Seven: 53 books

Book cover of Slave To The Sands
by Clare Seven
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2014

Anya was tough. She was a security expert, an ex-marine familiar with working in a war zone, under fire, whether in a combat role or, as was more common for her these days, protecting or rescuing civilians who had had the misfortune to become embroiled in the conflict. And she was very good at it.Surely...
Book cover of Paranormal Short Stories
by Vanessa Seven
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2017

Are you ready to read about some of the most bizarre cases of paranormal, supernatural, ghosts, spirits, angels, time travel, unexplained mysteries, horror, occult, inter dimensional and scary happenings on record? Some of these cases are disturbing and bring out the goose bumps along my spine just...
Book cover of Polyamory in the 21st Century

Polyamory in the 21st Century

Love and Intimacy with Multiple Partners

by Deborah Anapol, Ph.D. author Polyamory in the 21st Century and The Seven Natural Laws of Love.
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2010

Unlike other books on this topic, Polyamory in the 21st Century weaves together research and facts to provide an informed and impartial analysis of polyamory as a lifestyle and as a movement, and to place it in a psychosocial as well as an historical context. Anecdotes and personal experiences allow...
Book cover of The Last Dream Before Dawn
by Seven
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2011

Through several life times Tommy must fight a demon named maximus in order to be reunited with his eternal love Nyle. On an island in the forest in the city and in the desert, with the hero the lover the fake the child the wise old man Each life teahes him a lesson as he comes closer and closer only...
Book cover of Finishing the Mysteries of Gods and Symbols - Volume 0
by Seven Star Hand
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2011

Here is comprehensive proof that the symbolism of many ancient texts, canons, and concepts is an advanced and extremely ancient spiritual and philosophical technology that predates all extant religions and mystery schools. Consequently, here is proof, beyond disproof, that all three so-called Faiths...
Book cover of Year Of The Oar, Book Two Of Her Travail
by Clare Seven
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2014

Justine’s year as a volunteer in a slave galley continues under the cruel whips of the overseers, the unspeakably harsh conditions on that hellship, and the unrelenting, extreme physical exertion at the oar. Now committed, she has no choice but to continue and to suffer the hardships and degradations....
Book cover of YEAR OF THE OAR


Her Travail, Book I

by Clare Seven
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2014

When out-of-work athlete Justine Laing agrees to row on a modern reconstruction of a wooden slave galley – for one million dollars – even the knowledge that she will be naked, chained and forced to work under an overseer's whip can't prepare her for what she will face. The mysterious man...
Book cover of Auf den Schwingen der Sterneneule

Auf den Schwingen der Sterneneule

Indianer-Roman mit der perfekten Kombination aus Action, Liebe und Mystik

by Sanna Seven Deers
Language: German
Release Date: March 24, 2016

Als Sarah eine Nachricht aus Kanada erhält, in der sie zur Beerdigung der Indianerin Little Drum eingeladen wird, fällt sie aus allen Wolken. Sie hat Little Drum nur ein einziges Mal getroffen, und das ist dreißig Jahre her. Damals war sie eine junge Frau, die mit ihrer Schwangerschaft haderte....
Book cover of Der Ruf des weißen Raben
by Sanna Seven Deers
Language: German
Release Date: July 15, 2011

Die Trommeln und Stimmen verstummen, als die wirbelnden Rauchschwaden aufsteigen. Myras Herz pocht beinahe schmerzhaft in ihrer Brust. Sie ahnt nicht, dass sie Zeugin eines Rituals ist, mit dem der Indianer Chad Blue Knife die Geister ruft. Es wird ihre Zukunft und alles, woran sie glaubt, verändern....
Book cover of Das Windlied des Bären
by Sanna Seven Deers
Language: German
Release Date: March 24, 2016

Nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihrer Mutter möchte die junge Carla Bergmann endlich ihren Vater kennenlernen. Als sie herausfindet, dass er Indianer ist und in Kanada lebt, macht sie sich auf den Weg in die Fremde. Dort stößt sie auf ein altes Familiengeheimnis, als dessen neue Hüterin sie sich behaupten...
Book cover of Das Geheimnis des Felskojoten
by Sanna Seven Deers
Language: German
Release Date: June 17, 2016

Die 26-jährige Serena wird durch einen Anruf ihres Bruders in Angst und Schrecken versetzt: Fabian, ein begabter Physiker, ist den dunklen Machenschaften eines mächtigen Konzerns auf die Spur gekommen und in Nordamerika untergetaucht. Von vorahnungsvollen Träumen geplagt, macht Serena sich gemeinsam...
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