Sara Maria: 39 books

Book cover of Il baldacchino “di gusto cinese” di Magliano Sabina e il cardinale Annibale Albani
by Sara Ammazzini, Zahra Azmoun, Maria Perla Colombini
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 16, 2015

Il baldacchino di Magliano Sabina, “trono nobile di velluto rigamato alla cinese”, fu donato dal cardinale Annibale Albani all’amata diocesi attorno al 1737. Eseguito con la tecnica del ricamo ad applicazione, ospita nel fastoso ed intricato pattern decorativo, realizzato con il riuso di decine...
Book cover of Managing soil health for sustainable agriculture Volume 1
by Prof. Rainer Horn, Prof. Samira Daroub, Prof. Henry Lin
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

There has been growing concern that both intensive agriculture in the developed world and rapid expansion of crop cultivation in developing countries is damaging the health of soils which are the foundation of farming. At the same time we are discovering much more about how complex soils are as living...
Book cover of Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action

Neighborhood Change and Neighborhood Action

The Struggle to Create Neighborhoods that Serve Human Needs

by Eileen Ahlin, Maria João Lobo Antunes, Daniel Brisson
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2018

This book is an examination of neighborhood mobilization and engagement from the perspective of several disciplines: psychology, social work, political science, planning, and education. The essays included in the work examine both internal and external factors related to the ability of neighborhoods...
Book cover of Trastornos del habla y de la voz
by Alicia Fernández Zúñiga, Enrique Perelló Scherdel, Gerardo Aguado Alonso
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 14, 2015

La comunicación verbal es fundamental en el desarrollo infantil. La falta de inteligibilidad y fluidez del habla, así como una voz dañada, pueden reducir las interacciones sociales del niño y deteriorar su imagen pública. El presente manual ofrece un análisis actualizado de los principales trastornos...
Book cover of National Service and Volunteerism

National Service and Volunteerism

Achieving Impact in Our Communities

by Maria-Elena Augustin, Emily Bachman, Koen P. R. Bartels
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2014

National service and volunteerism enjoy a rich history in the United States and an emergent future in other parts of the world. However, there remains relatively scant evidence of overall impact of national service programs and volunteer effectiveness. This condition continues to threaten national...
Book cover of Managing Cultural Heritage

Managing Cultural Heritage

An International Research Perspective

by Luca Zan, Sara Bonini Baraldi, Maria Lusiani
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2016

Since the 1990s, heritage studies has emerged as a distinct academic field, and practices and rhetoric drawn from mainstream corporate management and strategic planning have become widespread. Based on extensive research, this book is an in-depth investigation of management practices rather than policies,...
Book cover of Political Women

Political Women

Language and Leadership

by Diane M. Blair, Kenneth Campbell, William Carney
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2013

This collection examines the ways in which women have used political rhetoric and political discourse to provide leadership, or assert their right to leadership, at the national level. While over the years women have broken through traditional roles, they are still underrepresented in political leadership....
Book cover of Quando l'amore uccide. Come e perché la violenza femminicida può nascere dalla coppia romantica

Quando l'amore uccide. Come e perché la violenza femminicida può nascere dalla coppia romantica

Come e perché la violenza femminicida può nascere dalla coppia romantica

by Antonio Piotti, Maria Sara Mignolli
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 4, 2015

Uno psicoanalista e una regista, un uomo e una donna, hanno scritto questo saggio e questa pièce sull’amore da cui emerge come la violenza non sia altro che il lato osceno dell’amore romantico. Non solo, la violenza è così cruda ai giorni nostri proprio perché le sue ore sono contate: nuove...
Book cover of Old or new waves in Capo Graziano decorative styles?

Old or new waves in Capo Graziano decorative styles?

Published in Origini n. XXXVI/2014. Rivista annuale del Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità – “Sapienza” Università di Roma | Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche – Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

by John Ll. Williams, Paola Vertuani, Maria Clara Martinelli
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

Six main decorative styles have been tentatively distinguished in the Early-Middle Bronze age Capo Graziano incised pottery of the Aeolian Islands. This experimental study focuses on the analysis of 68 bowls from the islands of Lipari, Filicudi, Salina and Stromboli and from Milazzo in Sicily. The...
Book cover of Bengasi 1929
by Sergio Porcarelli, Sara Giussani, Maria Francesca Libera Schillirò
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 24, 2016

Storia autobiografica di una dodicenne nata e vissuta a Bengasi, Libia, scappata durante il secondo conflitto mondiale e rimpatriata profuga, in italia
Book cover of Cinema, representação e relações de gênero
by Ana Carolina Maoski, Angélica Fonsêca, Cláudia Linhares Sanz
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 3, 2018

Os artigos do livro Cinema, representação e relações de gênerorefletem o boom das pesquisas de gênero e sexualidade no campo da Comunicação e especificamente do cinema. O objetivo desta publicação, produzida pelo Grupo de Pesquisa de Cinema da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares...
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