The: 5435 books

Book cover of Manual de instruções da Echo Amazon : Os 30 melhores improvisos e segredos para iniciantes dominarem o Amazon Echo & Alexa
by The Blokehead
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: January 17, 2019

O guia perfeito para o Amazon Echo!   Este livro é um assistente definitivo e prático que permitirá os iniciantes a configurar e a utilizar o dispositivo Amazon Echo de forma rápida e eficiente. À medida que o lê, você compreende e se prepara para receber todos os benefícios que este...
Book cover of Guia Sobrevivencialista : Guia & Manual Essencial de Prontidão para Sobrevivencialistas!
by The Blokehead
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 3, 2016

O desastre atinge-nos sem qualquer aviso prévio. Uma mera tempestade pode transformar-se em algo muito devastador em algumas horas. Um terramoto pode atingir-nos a qualquer altura sem aviso. Tudo pode acontecer sem deixar muito tempo para nos prepararmos. É por esta razão que é importante estar preparado...
Book cover of Religião Para Ateus, O guia definitivo para ateus & Manual para Religião sem Deus
by The Blokehead
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 1, 2016

O ateísmo é definido pela rejeição ou falta de crença na existência de um ser supremo, em geral, chamado de Deus, as pessoas que praticam essa crença são chamadas de ateus, mas há uma distinção para essa crença: uma forma de ateísmo é o simples caso de ceticismo, há uma descrença de que...
Book cover of Secrets of a Jewish Male Slave
by The Original JMS
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2012

Are you a fantastic woman that feels youre not being treated as a true princess by your significant other? If youre interested, Id like to help you attain that exalted status by offering your man relationship advice through this humorous book on how to become a Jewish Male Slave.
Book cover of Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy


by “The Goddess”
Language: English
Release Date: April 7, 2014

Some people appear to be immune, others become immune. HOWEVER, you can gain or lose immunity, so to assume you can't get it if you never have before is foolish. People change as they age. I would never assume that I was immune at any time no matter what my past experience was.
Book cover of Trend Handelsmarken - die Entwicklung und Akzeptanz der Bio Handelsmarken im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
by Käthe März
Language: German
Release Date: October 31, 2012

Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Handel und Distribution, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, früher: Berufsakademie Stuttgart, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 'Eine Studie des Instituts für Handelsforschung zeigt: Der Kauf von Handelsmarken ist für den überwiegenden...
Book cover of Gestalt Awareness Practice: Christine Stewart Price
by The Gestalt Legacy Project
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2018

This text is a comprehensive introduction to Gestalt Awareness Practice.
Book cover of Guida tascabile per maniaci dei libri
by The Book Fools Bunch
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Un libro che si propone come una sorta di indispensabile «bibbia» per i veri lettori forti, gli instancabili e inarrestabili «maniaci» dei libri. Impossibile elencare tutto ciò che questa anomala guida contiene, tra mille rimandi e richiami tra l’una e l’altra sezione. A titolo puramente...
Book cover of Kleine Cowboys ganz groß
by The BossHoss
Language: German
Release Date: February 12, 2015

Boss und Hoss wissen ganz genau, was sie einmal werden wollen, wenn sie groß sind: Cowboys natürlich! Doch auf einem Pferd zu reiten oder das Lasso zu schwingen ist gar nicht so einfach. Aber sind nicht genau das die Dinge, die man können muss, um ein wahrer Cowboy zu sein? Als Boss...
Book cover of No. 1 Suspect

No. 1 Suspect

A DJ Smith and Gorgonzola mission

by The Mulgray Twins
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2016

Book cover of Schiavi d'Amore
by Lucrezia, Archie the Red Cat illustratore
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 4, 2014

L'imperatore Nalee è la creatura più potente dell'intero Universo che ha conquistato e possiede. Eppure trema di desiderio e paura d'amare di fronte a uno schiavo alieno, un gladiatore terrestre. Mentre i  suoi due fratelli gemelli sulla Terra trovano sulla loro strada un timido e impacciato studente di medicina che gli bloccherà il respiro.
Book cover of Cooking Light Slim-Down Recipes

Cooking Light Slim-Down Recipes

88 Indulgent Dishes

by The Editors of Cooking Light
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds, feel refreshed, or simply make healthier lifestyle choices, better-for-you options don't have to mean boring meals.
Book cover of Vos en Haas en de dief van Iek
by Sylvia Vanden Heede, Tjong-Khing The
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 6, 2014

?Neef is de neef van Vos. Jak is een boef. Neef wil ook wel een boef zijn. Boeven zijn stoer. Ze dragen een masker en een pet en smeden snode plannen. Neef bedenkt een heel slim plan, maar Jak weet nog iets beters. Ze gaan alles stelen bij Vos. Alles, ook de schat met het hart van goud?
Book cover of Vos en Haas (Interactief e-book)(E-boek - ePub-formaat)
by Sylvia Vanden Heede, Tjong-Khing The
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 31, 2015

Met deze gloednieuwe interactieve editie van het e-book Vos en Haas, naar de succestitel van Sylvia Vanden Heede en Thé Tjong-Khing, oefent je kind op een speelse manier zijn of haar leesvaardigheid. Beginnende lezertjes kunnen met dit e-book het boek zelf lezen of luisteren naar het audioverhaal...
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