Tamra: 93 books

Book cover of The Tenth Amendment
by Tamra B. Orr
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2011

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were born out of a highly contentious and passionate ideological debate over the relative balance of federal versus state powers. The Tenth Amendment is a further attempt to address the challenges of reaching and maintaining that balance. Readers will learn...
Book cover of The Vo-Tech Track to Success in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security
by Tamra B. Orr
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2014

Whether people are inspired by events such as 9/11 or the simple desire to help others, or they want to start in on a meaningful career without going to a four-year college, vo-tech careers in law, public safety, corrections, and security are more popular than ever. This volume offers readers an overview...
Book cover of Zest
by Tamra B. Orr
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2013

We all know people who greet every new day with a big smile and lots of positive, can-do energy, regardless of the anxieties, stresses, problems, and obstacles that may be looming. A growing body of research suggests having zest can result in greater success; greater happiness and well-being; better...
Book cover of Somali Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Somali Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of Somalia in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Somali heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy...
Book cover of Cuban Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Cuban Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of Cuba in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Cuban heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy in...
Book cover of Dominican Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Dominican Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of the Dominican Republic in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Dominican heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book...
Book cover of Syrian Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Syrian Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of Syria in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Syrian heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy...
Book cover of Afghan Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Afghan Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of Afghanistan in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Afghan heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy...
Book cover of Nepali Heritage
by Tamra Orr
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Nepali Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of Nepal in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Nepali heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy...
Book cover of McGraw-Hills Nursing School Entrance Exams 2/E

McGraw-Hills Nursing School Entrance Exams 2/E

Strategies + 8 Practice Tests

by Thomas A. Evangelist, Tamra Orr, Judy Unrein
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2013

WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED on your nursing school entrance exam We've put all of our proven expertise into McGraw-wHill's Nursing School Entrance Exams to make sure you're ready for this crucial test. Whether you're taking the NLN PAX-RN, TEAS, PSB-RN, or HESI, this book gives you essential skill-building...
Book cover of Radical Responsibility

Radical Responsibility

Celebrating the Thought of Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

by Harris, Michael J., Rynhold
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2014

Celebrating one of the greatest Jewish scholars of our time, Radical Responsibility brings together thirteen luminaries of Jewish and Western thought to explore the intellectual legacy of Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. Centred on the fundamental themes of his work, ethics, justice, religion, and...
Book cover of 別讓績效管理毀了你的團隊
by 譚拉.錢德勒(M. Tamra Chandler )
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 11, 2016

95%的主管不滿意自家的績效管理機制, 90%的人資長認為績效評估的結果不可靠! 你需要一套量身打造的績效管理流程, 真正提振團隊士氣、留住人才、激發員工表現! 許多公司會把績效管理和年度考核相提並論,一般而言,這種做法強調否定而非肯定,阻礙了管理者和員工之間有建設性的對話,讓員工感到厭惡,也讓管理和人事部門頭痛不已,根本無法激勵員工,也不能改善績效。大家對於過時無效的績效管理方法無可奈何又無計可施,只能忍受,但許多企業已開始正視這個問題,如Google、GE、NetFlix、微軟、高盛等知名企業,都已在嘗試拋棄傳統的績效考核方式! 本書作者提出了確實有效的替代方案,透過她的績效管理重新啟動(Performance...
Book cover of America's Best Colleges for B Students
by Tamra B. Orr
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2015

High school students who get average grades and don’t ace the SAT or ACT discover that an exceptional college education is by no means beyond their reach with this guide. Along with information on what to look for in a college and what colleges look for in their students besides grades, this college...
Book cover of Twilight of Jewish Philosophy
by Wright, Dr Tamra Wright
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2013

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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