Steve Jamison: 7 books

Book cover of The Score Takes Care of Itself

The Score Takes Care of Itself

My Philosophy of Leadership

by Bill Walsh, Steve Jamison, Craig Walsh
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2009

The last lecture on leadership by the NFL's greatest coach: Bill Walsh Bill Walsh is a towering figure in the history of the NFL. His advanced leadership transformed the San Francisco 49ers from the worst franchise in sports to a legendary dynasty. In the process, he changed the way football...
Book cover of 硬派領導哲學:美國超級盃鐵頭教練教你堅守團隊紀律,讓成功自己達陣
by 比爾.沃爾希(Bill Walsh)、史帝夫.傑米森(Steve Jamison)、克雷格.沃爾希(Craig Walsh)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 5, 2018

紀律,是一種做事方法,一種領導哲學,更是一種心理準則。 硬派,則是在組織內貫徹紀律;這比打贏球賽還重要。 訂定嚴格鐵律,要求成員遵守,創造優質團隊文化,就是身為領導者該做的事。 ◆他是美國足球聯賽歷史上最偉大的教練, 曾帶領無望球隊重返榮耀,創下令人稱羨的冠軍紀錄—— ◆他是史丹佛大學授課爆滿的超人氣教授, 從球場上退而不休,無私傳授團隊組織領導無上心法—— Twitter...
Book cover of Winning Ugly

Winning Ugly

Mental Warfare in Tennis--Lessons from a Master

by Brad Gilbert, Steve Jamison
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2013

The tennis classic from Olympic gold medalist and ESPN analyst Brad Gilbert, now featuring a new introduction with tips drawn from the strategies of Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams, Andy Murray, and more, to help you outthink and outplay your toughest opponents A former Olympic...
Book cover of The Wisdom of Wooden: My Century On and Off the Court
by John Wooden, Steve Jamison
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2010

The Wisdom of Wooden is John Wooden’s final book, completed just weeks before his passing in June 2010. In it he shares his most treasured memories and never-before-seen photographs as he looks back on an extraordinary life on and off the court. Hailed by many as the greatest coach in the...
Book cover of The Essential Wooden: A Lifetime of Lessons on Leaders and Leadership
by John Wooden, Steve Jamison
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2007

The Essential Wooden--more leadership lessons from the Wooden playbook The Essential Wooden is the ultimate collection of Wooden’s opinions and observations on achieving exceptional leadership in any organization, with 200 invaluable lessons for inspiring championship performance. Coach...
Book cover of Coach Wooden's Leadership Game Plan for Success: 12 Lessons for Extraordinary Performance and Personal Excellence
by John Wooden, Steve Jamison
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2009

“Each member of your team has the potential for personal greatness; the leader’s job is to help them achieve it.” —JOHN WOODEN Coach Wooden’s Leadership Game Plan for Success presents a unique opportunity to study under the man ESPN hails as “the greatest coach of the 20th century.”...
Book cover of 團隊,從傳球開始:五百年都難以超越的 UCLA 傳奇教練伍登培養優越人才和團隊的領導心法
by 伍登 John Wooden, 詹明信 Steve Jamison
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 25, 2015

傳球,比投籃更重要!領導人打的是團體戰不是個人戰! 美國傳奇總教練伍登帶領UCLA連奪七年NCAA冠軍, 在他之前,沒有一間大學能連奪三年冠軍,在他之後, 也只有二名教練能連奪二年冠軍!   伍登教練的傳奇:   ◎帶領UCLA十二年間,勇奪十座冠軍,其中七年連續奪冠   ◎ESPN譽為「世紀教練」   ◎六度獲選為「年度國家教練」   ◎史上第一人以球員和教練雙種身份入選籃球名人堂   ◎以他命名美國傑出大學籃球員「伍登獎」   ◎在他手下調教出超過十位NBA著名球星,包括「天鉤」賈霸   籃球不是個人的球技表現,而是團隊一起爭冠的合作精神。   領導力不展現在得分輸贏,而是成員將團隊榮耀置於個人之上。   領導力不是只有威嚴,溫和才是最強的力量。   本書為傳奇教練伍登一生的領導思想結晶。延續了父親的人生哲學,以及自創著名的「成功金字塔」,伍登在本書中將團隊管理的哲學提升到另一個新的高度,在他的定義下,成功是一種內心的平靜,也即是每個團員付出了100%的全力,內心無愧即是成功,而勝利,僅只是成功的附屬品。   競爭、動機、團結、服從、個人表現……本書不只是一本關於球隊的領導,更是任何組織,乃至個人格品養成的指引。唯有置團隊榮譽於個人表現之上,團隊的成功才是個人的成功。   伍登教練精采的TED演說 名人推薦   譯者序   周汶昊 「NBA台灣官網」球評   專文推薦   李亦伸 「運動內幕」網站創辦人   張嗣漢 好市多亞洲區資深副總裁   各界領導人和運動人具名推薦(按姓名筆畫排列)   何飛鵬 城邦媒體集團首席執行長   林冠羽 「籃球筆記」站長   張立群 體育主播   劉俊業 輔仁大學體育系副教授   顏行書 富邦勇士籃球隊總教練   永遠的勝利者!本書呈現了美國最偉大的領導人之一伍登的領導心法。他關於成功和極致競爭力的觀察和結論,就像寶石般燦爛和充滿價值。──《一分鐘經理》作者 肯恩‧布蘭查(Ken...
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