Steve Scott: 47 books

Book cover of Our Prince of Scribes

Our Prince of Scribes

Writers Remember Pat Conroy

by Cassandra King Conroy, Dottie Ashley, William Balk Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

New York Times best-selling writer Pat Conroy (1945–2016) inspired a worldwide legion of devoted fans numbering in the millions, but none are more loyal to him and more committed to sustaining his literary legacy than the many writers he nurtured over the course of his fifty-year writing life. In...
Book cover of The Civil War in Georgia

The Civil War in Georgia

A New Georgia Encyclopedia Companion

by Albert Churella, Barton A. Myers, Brad Wood
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2011

Georgians, like all Americans, experienced the Civil War in a variety of ways. Through selected articles drawn from the New Georgia Encyclopedia (, this collection chronicles the diversity of Georgia’s Civil War experience and reflects the most current scholarship in...
Book cover of 勇敢放手的成功領導課 : 100種高明領導人都在用的必勝法
by 史帝夫·錢德勒 (Steve Chandler) ; 史考特·理查森(Scott Richardson) ; 楊憶輝 譯者
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2016

★暢銷作家史帝夫•錢德勒【勇敢系列】作品又一力作! 拋棄「緊迫盯人」的瘋狂想法吧, 其實你永遠都無法控制別人! 通曉本書100種必勝法, 就能成功引導對方達到你想要的目標! 本書要教你如何用尊重、溝通、正向積極的樂觀實際做法, 讓你的部屬把你的話聽進心坎裡, 進而敬重你、勇於負責,使命必達團隊的任務! 真正的領導者會讓他人感覺受尊重,簡單的說,真正的領導人會讓對方感覺自己很美好。如果你需要激勵別人,那麼激勵他人的第一步便是激勵你自己。真正的領導人明白「如果有問題,那麼問題一定在我身上。」一旦你了解這一點,你就可以開始閱讀本書了。 美國知名暢銷作家、企業員工訓練專家,以及有著「現今美國最夠力的演說家」稱號的史帝夫•錢德勒繼全球暢銷著作《勇敢做有錢人》、《勇敢創造自己的奇蹟》後,再次出版《勇敢放手的成功領導課》,挑戰商業企管的「領導」、「激勵」等熱門議題。在錢德勒的妙筆生花中,向來艱澀難懂的領導,竟變成一個又一個具像的實踐方法,讓人看完本書後,不禁想要立馬實踐一番! 好評推薦 本書運用鏗鏘有力的格言與簡單有趣的實例,引導讀者們如何成為一名「不把部屬逼瘋,也能創造亮眼佳績的優秀領導者」,雖然這些格言與實例多與商業界關連,但我相信領導力攸關社會上每一個人。 ──陳立恆 法藍瓷創辦人 很高興本書把身為領導者應具備的技巧,透過一百個行動方案及許多案例,淺顯易懂地介紹給大家。……許這本書,能帶給更多人對於領導的體悟和啟發! ──童至祥 特力集團執行長 史帝夫•錢德勒的教練技巧已經深遠地影響了我的人生。事實上,他已經將我的想法及夢想轉換為行動和事實了。 ──雷丹姆斯•索托(Radames...
Book cover of Violent Ends
by Shaun David Hutchinson, Neal Shusterman, Brendan Shusterman
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2015

In a one-of-a-kind collaboration, seventeen of the most recognizable YA writers—including Shaun David Hutchinson, Neal and Brendan Shusterman, and Beth Revis—come together to share the viewpoints of a group of students affected by a school shooting. It took only twenty-two minutes for Kirby...
Book cover of The Virtual University

The Virtual University

The Internet and Resource-based Learning

by Steve Ryan, Bernard Scott, Howard Freeman
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2013

A discussion of the increased accessibility to the Internet and how this has lead to a variety of resources being used for learning. Case studies and examples show the benefits of using the Internet as part of resource-based learning.
Book cover of 100 Ways to Motivate Others, Third Edition

100 Ways to Motivate Others, Third Edition

How Great Leaders Can Produce Insane Results Without Driving People Crazy

by Steve Chandler, Scott Richardson
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2012

The world of leadership has changed dramatically since 100 Ways to Motivate Otherswas written, and now Chandler and Richardson have revised and refreshed their organizational classic to meet the times. They have crafted a vital, user-friendly, inspirational guide for executives, managers,...
Book cover of Mostri Marvel (Marvel Collection)
by Eric Powell, Peter David, Stan Lee
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 28, 2017

I grandi autori dei comics si cimentano con gli enormi mostri della Marvel! Dagli albori della casa editrice, dagli abissi del pianeta o dalle profondità dello spazio, riemergono personaggi mitici come Gogam, Fin Fang Foom e Devil Dinosaur… e a raccontare i loro exploit ci pensano alcune delle...
Book cover of The Final Summons
by Michael C. Bailey, Adam Breckenridge, D. A. D'Amico
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2019

Galactic omens. Apocalyptic wastelands. 14 mind-bending stories of future worlds and dark fantasy on the brink of oblivion. Fate is never written in the stars. From embattled lunar colonies to inter-dimensional courtrooms and the murky alleyways of Victorian London, there’s no telling when...
Book cover of Unloaded Volume 2

Unloaded Volume 2

More Crime Writers Writing Without Guns

by Eric Beetner, Sara Paretsky, E.A. Aymar
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2018

The Anthony-nominated collection of crime stories without guns—the collection we didn't want to be necessary—is back for Volume 2. Two dozen more crime writers have come together to raise their voices and take pen in hand to call for a sensible and reasoned debate about guns in America....
Book cover of Heiresses of Russ 2014: The Year's Best Lesbian Speculative Fiction
by Melissa Scott, Steve Berman, Redfern Jon Barrett
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2014

A book such as this spins not only words but also whole worlds: eighteen of them, representing the best lesbian-themed stories of the fantastic or futuristic published the prior year: An artisan who tests the skills and wares of her friends in the hope of finding the ideal housing for an idealized...
Book cover of FileMaker 12 Developers Reference: Functions, Scripts, Commands, and Grammars
by Bob Bowers, Steve Lane, Scott Love
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2012

The new FileMaker 12 allows you to build unparalleled databases for a wide variety of devices, from Windows and Mac desktops to iPhones and iPad. With 10 million registered customers, FileMaker's users are "average Joes" who are knowledge workers, subject matter experts, and business users from all walks...
Book cover of The Essential Guide to Game Audio

The Essential Guide to Game Audio

The Theory and Practice of Sound for Games

by Steve Horowitz, Scott R. Looney
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2014

The Essential Guide to Game Audio: The Theory and Practice of Sound for Games is a first of its kind textbook and must-have reference guide for everything you ever wanted to know about sound for games. This book provides a basic overview of game audio, how it has developed over time, and how you can...
Book cover of Reaching a Generation for Christ

Reaching a Generation for Christ

A Comprehensive Guide to Youth Ministry

by Wesley Black, Pamela Campbell, Paul Borthwick
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 1997

Things have changed. The Truth has not. The 1950's are gone forever. The days of the Sunday school attendance award and the much-loved Sunday school picnic have faded into oblivion. Yet some youth ministries still operate as if today's kids are living in a vacuum, unaffected by the changing morals...
Book cover of The Practical Guide to Project Management Documentation
by John Rakos, Karen Dhanraj, Scott Kennedy
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2015

Project Management The one-stop resource for project management documentation and templates for all projects The success of any project is crucially dependent on the documents produced for it. The Practical Guide to Project Management Documentation provides a complete and reliable source of explanations...
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