bettgeschichten

99 erotische Bettgeschichten

99 x atemberaubender Sex

by Lisa Cohen, Mark Pond, Dave Vandenberg
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

In diesem Buch erwartet Sie pure, hemmungslose Erotik! Auf fast 1.000 Seiten tauchen Sie ein in hochgradig lustvolle Sex-Erlebnisse, die den Leser ungezügelte, tabulose Leidenschaft hautnah miterleben lassen. Diese "99 Bettgeschichten" beweisen einmal mehr: der animalische Sex-Trieb ist...
Book cover of Texas Cattleman's Club: After The Storm - 8-teilige Serie
by Catherine Mann, Janice Maynard, Sarah M. Anderson
Language: German
Release Date: April 27, 2017

Royal, Texas, wird von einem Tornado verwüstet - die Mitglieder des TCC und die Einwohner des Ortes arbeiten mit vereinten Kräften am Wiederaufbau. Und finden dabei die große Liebe … WIE ZÄHMT MAN EINEN TEXANER? Jed Farrell bekommt immer, was er will - außer seiner Highschool-Liebe Kimberley,...
Book cover of La Chiesa del Collegio Inglese a Roma

La Chiesa del Collegio Inglese a Roma

La storia, il restauro

by Angelo Broggi, Judith Champ, Eamon Duffy
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Questa pubblicazione straordinaria è una delle numerose edite per celebrare la riapertura della chiesa del Venerabile Collegio Inglese in Roma a seguito dell'opera di restauro. La pubblicazione è suddivisa in tre parti. La prima sezione è storiografica, una raccolta di articoli su argomenti relativi...
Book cover of Das erste Mal: zu dritt!

Das erste Mal: zu dritt!

22 erotische Kurzgeschichten im Dreierpack

by Ulla Jacobsen, Lisa Cohen, Dave Vandenberg
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

Ekstase hoch drei! 22 gewagte Lusterlebnisse, gepaart mit der Erfüllung heimlicher Wünsche, geben dem Leser atemberaubende Einblicke in die erotische Welt der trauten Dreisamkeit. "Sie hatte keine Hemmungen. Nicht vor uns, nicht vor sich selbst. Ihr Gesicht war zu ekstatischer Wollust verzerrt....
Book cover of The Christmas Collection: All Of Your Favourite Classic Christmas Stories, Novels, Poems, Carols in One Ebook
by Annie Roe Carr, Alice Duer Miller, Berthold Auerbach
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2018

This holiday, we proudly presents to you this unique collection of the greatest Christmas classics: most beloved novels, tales, legends, poetry & carols - to warm up your heart and rekindle your holiday sparkle: Works by Charles Dickens, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Willa Cather, Beatrix Potter,...
Book cover of Benton Believes
by Kimberly Bugbee, M.S., Sara Clement
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2014

Benton is so angry he could throw something! His little sister is a pest, and his older brother treats him like a baby. Just when Benton decides he can't get any more frustrated with his life and his family, he meets Eli. But is the magical lizard even real? Should Benton take his advice? Can he really be happy and change his life?
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