Stuart: 2807 books

Book cover of Clive Cussler
by Stuart Leuthner
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2017

Books by Clive Cussler, grand master of adventure, have been published in over 40 languages and 100 countries, appearing more than nineteen times on The New York Times bestseller list. Set against a backdrop of the world's mysterious, uncharted, and treacherous oceans, his intrepid protagonists battle...
Book cover of Autobiography
by John Stuart Mill
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

According to Wikipedia: "John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 8 May 1873), English philosopher, political theorist, political economist, civil servant and Member of Parliament, was an influential British Classical liberal thinker of the 19th century whose works on liberty justified freedom of the individual...
Book cover of Autobiography
by John Stuart Mill, John Robson
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2006

One of the greatest prodigies of his era, John Stuart Mill (1806-73) was studying arithmetic and Greek by the age of three, as part of an astonishingly intense education at his father's hand. Intellectually brilliant, fearless and profound, he became a leading Victorian liberal thinker, whose works...



Language: French
Release Date: December 4, 2015

Philosophe, écrivain et économiste anglais, John Stuart Mill (20 mai 1806 à Londres - 8 mai 1873 à Avignon) est l'un des plus grands penseurs anglais et des plus influents du libéralisme   du XIXe siècle. Il est un partisan de l'utilitarisme, une théorie éthique préalablement exposée...
Book cover of President Carter

President Carter

The White House Years

by Stuart E. Eizenstat
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

The definitive history of the Carter Administration from the man who participated in its surprising number of accomplishments—drawing on his extensive and never-before-seen notes. Stuart Eizenstat was at Jimmy Carter’s side from his political rise in Georgia through four years in the White...
Book cover of Crude Justice

Crude Justice

How I Fought Big Oil and Won, and What You Should Know About the New Environmental Attack on America

by Stuart H. Smith
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2015

“A page turner that reads like a crime novel—only the events documented in the book are all too real” (David Sirota, author of Back to Our Future). One day in Laurel, Mississippi, a twenty-six-year-old expectant mom named Karen Street sat down at the edge of her bathtub—and felt her...
Book cover of Ireland Awakening
by Eva Stuart Watt
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 1952

Eva Stuart Watt creates a memoir of her days in Ireland. Often sacrificing comfort and safety, she spends her time with the youth of the day living out the love of God. See how God provides and blesses a life that is given away.
Book cover of The Daughters of George III
by Dorothy Margaret Stuart, Alan Sutton
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2016

It is, as Lord Melbourne hinted to Queen Victoria, 'a little curious that so many good-looking children should have been born of the union between George III and Queen Charlotte.' His florid youthful comeliness soon passed, leaving him with protuberant eyes and pendulous lips, and even the Queen's...
Book cover of Harnessing Horsepower

Harnessing Horsepower

The Pat Moss Carlsson Story

by Stuart Turner
Language: English
Release Date: May 10, 2019

The book covers the life of one of the greatest women rally drivers of all time, Pat Moss Carlsson. Pat had a highly successful show-jumping career before moving into motorsport, going on to become European Ladies Rally Champion no fewer than five times. In 1960, with her co-driver Ann Wisdom, she...
Book cover of The Big Four

The Big Four

The Curious Past and Perilous Future of the Global Accounting Monopoly

by Ian D. Gow, Stuart Kells
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2018

**"Messrs. Gow and Kells have made an invaluable contribution, writing in an amused tone that nevertheless acknowledges the firms' immense power and the seriousness of their neglect of traditional responsibilities. 'The Big Four' will appeal to all those interested in the future of the profession--and...
Book cover of 華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課:上完這堂課,世界都會聽你的【暢銷20萬冊增修版】
by 史都華.戴蒙, Stuart Diamond
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 1, 2018

★博客來、誠品、金石堂冠軍書!華爾街日報、今日美國報暢銷書No.1 ★《商業周刊》特別報導,價值100萬的談判課 ★Google全球教育訓練指定教材,各大企業與學校機關指定讀物 ★戴蒙教授專程撰寫新版序言,問候台灣讀者!原則不變,案例更新、更切合當下現況 ★全球最優秀學生拚命競標、財星五百大企業主管爭相說讚的談判課,如今掌握在你手裡。 人生無處不是談判,每次你都能爭取更多── ▍陳瑞燕上了課,讓飛機掉頭回來載她。 ▍拉馬克上了課,說服公司加薪35000美元。 ▍拉提爾上了課,超速被攔下卻沒被開罰單。 ▍薩維亞羅夫上了課,說服5歲女兒自動打掃房間。 ▍戴蒙教授更善用談判,請動最好的醫師開刀救他一命! 12個教戰技巧,3萬學生親身實證,140萬讀者口碑盛讚! 全球暢銷140萬冊,華頓商學院連續20年最受歡迎的課程菁華完整公開 每一年,只有最優秀的學生才能進入華頓商學院,當川普、巴菲特和伊隆.馬斯克的校友。史都華.戴蒙教授的談判課,連續20年都是華頓商學院最搶手的課程,他的學生更稱他為「學術界的搖滾巨星」!本書是這堂課的課程菁華。 戴蒙教授強調,無論是要求店家折價100元,還是要求廠商降價1萬元,所使用的談判工具都是一樣的。意思就是,當你學會戴蒙教授的談判技巧,在生活各面向你都能爭取更多!他所教過的3萬個學生都獲得他的真傳,在各行各業如魚得水。 如果你想在商場上取得更好的交易條件、希望在人際關係中獲得更多的主導權、想讓家庭關係與親子關係更融洽,戴蒙教授的談判技巧,將帶給你超乎想像的優勢! ‧交通安全篇 卡洛斯超速被警察攔下了。他知道自己有錯,會被開罰單。但是他仍然運用談判技巧,最後警察提醒他「以後開車小心點」,就放他走了。 Key...
Book cover of The Six Fundamentals of Success

The Six Fundamentals of Success

The Rules for Getting It Right for Yourself and Your Organization

by Stuart Levine
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

“The business environment is so uncertain that no can afford to miss a step. Some forces are out of out control–recessions, cutbacks, layoffs. But being the best we can be at our job is not. We have total control over that.” --From the Introduction of The Six Fundamentals of Success Everyone...
Book cover of Capitalism at the Crossroads

Capitalism at the Crossroads

Next Generation Business Strategies for a Post-Crisis World

by Stuart L. Hart
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2010

Today’s era of economic crisis has sent a powerful message: The age of "mercenary" capitalism is ending. We must finally embark on a new age of sustainable, stakeholder-based capitalism. While enlightened executives and policymakers understand the critical need for change, few have tangible plans for...
Book cover of Mastering Corporate Finance Essentials

Mastering Corporate Finance Essentials

The Critical Quantitative Methods and Tools in Finance

by Stuart A. McCrary
Language: English
Release Date: January 6, 2010

An essential guide to corporate finance Understanding corporate finance is a necessity for financial practitioners who struggle every day to find the right balance between maximizing corporate value and reducing a firm's financial risk. Divided into two comprehensive parts, Mastering...
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