Sergio: 1038 books

Book cover of La mirada de los peces
by Sergio del Molino
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Tras el éxito sin precedentes de La España vacía, Sergio del Molino regresa con una novela intimista que mira al pasado desde la lucidez resignada del presente, interpelando a todo un país y toda una generación. En 2016, Sergio del Molino no se sorprendió cuando el que había sido su...
Book cover of Vivir con abundancia
by Sergio Fernández
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 12, 2015

Por qué algunas personas consiguen lo que se proponen y otras no. Algunas personas materializan todo aquello que desean sin esfuerzo; otras parecen condenadas a una vida de resignación y sufrimiento. Vivir con abundancia no es un libro: es una revolución que te permitirá pasar a formar parte –y...
Book cover of Storia dell'ingegneria strutturale in Italia – SIXXI 4

Storia dell'ingegneria strutturale in Italia – SIXXI 4

Twentieth Century Structural Engineering: The Italian Contribution

by Gianluca Capurso, Ilaria Giannetti, Tullia Iori
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 15, 2018

Collana STORIA DELL'INGEGNERIA STRUTTURALE IN ITALIA a cura di Sergio Poretti e Tullia Iori n.4 La ricerca SIXXI (Twentieth Century Structural Engineering: the Italian Contribution) ha lo scopo di ricostruire la storia dell'ingegneria strutturale In italia. una storia avvincente, a tratti gloriosa,...
Book cover of Algún día este país será mío
by Sergio Galarza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 4, 2018

"Todo lo que he escrito apunta a la imposibilidad de una amistad. Siempre estuvimos en bandos opuestos". Un escritor peruano residenciado en España decide escribir una novela confesional para conjurar un pasado de complejos y rencores. Este ajuste de cuentas de la memoria...
Book cover of La manzana de oro

La manzana de oro

Ensayos sobre literatura

by Sergio Ramírez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2014

La manzana de oro reúne ensayos literarios que son una prueba más de la adscripción de Sergio Ramírez a la etiqueta de "hombre del Renacimiento", caballero de las letras, de una curiosidad interminable que recorre en este volumen desde episodios del Quijote a anécdotas con Gabriel García...
Book cover of Cocina con Sergio Cupcakes
by Sergio Fernández
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 22, 2013

En Cocina con Sergio Cupcakes encontrarás la manera de elaborar deliciosas recetas y originales decoraciones para cupcakes y cake pops: chocolate con menta, frutas, vainilla, crema de cacahuete... Para Halloween, para cumpleaños, para fiestas… Más de cuarenta formas diferentes de presentar cupcakes...
Book cover of Receta a Receta

Receta a Receta

Los mejores platos regionales de la cocina española

by Sergio Fernández
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 8, 2018

Sergio Fernández, el cocinero de TVE, rinde un merecido homenaje a la riqueza y diversidad gastronómica de nuestro país. Un recetario ordenado por regiones que recupera nuestras tradiciones y sabores de siempre. Hace quince años que Sergio Fernández viaja a lo largo y ancho de la...
Book cover of Le api contrabbandiere e altre favole di nonno Sergio
by Sergio Scipioni
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 21, 2015

Una raccolta di cinque nuove favole scritte dall’autore per gli adorati nipotini ma dedicate anche al pubblico dei suoi lettori. Sergio Scipioni - il cantastorie, come ama definirsi - torna con questa delicata opera per i più piccini, con il suo narrare pacato e partecipe insieme, con il suo sguardo...
Book cover of C'era una volta il West (ma c'ero anch'io)
by Sergio Donati
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 19, 2014

Nelle pagine di C’era una volta il West (ma c’ero anch’io), il grande sceneggiatore Sergio Donati fa rivivere con intensità e divertimento il mito del cinema western di Sergio Leone. Di quel cinema ci svela i segreti e i trucchi e ci racconta un’infinità di aneddoti,...
Book cover of Figure e Persone
by Sergio Andreoli
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 12, 2013

In questo nostro tempo, “connotato da deviazioni e smarrimenti”, Sergio Andreoli sente la necessità di prendere in esame e definire le principali figure che si trova intorno: laici e diaconi, fidanzati e genitori, medici e operai... e tante altre, con la complicazione che, in genere, si appartiene...
Book cover of The Sergio Torres Story

The Sergio Torres Story

From the Brick Factory to Old Trafford

by Sergio Torres, Juan Manuel López
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2013

The true-life story of an imagined Utopia - of willpower, sacrifice and joy, and of daring to dream. Imagine you're working in a brick factory in the Argentine city Mar del Plata, and a 22-year-old colleague tells you he's going to quit his job to become a professional footballer in Europe. Yeah, right....
Book cover of Sergio Aragones' Groo: The Most Intelligent Man in the World
by Sergio Aragones
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 1998

When the barbarian with the lowest IQ in the world starts passing out words of wisdom and advice, all of his old cohorts and enemies come out of the woodwork to find out what's wrong, and no one's more confused than Rufferto, the most loyal little dog in Plentia. The adventures of Groo continue, as...
Book cover of Sergio Aragones' Groo: Death and Taxes
by Sergio Aragones
Language: English
Release Date: January 28, 2003

The three most inevitable things in the world are death, taxes, and another Groo collection from Dark Horse. This one is about the other two: Groo and his loyal pooch Rufferto encounter a king who is forever raising the cost of living and an undertaker who drives up the cost of dying. So the kingdom...
Book cover of Sergio Aragones' Groo: Mightier than the Sword
by Sergio Aragones
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2018

There's no accounting for taste. That must be why so many accountants are buying Groo collections! This trade paperback collects the latest and greatest adventures of Groo, the world's stupidest barbarian. In a savage land of another era, a goodly segment of the world has long been under the heavy...
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