Steven Sloman: 4 books

Book cover of The Knowledge Illusion

The Knowledge Illusion

Why We Never Think Alone

by Steven Sloman, Philip Fernbach
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2017

**“The Knowledge Illusion is filled with insights on how we should deal with our individual ignorance and collective wisdom.” —Steven Pinker We all think we know more than we actually do.** Humans have built hugely complex societies and technologies, but most of us don’t even...
Book cover of 知識的假象:為什麼我們從未獨立思考?


The Knowledge Illusion: Why We Never Think Alone

by 史蒂芬.斯洛曼, Steven Sloman, 菲力浦.芬恩巴赫
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 1, 2018

★《人類大歷史》作者哈拉瑞 推薦 ★《經濟學人》《金融時報》《紐約時報》《出版人週刊》 一致好評 世界愈來愈複雜,人類卻未正視自己的無知。 如何才能避免自以為是, 進而提高我們的決策準確率,獲得更好的結果? 這是一本精準有趣的人類智慧使用手冊, 將帶你從認知科學的全新角度去了解人的思考和心智, 為生活、理財和未來,做出最佳選擇! 其實我們沒有自己想得那麼聰明,但並不表示我們不能生活得更好。 懂得在知識上謙卑、認清理解的侷限, 然後將他人的智慧占為己用,我們就能為每件事做出正確的選擇。 在社交媒體盛行、假新聞層出不窮的時代,人們搞不清楚自己不懂哪些事,對自身的無知渾然不覺,許多評論和錯誤觀念才會難以改變,本書正是要探討這種「知識的假象」。 人類之所以能主宰地球,是因為無與倫比的群體思考能力,正因為智慧存在於眾人之中,不屬於任何個人,因此我們可以在集思廣益之下修正弱點和錯誤,運用知識共同體打造出異常強大的社會頭腦。當人類真正「知己所不知」,明白自己也是問題的一環,才能在需要時獲得協助,填補知識上的漏洞。無論是投資理財、感情觸礁、購買房產、人際關係等,我們可以擷取知識共同體的資源,克服與生俱來的限制,做出更聰明適切的決定。 【熱烈好評】 ◎本書所提出的觀點不僅能幫助我們思考公共事物,也可以應用到個人面向。讀起來峰迴路轉,讓我們看到人類的智能為何可以既淺薄又強大──端看你如何善用群體的智慧。——馮勃翰...
Book cover of Causal Models

Causal Models

How People Think About the World and Its Alternatives

by Steven Sloman
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2005

Human beings are active agents who can think. To understand how thought serves action requires understanding how people conceive of the relation between cause and effect, between action and outcome. In cognitive terms, how do people construct and reason with the causal models we use to represent our...
Book cover of Cognitive Unconscious and Human Rationality
by Gerd Gigerenzer, Shira Elqayam, Jean Baratgin
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Examining the role of implicit, unconscious thinking on reasoning, decision making, problem solving, creativity, and its neurocognitive basis, for a genuinely psychological conception of rationality. This volume contributes to a current debate within the psychology of thought that has wide...
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