Simon: 5480 books

Book cover of De romanovs

De romanovs


by Simon Montefiore
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 5, 2016

De bejubelde auteur van Stalins jeugdjaren en andere meeslepende biografieën heeft met De Romanovs een toegankelijke, levendige en zeer onthullende geschiedenis geschreven over de uitzonderlijke mannen en vrouwen die Rusland drie eeuwen regeerden. In dit fascinerende werk wendt Simon Sebag Montefiore...
Book cover of The Story of the Jews

The Story of the Jews

Finding the Words 1000 BC-1492 AD

by Simon Schama
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

In this magnificently illustrated cultural history—the tie-in to the pbs and bbc series The Story of the Jews—simon schama details the story of the jewish people, tracing their experience across three millennia, from their beginnings as an ancient tribal people to the opening of the new world...
Book cover of Everybody Hurts

Everybody Hurts

An Essential Guide to Emo Culture

by Trevor Kelley, Leslie Simon
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

What is emo? For starters it's a form of melodic, confessional, or EMOtional punk rock. But emo is more than a genre of music–it's the defining counterculture movement of the '00s. EVERYBODY HURTS is a reference book for emo, tracing its angsty roots all the way from Shakespeare to Holden Caufield...
Book cover of The Perfectionists

The Perfectionists

How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World

by Simon Winchester
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2018

The revered New York Times bestselling author traces the development of technology from the Industrial Age to the Digital Age to explore the single component crucial to advancement—precision—in a superb history that is both an homage and a warning for our future. The rise of manufacturing...
Book cover of House of Fun

House of Fun

20 Glorious Years in Parliament

by Simon Hoggart
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

House of Fun is a bumper collection of Simon Hoggart's finest and funniest sketches written since he took up the poisoned quill twenty years ago. It is instant history with added jokes.Read about how John Major learned the English language from his time in Nigeria. There is Tony Blair, with his verb-free...
Book cover of House of Fun

House of Fun

20 Glorious Years in Parliament

by Simon Hoggart
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2014

Read about how John Major learned the English language from his time in Nigeria. There is Tony Blair, with his verb-free sentences which imply everything and promise nothing. Gordon Brown, the grumpiest prime minister of recent years, both Stalin and Mr Bean. And now David Cameron - who really, really...
Book cover of Send Up the Clowns: Parliamentary Sketches: 2007 2011
by Simon Hoggart
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2011

Picking up where The Hands of History left off, Simon Hoggart's brilliant new collection of parliamentary sketches takes us from the dying days of Tony Blair's leadership, through the shadow-filled days of Gordon Brown and on to the utterly bewildering days of that comedy double-act Cameron and Clegg....
Book cover of 不平靜的太平洋:大航海時代的權力競技場,牽動人類命運的海洋史


Pacific: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs, Brutal Dictators, Fading Empires, and the Coming Collision of the World's Superpowers

by 賽門‧溫契斯特(Simon Winchester)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 8, 2017

