Thomas F Madden: 6 books

Book cover of Venice


A New History

by Thomas F. Madden
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2012

An extraordinary chronicle of Venice, its people, and its grandeur Thomas Madden’s majestic, sprawling history of Venice is the first full portrait of the city in English in almost thirty years. Using long-buried archival material and a wealth of newly translated documents, Madden weaves...
Book cover of The Crusades Controversy

The Crusades Controversy

Setting the Record Straight

by Thomas F. Madden
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2017

This short book, written by medieval historian Thomas Madden, offers a fresh perspective on the Crusades. He refutes the commonly held belief that the Crusades are the reason for the current tensions between Islam and the West and that Catholics are to blame for starting them in the first place. Closing...
Book cover of Empires of Trust

Empires of Trust

How Rome Built--and America Is Building--a New World

by Thomas F. Madden
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2008

An acclaimed historian offers an optimistic view of the future of the United States in the light of Roman history Maybe the end of the American ascendancy is not upon us. Maybe the U.S. will continue to dominate the world for centuries. Now award-winning historian Thomas Madden delivers an...
Book cover of Istanbul


City of Majesty at the Crossroads of the World

by Thomas F. Madden
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2016

For more than two millennia Istanbul has stood at the crossroads of the world, perched at the very tip of Europe, gazing across at the shores of Asia. The history of this city—known as Byzantium, then Constantinople, now Istanbul—is at once glorious, outsized, and astounding. Founded by the Greeks,...
Book cover of 榮耀之城.伊斯坦堡:位處世界十字路口的偉大城市
by 湯瑪士.麥登(Thomas F. Madden)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 27, 2018

如果你是羅傑.克勞利《1453:君士坦丁堡的陷落》的忠實讀者 就不能錯過講述這座榮耀之城3000年史的史詩巨作 它,曾是凱撒之城,也曾是蘇丹之都, 千百年來屹立在歐亞的十字路口上,看盡成王敗寇、世事滄桑 湯瑪士.麥登是個說書人,本書將細說從頭自西元前七世紀希臘時代建城 直到二十一世紀的現代土耳其,橫跨近三千個歲月的伊斯坦堡千年史 伊斯坦堡佇立於歐洲之端,遙望亞洲海岸,三千多年來始終以世界十字路口城市之姿傲立,歷史上從未有其他城市長久位處世界舞台的核心,擔當諸多偉大帝國與多元文化之都。在本書中,讀者將親眼目睹改變世界歷史的男男女女,包括亞歷山大大帝、君士坦丁大帝、狄奧多拉皇后、征服者穆罕默德二世、蘇萊曼大帝及現代土耳其國父凱末爾。此外讀者也將見證雄偉的狄奧多西城牆、裝飾華美的聖索菲亞大教堂,以及三千年來伊斯坦堡的改變與重生。 正如其橫跨歐、亞的地理位置,伊斯坦堡永遠在諸多兩極中來回擺盪,是東西文明的交會點與戰場:歐洲與亞洲、希臘文化與波斯文化、東羅馬與西羅馬、羅馬公教與希臘正教、基督教與伊斯蘭教。千年中它曾是帝國榮耀之都,但也曾數度淪為罪惡淵藪之城;它曾擁有基督教世界堡壘之稱的狄奧多西城牆,但也曾數度遭外敵或內奸長驅直入,五十萬人的繁華之都轉瞬成為一片廢墟。伊斯坦堡的迷人之處就在其多文化的融合角力,以及不斷變動的歷史,前者讓人目不暇給,後者則令人掩卷嘆息。 本書是近年少見以伊斯坦堡史為核心的通俗歷史作品。美國聖路易大學歷史系教授,專研歐洲中世紀史的湯瑪士.麥登,以傑出的文字能力、淵博的地中海文明知識、三十多年進出伊斯坦堡的實地考察經驗,傳承西方的說書人傳統,為伊斯坦堡寫下一卷令人驚嘆的傳記,捕捉該城市數世紀以來的榮耀與挫敗、繁華與崩殞。《榮耀之城.伊斯坦堡》不只是一座城市的故事、一部單純的城市史,更是近三千年來,東西方文明在世界的十字路口衝突、併吞、建設、妥協、相互影響的故事,在在可以給予我們驚喜與反省。 【專家導讀、各界推薦】 倫敦大學國王學院博士、中興大學歷史系助理教授│范姜士璁 專文導讀 「轉角國際」專欄作家│王健安 作家│阿潑 「故事:寫給所有人的歷史」網站主編│胡川安 歷史學者、政治評論家│胡忠信 「說書Speaking...
Book cover of Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Volume 4, Ecosystem-Based Management

by Hector Alafita Vásquez, Mr. William W. Arzapalo, Donald M. Baltz
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2013

The fourth volume in the Harte Research Institute’s landmark scientific series on the Gulf of Mexico provides a comprehensive study of ecosystem-based management, analyzing key coastal ecosystems in eleven Gulf Coast states from Florida to Quintana Roo and presenting case studies in which this integrated...
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