Stefano Calicchio: 57 books

Book cover of Professionista 2.0 - come organizzare e gestire il nuovo marketing per consulenti e professionisti.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 27, 2012

Pochi campi lavorativi hanno subito nel corso degli ultimi anni cambiamenti così drastici e profondi come quello della libera professione. Il consulente e il professionista si sono trovati schiacciati all’interno di un paradigma completamente nuovo, dove da un lato l’accesso semplificato alla...
Book cover of Trasmetti il virus! Come sfruttare il virus marketing per dare alle proprie idee un successo strepitoso.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 25, 2016

Vi piacerebbe sapere come dare un irrefrenabile successo ad ogni vostra nuova idea? Questa possibilità esiste, ed è qualcosa di molto reale. Il viral marketing ha già ottenuto uno straordinario seguito e successo in tutto il mondo, e lo ha conseguito per un motivo preciso: funziona! Lo scopo di...
Book cover of EL TRADING ONLINE DE UNA FORMA SENCILLA. Cómo convertirse en un inversionista online y descubrir las bases para lograr un trading de éxito
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 2, 2014

¿Le llama la atención el Trading, pero no sabe por dónde empezar? ¿Le gustaría convertirse en un inversor profesional y saber cómo funcionan los mercados financieros? ¿Quiere crear una actividad alternativa sin horarios laborales, ni jefes o gerentes que le supervisan? Entonces, ¡el trading...
Book cover of ETF. AN EASY APPROACH TO EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS. An introductory guide to ETFs and their investment and trading strategies.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2014

What is an ETF? How does it work? Learning quickly the ETFs basics of trading has never been so easy. In this guide, you will discover all the information you need to exploit the full potential benefits of Exchange-Trade Funds, the benchmark knowledge, the choice of the relevant markets, the study...
Book cover of AN EASY APPROACH TO JAPANESE CANDLESTICKS. The introductory guide to candlestick trading and to the most effective strategies of Technical Analysis.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2013

Would you like to discover one of the most well-known price Analysis Technique used by professional traders and companies? Would you like to learn and understand the market and its financial tools with a simple glimpse? When traders realize the potentialities of this technique, their work improves....
Book cover of AN EASY APPROACH TO THE FOREX TRADING - An introductory guide on the Forex Trading and the most effective strategies to work in the currency market.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: English
Release Date: August 12, 2013

What is the Forex Trading? How it works? Learning quickly the basis of the Forex trading has never been so easy. This complete and simple guide will provide you with the operation mechanism of the Foreign Exchange Market. Here you will find all the information you need to start working in the Forex:...
Book cover of AN EASY APPROACH TO MONEY MANAGEMENT. How to exploit the techniques and strategies of Money Management to improve your own online trading activities.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2013

What is Money Management and how does it work? Learning trading Money Management has never been so easy. For the first time a simple and accessible guide can show you the secrets used by the most successful traders. In this guidebook, you will find all the information you need to set up a proper online...
Book cover of AN EASY APPROACH TO ONLINE TRADING. How to become an online trader and learn the introductory information that are necessary to be successful in this market
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: English
Release Date: May 16, 2014

Are you interested in Trading, but you do not know how to start? Would you like to become a professional investor and know how financial markets work? Do you want to create an alternative activity without working hours, no bosses or managers who oversee you? If so, Online trading is the solution you...
Book cover of LOS EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS DE UNA FORMA SENCILLA: La guía de introducción a los ETFs y a las relativas estrategias de trading e inversión.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 5, 2013

¿Qué es un ETF y cómo funciona? Aprender rápidamente los fundamentos de la negociación de los ETFs nunca ha sido tan fácil hasta ahora. En esta guía usted descubrirá toda la información que necesite para empezar a explotar todo el potencial y los beneficios de los Exchange Trade Funds, pasando...
Book cover of PENSAR E INVERTIR COMO WARREN BUFFETT. El manual que revela las estrategias y la mentalidad del mayor inversionista de todos los tiempos.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 11, 2014

"Te voy a decir cómo llegar a ser rico. Cierra la puerta. Sea cauteloso cuando otros son codiciosos. Sé codicioso cuando otros son cautelosos", Warren Buffett. Por primera vez una monografía dedicada íntegramente al estudio psicológico, estratégico y operativo del hombre que...
Book cover of EL MONEY MANAGEMENT DE UNA FORMA SENCILLA. Cómo aprovechar las técnicas y estrategias del Money Management y mejorar la actividad del trading online.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 6, 2013

¿Qué es el Money Management y cómo funciona? Aprender rápidamente los conceptos básicos de la gestión del dinero en el trading nunca ha sido tan fácil. Por primera vez, una guía sencilla y accesible les enseñará los secretos de los operadores de éxito. En este manual encontrarán, de manera...
Book cover of EL MARKETING DE MANERA SENCILLA. La guía práctica sobre las estrategias básicas de mercadotecnia profesional y orientación comercial
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 12, 2016

¿Qué es y cómo funciona el marketing? ¿Cuáles son las mejores estrategias que permiten encontrar a los clientes y afianzarlos? ¿Cómo hay que estudiar a la competencia, convirtiéndose en líder del mercado? Este libro reúne todos los conocimientos necesarios para responder a todas y...
Book cover of LA PSICOLOGIA RESA SEMPLICE - VOL 2 - Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Da Darwin alle neuroscienze, cosa sono le emozioni e come funzionano.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 16, 2013

Scoprire il significato e il funzionamento delle emozioni non è mai stato così semplice. In questo volume si passano in rassegna le principali correnti di pensiero riguardo la psicologia delle emozioni umane. Dalle teorie dei primi studiosi (come quelle di James e Cannon) fino alle scoperte più...
Book cover of LA PSICOLOGIA RESA SEMPLICE - VOL 1 - Storia della psicologia scientifica. Dalla nascita della psicologia alla neuropsicologia e agli ambiti di applicazione più attuali.
by Stefano Calicchio
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 5, 2012

Scoprire la storia della psicologia ed i suoi ambiti applicativi non è mai stato così semplice. In questo volume si passano in rassegna le principali correnti di pensiero che hanno caratterizzato la nascita e l'evoluzione della psicologia scientifica. Dai primi laboratori di psicologia alla teoria...
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