Stuart: 2807 books

Book cover of Witchy Business

Witchy Business

Witch Detectives, #1

by Eve Paludan, STUART SHARP
Language: English
Release Date: July 23, 2014

WITCH AND FAMOUS, by Eve Paludan and Stuart Sharp, is the first book in the continuing best-selling WITCH DETECTIVES series of paranormal romance novels with noir humor, snappy dialogue, and enchanted thrills. What do a werewolf and a warlock have in common? They're no match for Elle Chambers....
Book cover of Witch and Famous

Witch and Famous

Witch Detectives, #2

by Eve Paludan, STUART SHARP
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2014

WITCH AND FAMOUS, by Eve Paludan and Stuart Sharp, is the second book in the continuing best-selling WITCH DETECTIVES series of paranormal mystery romance novels. What would you do with unspeakable power? WITCH AND FAMOUS is a compelling supernatural mystery romance. In WITCH AND FAMOUS,...
Book cover of Broken Imaginary Time
by Stuart Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2016

What would you do to be with the woman of your dreams? How far would you go for love?
Book cover of Secrets To Drawing Realistic Children
by Carrie Stuart Parks, Rick Parks
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2008

Drawing children has never been easier! Maybe you can't stop your favorite child from growing up, but you can create timeless memories with pencil, paper and some simple drawing skills. Now you can capture your most cherished moments in a way no ordinary photograph can. Here to show...
Book cover of Danger Close

Danger Close

The True Story of Helmand from the Leader of 3 PARA

by Stuart Tootal
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2009

Colonel Stuart Tootal is the first senior commander to provide an account of the fighting in Afghanistan. A gritty portrayal of unforgiving conflict, Danger Close captures the essence of combat, the risks involved and the aftermath. 3 PARA was the first unit into Helmand in 2006. Sent on a...
Book cover of British Redcoat vs French Fusilier

British Redcoat vs French Fusilier

North America 1755–63

by Stuart Reid
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2016

Providing a unique glimpse into the experiences of regular British and French infantry during the French and Indian War, Stuart Reid reveals what it was like to fight in three battles at the height of the struggle for Canada: La Belle-Famille, the Plains of Abraham and Sainte-Foy. In 1755, Britain...
Book cover of Die Negerfrage

Die Negerfrage


by John Stuart Mill
Language: German
Release Date: June 2, 2016

Der große liberale Denker John Stuart Mill zeigt in einem Leserbrief von 1850, dass die Kritik an der Sklaverei und der Kampf gegen die Unterdrückung der Schwarzen nicht als eine philanthropische Gefühlsregung verkürzt oder missdeutet werden sollte. Bei der Frage nach der Sklaverei gehe es - gewissermaßen...
Book cover of System der deduktiven und induktiven Logik

System der deduktiven und induktiven Logik

Eine Darlegung der Principien wissenschaftlicher Forschung, insbesondere der Naturforschung (A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductiv, beeing a connected view of the principles and the methods of scientific investigation)

by John Stuart Mill
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2012

John Stuart Mill: System der deduktiven und inductiven Logik. Übertragen von J. Schiel. Dritte deutsche, nach der fünften des Originals erweiterte Auflage. In zwei Teilen. Braunschweig: Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, 1868. Erstdruck: London (John Parker) 1843. Erste deutsche Übersetzung von J. Schiel...
Book cover of Über die Freiheit
by John Stuart Mill
Language: German
Release Date: August 15, 2018

John Stuart Mill war ein britischer Ökonom und Philosoph und gilt als Begründer des modernen Liberalismus, der den Staat in der Pflicht sah, die Freiheit jedes Individuums zu schützen und zu verteidigen. »Die Urteilskraft ist den Menschen gegeben, damit sie sie gebrauchen. Sollen wir sie darum nicht anwenden, weil wir uns irren können?«
Book cover of Yellow Dog Cafe Cookbook
by Stuart J. Borton
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2010

Create comfort food with a flair. Stuart Borton does it every day as chef-owner of the Yellow Dog Café, and he has written a cookbook that brings the home cook into his kitchen. In the colorful, 216-page Yellow Dog Café Cookbook, he shares his shortcuts for being a well-prepared cook, which takes...
Book cover of Anarquismo y Lucha de Clases
by Stuart Christie, Albert Meltzer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 16, 2014

Las compuertas que contienen las caudalosas aguas de la anarquía se están resquebrajando. Los liberales aligerarían la presión desviando parte de la corriente; los conservadores apuntalarían diques; los totalitarios construirían una presa todavía más...
Book cover of Obsession. Ein Milliardär zum Verlieben - Gesamtausgabe
by Emma M. Green, Felicity Stuart
Language: German
Release Date: February 6, 2016

Liebe, Leidenschaft, Erregung … Erliegen Sie der Versuchung? Zwischen Leidenschaft und Hass ist es nur ein kleiner Schritt …Auch wenn Violette Saint-Honoré das Leben in vollen Zügen genießt sie küsst nicht jeden! Als der Milliardär Blake Lennox, der große Sternekoch, die junge Hochbegabte...
Book cover of Two Tales of Ocotillo Wells
by Stuart Matthew Davis
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2011

Join Orson "Ocotillo" Wells on his illusive search for his daughter. These two tales follow his violent and quixotic adventures. One Man's Treasure Ocotillo leanrs that his daughter has cancer and no treatment options. A doctor in Mexico will try an experimental drug for 100 thousand...
Book cover of Keeping the Faith in Interfaith Relationships
by Stuart Dauermann
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

In Keeping the Faith in Interfaith Relationships, Stuart Dauermann calls for a reconsideration of the long held assumption that a Jew who believes in Jesus exits from Jewish life. Dauermann represents Jesus, not as an exit, but as an entrance into more serious engagement with Jewish life. The implications of this perspective for interfaith couples, both Christians and Jews, are profound.
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