Scott Richardson: 11 books

Book cover of Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles

Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond Chronicles

The Enigma of Francis Crawford

by Scott Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Since the first installment of Dunnett’s series was published in 1961, Francis Crawford of Lymond, the swashbuckling protagonist of the stories, has been captivating his fellow characters and readers alike. Instead of approaching the books primarily as historical fiction, Richardson, an enthusiastic...
Book cover of 100 Ways to Motivate Others, Third Edition

100 Ways to Motivate Others, Third Edition

How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy

by Steve Chandler, Scott Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2012

The world of leadership has changed dramatically since 100 Ways to Motivate Otherswas written, and now Chandler and Richardson have revised and refreshed their organizational classic to meet the times. They have crafted a vital, user-friendly, inspirational guide for executives, managers,...
Book cover of 勇敢放手的成功領導課 : 100種高明領導人都在用的必勝法
by 史帝夫·錢德勒 (Steve Chandler) ; 史考特·理查森(Scott Richardson) ; 楊憶輝 譯者
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2016

★暢銷作家史帝夫•錢德勒【勇敢系列】作品又一力作! 拋棄「緊迫盯人」的瘋狂想法吧, 其實你永遠都無法控制別人! 通曉本書100種必勝法, 就能成功引導對方達到你想要的目標! 本書要教你如何用尊重、溝通、正向積極的樂觀實際做法, 讓你的部屬把你的話聽進心坎裡, 進而敬重你、勇於負責,使命必達團隊的任務! 真正的領導者會讓他人感覺受尊重,簡單的說,真正的領導人會讓對方感覺自己很美好。如果你需要激勵別人,那麼激勵他人的第一步便是激勵你自己。真正的領導人明白「如果有問題,那麼問題一定在我身上。」一旦你了解這一點,你就可以開始閱讀本書了。 美國知名暢銷作家、企業員工訓練專家,以及有著「現今美國最夠力的演說家」稱號的史帝夫•錢德勒繼全球暢銷著作《勇敢做有錢人》、《勇敢創造自己的奇蹟》後,再次出版《勇敢放手的成功領導課》,挑戰商業企管的「領導」、「激勵」等熱門議題。在錢德勒的妙筆生花中,向來艱澀難懂的領導,竟變成一個又一個具像的實踐方法,讓人看完本書後,不禁想要立馬實踐一番! 好評推薦 本書運用鏗鏘有力的格言與簡單有趣的實例,引導讀者們如何成為一名「不把部屬逼瘋,也能創造亮眼佳績的優秀領導者」,雖然這些格言與實例多與商業界關連,但我相信領導力攸關社會上每一個人。 ──陳立恆 法藍瓷創辦人 很高興本書把身為領導者應具備的技巧,透過一百個行動方案及許多案例,淺顯易懂地介紹給大家。……許這本書,能帶給更多人對於領導的體悟和啟發! ──童至祥 特力集團執行長 史帝夫•錢德勒的教練技巧已經深遠地影響了我的人生。事實上,他已經將我的想法及夢想轉換為行動和事實了。 ──雷丹姆斯•索托(Radames...
Book cover of Get Off the X: A Cia Agent's Guide to Protecting You and Your Family
by Scott Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2016

A former Protective Agent with the CIA shares methods for keeping you and your family safe from crime, home invasion, assaults, shootings, terror attacks, or other threats designed to harm or terrorize you or your family. Whether you are a typical person looking for methods to avoid and handle common...
Book cover of Evidence-Based Medicine E-Book

Evidence-Based Medicine E-Book

How to Practice and Teach EBM

by Sharon E. Straus, MD, W. Scott Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2018

Now in its fifth edition, this classic introduction to the practice and teaching of evidence-based medicine is written for busy clinicians at any stage of their career who want to learn how to practise and teach evidence-based medicine (EBM). It is short and practical, emphasizing direct clinical...
Book cover of 100 regole per motivare gli altri

100 regole per motivare gli altri

Come riescono i grandi leader a ottenere risultati incredibili

by Steve Chandler, Scott Richardson
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 25, 2012

Ogni leader, se vuole davvero imparare a tirar fuori il meglio dagli altri, deve prima di tutto riuscire a mettere in discussione se stesso e le proprie certezze. Poi deve trattenersi dallo scaricare addosso ai collaboratori la propria ansia per i risultati: atteggiamento sbagliato e pericoloso che...
Book cover of Deadlines: A Tribute to William E. Wallace
by Chris Rhatigan, Ron Earl Phillips, Preston Lang
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2018

Deadlines is a tribute anthology dedicated to the memory of writer and crime fiction enthusiast, William E. Wallace. A career journalist, Wallace got a first-hand look at the darker side of humanity working at various papers in California before settling at the San Francisco Chronicle. Upon retiring,...
Book cover of Motorcycle Messengers 2

Motorcycle Messengers 2

Tales from the Road by Writers who Ride

by Jeremy Kroeker, Charley Boorman, Lois Pryce
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2019

Motorcycle Messengers 2 is another collection of stories from some of the leading writers in the motorcycle travel genre ... plus a few people you've never heard of. Consider it a sample pack of authors. Rekindle memories of your own trips, find inspiration for new rides, or learn a few lessons from...
Book cover of Old Law, New Tricks: Using the Clean Air Act to Curb Climate Change
by Scott Schang, Leila B. Azari, Nicholas Bianco
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Few if any people think the Clean Air Act is the optimal legislative solution to climate change; but it is a powerful tool that is being used sometimes despite the prevailing political will. To address this reality, this volume calls on the best writing from the most often-cited environmental law journal...
Book cover of Approaches to Teaching Behn's Oroonoko
by Sharon Alker, Emily Hodgson Anderson, Srinivas Aravamudan
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

Once merely a footnote in Restoration and eighteenth-century studies and rarely taught, Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave (1688), by Aphra Behn, is now essential reading for scholars and a classroom favorite. It appears in general surveys and in courses on early modern British writers, postcolonial literature,...
Book cover of Meteorological Measurement Systems
by Fred V. Brock, Scott J. Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2001

This book treats instrumentation used in meteorological surface systems, both on the synoptic scale and the mesoscale, and the instrumentation used in upper air soundings. The text includes material on first- and second-order differential equations as applied to instrument dynamic performance, and...
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