Simmons: 879 books

Book cover of Terreur
Language: French
Release Date: March 15, 2012

1845. Vétéran de l'exploration polaire, Sir John Franklin se déclare certain de percer le mystère du passage du Nord-Ouest. Mais l'équipée, mal préparée, tourne court ; le Grand Nord referme ses glaces sur Erebus et Terror, les deux navires de la Marine royale anglaise commandés par Sir John....
Book cover of Les Cantos d'Hypérion - Intégrale 4 Tomes

Les Cantos d'Hypérion - Intégrale 4 Tomes

Hypérion, La Chute d'Hypérion, Endymion, L'Éveil d'Endymion

by Dan SIMMONS, Gérard KLEIN
Language: French
Release Date: December 5, 2013

L'intégrale du cycle des Cantos d'Hypérion, le roman-unives de Dan Simmons, à découvrir dans une édition numérique exclusive ! Sur la planète Hypérion, sept pèlerins entament ensemble un voyage initiatique dont nul ne sait où il les conduira. Les récits de leurs aventures antérieures...
Book cover of Semantic Singularities

Semantic Singularities

Paradoxes of Reference, Predication, and Truth

by Keith Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

This book aims to provide a solution to the semantic paradoxes. It argues for a unified solution to the paradoxes generated by our concepts of denotation, predicate extension, and truth. The solution makes two main claims. The first is that our semantic expressions 'denotes', 'extension' and 'true'...
Book cover of Ilión


Edición de Ilión I (El asedio) e Ilión II (La Rebelión)

by Dan Simmons
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 4, 2019

La historia del asedio de Troya, reconstruida por uno de los grandes maestros de la ciencia ficción moderna. Premio Locus 2004. En un lejano futuro, la guerra de Troya estalla a la sombra del monte Olimpo de Marte, bajo la atenta mirada de Zeus y los suyos. Empiezan las sucias batallas...
Book cover of La soledad de Charles Dickens
by Dan Simmons
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 14, 2010

El 9 de junio de 1865, mientras viajaba en tren a Londres con su amante secreta, Charles Dickens -que entonces contaba con 53 años y se hallaba en la cúspide de su carrera literaria- se vio envuelto en un accidente ferroviario que cambió su vida para siempre. Dan Simmons narra esos últimos...
Book cover of Olympo


Edición de Olympo I (La guerra) y Olympo II (La Caída)

by Dan Simmons
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 4, 2019

La épica conclusión de Ilión, la historia de la guerra de Troya reconstruida por uno de los grandes maestros de la ciencia ficción moderna. Continúa la guerra de Troya protagonizada por inmortales posthumanos en lo más alto del monte Olimpo de Marte. La vengativa batalla de Aquiles y...
Book cover of Pack Joe Kurtz ( Dan Simmons)
by Dan Simmons
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 31, 2014

Contiene: -- 1. Fría venganza (9788490180228) -- 2. Fría revancha (9788498008340). -- 3. Frío como el acero (9788490181126).
Book cover of Frío como el acero
by Dan Simmons
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 23, 2013

SI DISPARAS A JOE KURTZ… MEJOR QUE DISPARES A MATAR. «Simmons ha creado una novela policíaca totalmente despiadada con un ritmo implacable hasta la última página. El antihéroe Joe Kurtz es un icono noir absolutamente imperfecto. Es inteligente, mordaz, culto, y el tipo que nadie querría como...
Book cover of Dead Man Love
by TM Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2018

It's Mardi Gras time in N'awlins, and guess who's partying? Alice has talked Twila into joining her, and of course, Trucker and Miss Molly are around. Even Granny makes an appearance. You don't think Granny Chisolm would miss a chance to catch a slew of beads, do you? But despite Alice's insistence...
Book cover of Winter Prey, Northwood Prey Book 1
by TM Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2012

Terrified she will harm her newly-adopted daughter in the throes of a PTSD flashback, Kymbria James travels to the far Northwood of Minnesota to work with a Native American healer. As the monster captures one after another tribal member and drags each off to its lair, Kymbria is forced into the quest...
Book cover of Upon a Midnight Clear
by TM Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2013

A short story. Can ghosts travel into the past? Is the magic around Christmas time strong enough that past wrongs can be righted? Upon Midnight Clear is T. M. Simmons' annual Christmas short story for her readers. Enjoy!
by Shawn Reilly Simmons
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2019

Penelope Sutherland and her Red Carpet Catering Crew have landed in sunny California for their latest gig, a blockbuster action movie starring Sebastian Beauregard, the hottest new actor out of Australia. Movie industry buzz and the studio boss, Calvin Pope, a seasoned producer who’s seen it all,...
Book cover of Terror



by Dan Simmons
Language: German
Release Date: May 23, 2013

Das große historische Epos – ein einzigartiger Roman England im Jahr 1845: Unter dem Kommando von Sir John Franklin brechen die modernsten Schiffe ihrer Zeit – die „Terror“ und die „Erebus“ – auf, um die legendäre Nord-West-Passage zu finden: den Weg durch das ewige Eis der...
Book cover of Helix



by Dan Simmons
Language: German
Release Date: January 28, 2016

Dan Simmons erschafft die fantastischen Mythen unserer Zeit Mit „Helix“ legt Dan Simmons, der Autor des Bestsellers „Terror“, fünf preisgekrönte Erzählungen vor, die zum Besten gehören, was die SF in den letzten Jahrzehnten hervorgebracht hat. Darunter eine Rückkehr in das Universum...
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