Taylor Pearson: 6 books

Book cover of The End Of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom without the 9-to-5
by Taylor Pearson
Language: English
Release Date: November 10, 2015

The rapid development of technology and globalization has changed the leverage points in accumulating wealth: money, meaning and freedom. Those that don’t adapt are becoming trapped in the downward spiral of a dying middle class - working harder and earning less. Entrepreneurs that understand the...
Book cover of 就業的終結:你的未來不屬於任何公司
by 泰勒•皮爾森(Taylor Pearson)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 4, 2016

★ 甫出版即登 Amazon 商管書 Top 1  ★《Inc.》推薦三大必讀創業書之一  ★ Amazon 4.6顆星好評推薦  「後就業時代」重磅來襲!  科技、全球化已經徹底改變人類生活方式  如果我們仍用過去百年的方式工作,怎麼會有未來?  追蹤發展,看清工作趨勢最重要的一本書!  =======================================================  親愛的麥克斯:  你的職位已被住在菲律賓的瑪莉莎取代。  她擁有倫敦大學學位,而且非常樂意以10美元時薪做你這份會計工作。  謝謝你長久以來為公司的付出。  人力資源部 敬啟  =======================================================  怎麽回事?麥克斯擁有高學歷、令人羨慕的工作,加班從無怨言。  但是,他就突如其來被解雇了……  人再拚命,也拚不過改朝換代的顛覆。  你已經知道:  新興市場年輕人企圖心旺盛,現在任何知識其實都能從網路學習,  企業能從任何角落雇用有能力的人,還有軟體、人工智慧正在取代人們工作。  但你可能仍然百思不解:  科技明明應該帶來新未來,為何今日企業加倍投入人力、資源,  卻無法創造出如同過去的成功?  為何這麼多年輕人降低期待還是找不到適合的工作?  ▎我們正處於兩個截然不同經濟發展的轉型期  我們覺得身陷停滯,並非因為全球性經濟衰退,  而是不知道自己處於兩個截然不同經濟發展的轉型期。  要搭上新的成長列車,我們必須放棄只找尋穩定明確的工作之路,  讓自己擁有在錯綜複雜的環境中也能發展出應對風險的能力。  本書作者泰勒‧皮爾森(Taylor...
Book cover of The Role
by Richard Taylor Pearson
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2016

Mason Burroughs is an actor on the verge of giving up after being turned away at audition after audition. But his life changes when he bumps into Kevin Caldwell, an old crush from acting school. Kevin helps Mason land a role that could make him the next Broadway star. However, as rehearsals begin,...
Book cover of Robot Ethics

Robot Ethics

The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics

by Colin Allen, Wendell Wallach, James J. Hughes
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2011

Prominent experts from science and the humanities explore issues in robot ethics that range from sex to war. Robots today serve in many roles, from entertainer to educator to executioner. As robotics technology advances, ethical concerns become more pressing: Should robots be programmed to...
Book cover of Shareholder Democracies?

Shareholder Democracies?

Corporate Governance in Britain and Ireland before 1850

by Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson, James Taylor
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2011

Understanding the challenges of corporate governance is central to our comprehension of the economic dynamics driving corporations today. Among the most important institutions in capitalism today, corporations and joint-stock companies had their origins in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth...
Book cover of Old Law, New Tricks: Using the Clean Air Act to Curb Climate Change
by Scott Schang, Leila B. Azari, Nicholas Bianco
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Few if any people think the Clean Air Act is the optimal legislative solution to climate change; but it is a powerful tool that is being used sometimes despite the prevailing political will. To address this reality, this volume calls on the best writing from the most often-cited environmental law journal...
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