**研究古代歷史,不可不知地中海;綜觀今時國際,不可不知大西洋 想掌握未來世界,一定要了解太平洋! 從日不落國至日落帝國的黃昏,殖民到獨立的世界新秩序形成 政治分斷、軍事角逐、氣候變遷、能源環境、物種發現的新研究 太平洋──絕非「太平無事」的海洋 這片美麗、脆弱、巨大的海洋 面臨諸多潛在挑戰與危機,左右著人類的前途 《紐約時報》暢銷書作家 溫契斯特 繼膾炙人口的暢銷書《大西洋》《美國統一功臣》後,最新力作 精彩而生動地探討太平洋的過去、現在,以及它所牽動的未來 深究太平洋現代史上十大關鍵事件 風靡西方國家的電晶體收音機、衝浪活動、化學武器汙染、極端氣候、深海熱泉、珊瑚白化、南北韓分裂、香港回歸、澳洲政局、南海爭奪等** 太平洋廣大得令人難以想像,它是迄今世上最大水域,覆蓋地球表面積近三分之一,對全球的影響亦十分巨大:不僅是世界氣候模式的源頭,也是最危險板塊碰撞運動的核心,海面下一萬多公尺處更有全球最深的海溝。它是西方人發現的最後一座海洋,也是牽引世界前途的大洋,這片幅員廣達1.8億平方公里的水域所發生的一切,攸關著人類全體的命運。 知名作家與探險家溫契斯特,詳述這片複雜得令人目不暇給的巨洋,自1950年代以降所經歷的種種關鍵時刻,以及影響迄今的重大趨勢和事件。讀者首先看到比基尼環礁舉行原子彈試爆後,因遭輻射汙染而成為徒留某種超現實景觀的無人島。書中除了介紹令全球年輕人趨之若鶩的衝浪活動由來背景,也揭露小型電晶體收音機如何點燃從日本東京延燒到美國矽谷的數位革命,進而改變人類的生活,還提到澳洲大堡礁的驚人發現和海底神祕噴口的探勘活動,對於太平洋周邊領土的地緣政治變化、流氓國家北韓的興起、英國殖民時代的結束亦有所著墨,並兼論環境惡化與氣候變遷為這個龐大水域帶來的威脅。 溫契斯特長期接觸太平洋及周邊區域,憑藉淵博的歷史學識和無人能出其右的敘事長才,以生動的文筆為這片浩瀚無垠、美麗神祕、引人遐思的大海寫下這部禮讚之作。 《不平靜的太平洋》首先揭露太平洋絕非「太平無事」的海洋,它其實是個原子海。第二章敘述電晶體收音機的發明和索尼公司的成立經過。第三章提到令全世界年輕人趨之若鶩的衝浪活動。第四章描述早年的北韓政權極度渴望自食其力,邁向經濟與文化獨立,如今該政權因國內政治殘暴、國際行為乖張而淪為笑柄,它持續不斷對外挑釁固然讓今日的太平洋蒙塵,卻具有關鍵性的影響力。隨著殖民列強在擾嚷不安中陸續撤出太平洋區,近年來日本人與其他原住民──美洲印第安人、澳洲土著、毛利人、太平洋諸島居民──又重新投入太平洋事務的運作。第五章以一艘英國遠洋郵輪在太平洋英屬殖民地海域發生重大火災事故拉開序幕,接著提到法國人撤出中南半島、美國人撤離越南、荷蘭人與葡萄牙人揮別其他殖民地,以及領土遍布世界的大英帝國放棄各處殖民地以後,太平洋居民終於獲得早在幾百年前就該享有的自主權。第七章探討澳洲將來會扮演何種角色,會不會在短期之內、長期之後,或是永久、持續運用某種區域勢力? 第六、第八、第九章論及太平洋是形成世界氣候模式的根源,以及爆發危險板塊運動的核心,它蘊藏了大量可供全世界掠奪或維護的海底資源,卻首當其衝遭遇了全球難以逃避的環境危機。第十章是最值得關注的話題:中國。 ※...
Book cover of Big Mouths: The Playboy Interview

Big Mouths: The Playboy Interview

50 Years of the Playboy Interview

by Playboy, Howard Cosell, Gene Siskel
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

These outspoken men never met an opinion that they didnt like—or an opinion that they didnt feel like sharing with everyone else. In this case, they shared their opinions in probing, wide-ranging and provocative interviews that first appeared in Playboy magazine. From the original frenemies Gene Siskel...
Book cover of Evil's Good

Evil's Good

Book of Boasts and Other Investments

by Simon Cawkwell
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2012

Britain’s Simon Cawkwell, (aka ‘Evil Knievil’) is a living legend in trading circles. Famous for spotting overvalued stocks and ‘shorting’ them, Cawkwell has been known to make as much as £500,000 in just one week. Evil’s Good: Book of Boasts and Other Investments offers...
Book cover of A System Apart: Hong Kong’s Political Economy from 1997 till Now
by Mr Simon Cartledge
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2017

Since 1997, Hong Kong's economic growth rate has dropped sharply, inequality has increased, and corruption has found its way to the highest levels of government. These developments, Simon Cartledge argues, can be attributed to the city's 'pro-business' constitution, which has held back change and...
Book cover of Motorcycle Messengers

Motorcycle Messengers

Tales from the Road by Writers who Ride

by Jeremy Kroeker, Ted Simon, Lois Pryce
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2015

Motorcycle Messengers is a collection of travel stories from some of the leading writers in the genre ... plus a few people you've never heard of. Consider it a sample pack of authors. Read a story by the fire and discover your new favourite motorcycle travel writer. Lois Pryce exploits her...
Book cover of Our Separate Ways

Our Separate Ways

The Struggle for the Future of the U.S.–Israel Alliance

by Dana H. Allin, Steven N Simon
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

The future of the relationship between Israel and America is deeply uncertain: the current political leadership of both countries is hostile to the other, there is no longer a sense of shared strategic focus, and demographic changes are forcing the countries further apart with every passing year....
Book cover of The Wild Within
by Simon Yates
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2012

All mountaineers develop differently. Some go higher, some try ever-steeper faces and others specialise in a particular range or region. I am increasingly drawn to remoteness - to places where few others have trod.' The Wild Within is the third book from Simon Yates, one of Britain's most accomplished...
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