Sj : 449 books

Book cover of Doing Aesthetics with Arendt

Doing Aesthetics with Arendt

How to See Things

by Cecilia Sjöholm
Language: English
Release Date: August 18, 2015

Cecilia Sjöholm reads Hannah Arendt as a philosopher of the senses, grappling with questions of vision, hearing, and touch even in her political work. Constructing an Arendtian theory of aesthetics from the philosopher's fragmentary writings on art and perception, Sjöholm begins a vibrant new chapter...
Book cover of CoDex 1962

CoDex 1962

A Trilogy

by Sjón
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2018

Spanning eras, continents, and genres, CoDex 1962—twenty years in the making—is Sjón’s epic three-part masterpiece Over the course of four dazzling novels translated into dozens of languages, Sjón has earned a global reputation as one of the world’s most interesting writers. But what...
Book cover of Ermutigung zum Aufbruch

Ermutigung zum Aufbruch

Eine kritische Bilanz des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils

by Urs Baumann, Christoph Böttigheimer, Margit Eckholt
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2014

Inmitten einer Kirchenkrise geschieht das Unglaubliche: Mit Mut und Entschlossenheit kündigt Papst Johannes XXIII. das Zweite Vatikanische Konzil an. Er weiß, dass die Kirche ihre Botschaft den Menschen von heute nur noch dann vermitteln könne, wenn sie sich öffne, alle Fenster aufreiße und »einen...
Book cover of The Fly Trap
by Fredrik Sjöberg
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

**A Nature Book of the Year (The Times (UK)) “The hoverflies are only props. No, not only, but to some extent. Here and there, my story is about something else.” Amesmerizing memoir of extraordinary brilliance by an entomologist, The Fly Trap chronicles Fredrik Sjöberg’s life...
Book cover of Sacra Pagina: The Gospel of Mark
by John R. Donahue SJ, Daniel J. Harrington SJ
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2016

In The Gospel of Mark Fathers Donahue and Harrington use an approach that can be expressed by two terms currently used in literary criticism: intratextuality and intertextuality. This intratextual and intertextual reading of Mark's Gospel helps us to appreciate the literary character, its setting...
Book cover of Rutilio Grande, SJ

Rutilio Grande, SJ

Homilies and Writings

by Rutilio Grande SJ
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2015

Rutilio Grande, SJ, was the first Jesuit to be assassinated in El Salvador. He was killed on March 12, 1977, for having done the works that Jesus commands with regard to one's neighbor as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church. This volume of his writings and homilies illustrates how he applied the...
Book cover of Perché ci ostiniamo
by Fredrik Sjöberg
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 11, 2018

Entomologo, affabulatore e audace pensatore, Fredrik Sjöberg ci accompagna in nove viaggi di scoperta seguendo il suo fiuto per le storie d’eccezione che si nascondono dietro i dettagli più marginali. Un’escursione sulle tracce di un tiglio centenario o un nome trovato sul retro di un raro autoscatto...
Book cover of The Eucharist in the West

The Eucharist in the West

History and Theology

by Edward J. Kilmartin SJ
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

In the light of its own history, the Catholic theology of the Eucharist, as it is generally understood today, is revealed as a splinter tradition whose deficiencies call for fundamental reformulation. The valid aspects of that theology (for example, the recovery of the role of the Holy Spirit in the...
Book cover of Il re dell'uvetta
by Fredrik Sjöberg
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 7, 2016

«Perché uno non si arrende? Cos’è quel desiderio che lo spinge?» Eccentrico ricercatore, collezionista e narratore della natura e dei personaggi straordinari che l’hanno esplorata, Fredrik Sjöberg ci accompagna in un viaggio alla scoperta dell’inafferrabile Gustaf Eisen. Zoologo, pittore,...
Book cover of L'arte della fuga
by Fredrik Sjöberg
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 1, 2017

«Le esperienze artistiche possono essere travolgenti quasi quanto gli amori», pensa Fredrik Sjöberg quando in una casa d’aste di Stoccolma rimane folgorato dal dipinto di un pino. Spinto dalla sua proverbiale passione per tutto ciò che è insolito, scopre che l’artista è Gunnar Widforss (1879-1934),...
Book cover of Mit liv med heste
by Vivi Sjøner, Prinsesse Natalie Zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
Language: Danish
Release Date: January 12, 2017

Prinsesse, hestepige og en af Danmarks dygtigste dressurryttere: Hesten og interessen for ridning har i den grad formet Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburgs liv. I biografien "Mit liv med heste" går journalist Vivi Sjøner tæt på kvinden med hverdag i staldene og på ridebanen, avlsarbejdet...
Book cover of The Vagina Buffet: Bite size tales of a Brazilian Waxer
by SJ Tierney
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2012

SJ has seen thousands of vaginas. On her quest to normalise them, humor and calamity collide in this compilation of short stories and anecdotes about a girl who takes a break from her career in advertising to open a Brazilian waxing salon. It's not all about vaginas - it's about a girl trying to find...
Book cover of Tweede leven
by SJ Watson
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 2, 2015

In 'Tweede leven' van SJ watson wordt Julia geconfronteerd met de gewelddadige dood van haar zusje Kate in Parijs. Van Kates huisgenote en beste vriendin hoort ze over het dubbelleven dat Kate leidde. Wanneer Julia dit tweede leven van haar zusje onderzoekt, ontmoet ze de charmante en mysterieuze...
Book cover of The Art of Flight
by Fredrik Sjöberg
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

Accidental Journeys with the Bestselling Author of The Fly Trap Stories just begin. We rarely know where and almost never why. It doesn't matter. Nothing is certain any longer. I just want to shut my eyes, point at random and say, as a sort of experiment, that once, when I was sixteen years...
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