Sarah Carol: 27 books

Book cover of Social Integration and Intermarriage in Europe

Social Integration and Intermarriage in Europe

Islam, Partner-Choices and Parental Influence

by Sarah Carol
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2016

Intergroup friendships and marriages are regarded as the most important indicators of immigrants’ social integration, as they represent the most intimate ties that can exist between minority and majority group members. Drawing on unique, large-scale, cross-national survey data, encompassing natives...
Book cover of Indie Chicks: 25 Independent Women 25 Personal Stories
by Cheryl Shireman, Heather Marie Adkins, Heather Marie Adkins
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2014

This exciting anthology contains stories from twenty-five women from different parts of the world. Their ages differ, as do their backgrounds and locations, but one thing they all have in common is a spirit of independence and a determination to not only succeed, but prevail. Whether their struggles...
Book cover of Harlequin Historical June 2015 - Box Set 1 of 2
by Carol Arens, Sarah Mallory, Annie Burrows
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Harlequin® Historical brings you three new titles for one great price, available now! This Historical box set includes: WED TO THE MONTANA COWBOY (Western) by Carol Arens Rebecca Lane has always felt unlovable. But that all changes when she heads West to her grandfather's ranch, where cowboy...
Book cover of Academic Labor

Academic Labor

The Politics of Academic Labor in Communication Studies

by Jonathan Sterne, Thomas A. Discenna, Toby Miller
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2013

USC Annenberg Press has published The Politics of Academic Labor in Communication Studies, edited by Jonathan Stere. This collection features the work of 21 authors who raise difficult questions about academic labor in the field of communication studies. Twenty-one authors take on difficult questions...
Book cover of Harlequin Historical July 2014 - Bundle 1 of 2
by Carol Arens, Sarah Mallory, Juliet Landon
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2014

Harlequin® Historical brings you three new titles for one great price, available now! This Harlequin® Historical bundle includes Rebel Outlaw by Carol Arens, The Scarlet Gown by Sarah Mallory and Betrayed, Betrothed and Bedded by Juliet Landon. Look for six compelling new stories every month from Harlequin® Historical!
Book cover of One-Click Buy: February Harlequin Presents
by Penny Jordan, Lynne Graham, Miranda Lee
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2008

One convenient download. One bargain price. Get all February Harlequin Presents with one click! Bad-boy billionaires, arrogant aristocrats and ruthless tycoons--all powerful men--meet their match in the arms of innocent beauties and feisty spitfires, who teach them a lesson or two about the...
Book cover of The Children's Table

The Children's Table

Childhood Studies and the Humanities

by Annette Ruth Appell, Carol Singley, James Marten
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2013

Like the occupants of the children's table at a family dinner, scholars working in childhood studies can seem sidelined from the "adult" labor of humanities scholarship. The Children's Table brings together scholars from architecture, philosophy, law, and literary and cultural criticism to provide...
Book cover of Gaze Upon Jesus

Gaze Upon Jesus

Experiencing Christ's Childhood through the Eyes of Women

by Alyssa Bormes, Sarah Christmyer, Mary Healy
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2018

What if you had walked beside the Virgin Mary from the Annunciation to the point at which she and Joseph found Jesus in the temple? How might seeing Christ as a child impact you and your faith? WINE: Women In the New Evangelization offers its second, six-week scripture study, this time following...
Book cover of One-Click Buy: September Harlequin Presents
by Carol Marinelli, Sandra Marton, Miranda Lee
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2007

One convenient download. One bargain price. Get all September Harlequin Presents with one click! Passionate romance, glamorous settings, and sexy alpha heroes - what Harlequin Presents is all about! Now you can get eight new titles with just one convenient click of the mouse: Bought by the...
Book cover of Julia Extra Band 373
by Lynne Graham, Sarah Morgan, Carol Marinelli
Language: German
Release Date: November 19, 2013

ZWEITE CHANCE FÜR DIE LIEBE von LYNNE GRAHAM Ist es Rache, die in Vito Barbieris Augen brennt - oder glühendes Verlangen? Vor drei Jahren hat Ava ihrem Traummann durch einen Unfall den Bruder geraubt, nun steht sie ihm wieder gegenüber: Als seine Angestellte! Noch immer sehnt sie sich nach dem...
Book cover of Passions d'Orient

Passions d'Orient

Le bébé du cheikh - La légende de Sheba - L'héritier de Zaraq

by Meredith Webber, Sarah Holland, Carol Marinelli
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Le bébé du cheikh, Meredith Webber En arrivant au Zaheer pour assister au mariage de sa meilleure amie, Melissa ne peut s’empêcher d’éprouver un frisson d’appréhension. Car elle va revoir le cheikh Arun Rahman, le frère du futur marié… et l’homme avec qui elle a vécu une aventure...
Book cover of Julia Extra Band 0266

Julia Extra Band 0266

Die Braut des Sultans / Herz oder Krone? / Liebesabenteuer auf den Bahamas / Wenn nur die Liebe zählt ... /

Language: German
Release Date: May 22, 2007

DIE BRAUT DES SULTANS von MORGAN, SARAH Schon einmal hat der unglaublich faszinierende Sultan ihr das Herz gebrochen. Kühl weist Farrah ihn ab, als sie sich auf einer Modenschau wiedersehen. Doch Tariq gibt nicht auf: Zu Farrahs Überraschung macht er ihr einen Heiratsantrag. HERZ ODER KRONE?...
Book cover of Romana Extra Band 15
by Carole Mortimer, Carol Marinelli, Sarah Leigh Chase
Language: German
Release Date: March 25, 2014

IN DEN ARMEN DES GRIECHISCHEN PLAYBOYS von CHASE, SARAH LEIGH Der reiche Geschäftsmann Timon Vangelis weckt ungeahnte Gefühle in Kylie. Nie zuvor war sie so glücklich wie in den leidenschaftlichen Nächten mit ihm. Doch schon bald sehnt sie sich nach mehr. Vergeblich? Schließlich war Timons Bedingung...
Book cover of High Literacy in Secondary English Language Arts

High Literacy in Secondary English Language Arts

Bridging the Gap to College and Career

by Janet Ives Angelis, Huy Q. Chung, Laura Dacus
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2018

This volume culls scholarship on both what high literacy is and how it is developed. It embraces the call put forth by Langer and Applebee (2016) that high literacy must continue to be our aim and to see more research analyzing and identifying how teachers might promote literacy practices that promote...
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