Thomas Siegel: 11 books

Book cover of Geschichte der Erbschaftsteuer
by Thomas Siegel
Language: German
Release Date: January 17, 2012

Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Jura - Rechtsphilosophie, Rechtssoziologie, Rechtsgeschichte, Note: keine, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Geschichtliche Übersicht der Entwicklung der Erbschaftsteuer. Die Erbschaftsteuer gilt als die älteste bekannte Steuer, da sie bereits vor mehr als 4.000 Jahren im sumerischen Reich erhoben wurde.
Book cover of Siegel and Shuster's Funnyman

Siegel and Shuster's Funnyman

The First Jewish Superhero, from the Creators of Superman

by Thomas Andrae, Mel Gordon, Jerry Siegel
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2010

Here is a kaleidoscopic analysis of Jewish humor as seen through Funnyman, a  little-known super-heroic invention by the creators of Superman. Included are complete comic-book stories and daily and Sunday newspaper panels from Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster’s creative fiasco.Siegel and Shuster,...
Book cover of After Snowden

After Snowden

Privacy, Secrecy, and Security in the Information Age

by Edward Wasserman, David Cole, Jon Mills
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Was Edward Snowden a patriot or a traitor? Just how far do American privacy rights extend? And how far is too far when it comes to government secrecy in the name of security? These are just a few of the questions that have dominated American consciousness since Edward Snowden exposed the breath of...
Book cover of Prejudicial Appearances

Prejudicial Appearances

The Logic of American Antidiscrimination Law

by Robert C. Post, Judith Butler, Thomas C. Grey
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2001

In Prejudicial Appearances noted legal scholar Robert C. Post argues modern American antidiscrimination law should not be conceived as protecting the transcendental dignity of individual persons but instead as transforming social practices that define and sustain potentially oppressive categories...
Book cover of Sitting Together

Sitting Together

Essential Skills for Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy

by Thomas Pedulla, LICSW, Ronald D. Siegel
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2014

This practical guide helps therapists from virtually any specialty or theoretical orientation choose and adapt mindfulness practices most likely to be effective with particular patients, while avoiding those that are contraindicated. The authors provide a wide range of meditations that build the core...
Book cover of Iatrogenicity


Causes and Consequences of Iatrogenesis in Cardiovascular Medicine

by Dirk Loznitzer, Fatima Ali, Uzair Ansari
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2017

Iatrogenesis is the occurrence of untoward effects resulting from actions of health care providers, including medical errors, medical malpractice, practicing beyond one’s expertise, adverse effects of medication, unnecessary treatment, inappropriate screenings, and surgical errors. This is a huge...
Book cover of Along the 46th

Along the 46th

Short Fiction

by Darlene Naponse, Matthew Heiti, Robert Dominelli
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2016

A far from ordinary selection of short stories from Northern Ontario's newest literary press, Latitude 46 Publishing. 13 authors, 13 unique perspectives on the space beneath the 46th parallel. Prepare to confront and re-imagine the places we call home, the homes we promised ourselves we'd never revisit, and the promises we thought we could keep.
Book cover of Surgery of the Skin E-Book

Surgery of the Skin E-Book

Procedural Dermatology

by June K. Robinson, MD, C. William Hanke
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2014

Master the latest medical and cosmetic procedures with Surgery of the Skin, the most comprehensive dermatological surgery resource available. Written from the surgeon’s perspective, this medical reference book features step-by-step guidance on performing the most updated developments and cutting...
Book cover of Mindfulness in psicoterapia

Mindfulness in psicoterapia

Tecniche integrate

by Thomas Pedulla, Ronald D. Siegel, Susan M. Pollak
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Negli ultimi dieci anni, tra i professionisti della salute mentale, è esploso l’interesse per la meditazione mindfulness. Non solo la mindfulness ha trovato un posto nella psicoterapia tradizionale, ma attualmente è l’area della pratica clinica che si sta sviluppando con maggior rapidità. Molti...
Book cover of Bruckmann Reiseführer Azoren: Zeit für das Beste

Bruckmann Reiseführer Azoren: Zeit für das Beste

Highlights, Geheimtipps, Wohlfühladressen

by Brigitte Siegel, Thomas Stankiewicz
Language: German
Release Date: July 27, 2018

Handverlesene Autoren-Tipps und Empfehlungen für eine individuelle Reiseplanung, über 400 inspirierende Fotos und eine praktische Faltkarte zum Herausnehmen sorgen nicht nur für eine stressfreie Planung, sondern auch für einen entspannten Urlaub auf den Azoren.Das Archipel rund um São Miguel...
Book cover of Musterverträge für das Krankenhaus

Musterverträge für das Krankenhaus

Praxishandbuch der Bayerischen Krankenhausgesellschaft

by Rainer Metzger, Gunter Bienert, Thomas Rüger
Language: German
Release Date: May 15, 2014

In einem Krankenhaus als Wirtschaftsbetrieb besteht aufgrund der sehr unterschiedlichen Aufgabenbereiche ein hoher Bedarf an juristischen Vertragsmustern, Formulierungshilfen und Mustertexten. Dieser war bisher weder über die verfügbaren Muster ohne konkreten Bezug zum Krankenhauswesen noch über bereits...
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