Thomas Walter: 87 books

Book cover of Facets of Liberty

Facets of Liberty

A Libertarian Primer

by L. K. Samuels, Thomas Szasz, Douglas Casey
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2017

Facets of Liberty is a collection of historical articles by well-known liberty activists and theorists from the early days of the libertarian, voluntaryist, classical liberal and individual anarchist movements, which first emerged during the turbulent 1960s. These articles lay a foundation to understand...
Book cover of Philosophy of Childhood Today

Philosophy of Childhood Today

Exploring the Boundaries

by Thomas J. J. Storme, Giuseppe Ferraro, Walter Omar Kohan
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2016

Although philosophy of childhood has always played some part in philosophical discourse, its emergence as a field of postmodern theory follows the rise, in the late nineteenth century, of psychoanalysis, for which childhood is a key signifier. Then in the mid-twentiethcentury Philipe Aries’s seminal...
Book cover of The 9/11 Commission Report: Complete Edition

The 9/11 Commission Report: Complete Edition

Full and Complete Account of the Circumstances Surrounding the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

by Thomas R. Eldridge, Susan Ginsburg, Walter T. Hempel II
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2018

This eBook edition of "The 9/11 Commission Report" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country....
Book cover of Expanding American Anthropology, 1945-1980
by Mary Elmendorf, Robert B Textor, John L Landgraf
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2012

Expanding American Anthropology, 1945–1980: A Generation Reflects takes an inside look at American anthropology’s participation in the enormous expansion of the social sciences after World War II. During this time the discipline of anthropology itself came of age, expanding into diverse subfields,...
Book cover of Ecocriticism, Ecology, and the Cultures of Antiquity
by Anna Banks, Roman Bartosch, Hannes Bergthaller
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2016

Although current environmental debates lay the focus on the Industrial Revolution as a sociopolitical development that has led to the current environmental crisis, many ecocritical projects have avoided historicizing their concepts or have been characterized by approaches that were either pre-historic...
Book cover of Innovation Guerilla (in a Nutshell)
by Thomas Duschlbauer, Walter Lanz, Armin Hattmannsdorfer
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2014

Innovation Guerilla is an approach that is focused on the social dimension of innovation. An inspiration or a good idea does not by any means suffice. It is essential to convince others of the reasonability and necessity of the innovation and to bring it to market maturity. The more radical an innovation...
Book cover of Violence, Conflict, and World Order

Violence, Conflict, and World Order

Critical Conversations on State Sanctioned Justice

by Gregg Barak, Mahin Ashki, Gregg Barak
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2006

This is an ethnographic collection of 12 edited talks and conversations from a conference on violence, conflict, and the world order held at Eastern Kentucky University. The conference was organized by Carole Garrison, Chair of Criminal Justice and Police Studies at EKU, who arranged for video recording...
Book cover of Deutsche Außenpolitik des Wilhelminischen Kaiserreich 1890–1918
by Walter Demel, Andreas Rose, Susanne Lachenicht
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2014

Die Außenpolitik des Deutschen Kaiserreiches ist fraglos eines der zentralen und bis heute umstrittensten Themenfelder der Neueren Geschichte. Die europäischen Rivalitäten, das imperiale Ringen um überseeische Besitzungen und die zunehmende Bedeutung der eigenen Öffentlichkeit für das außenpolitische...
Book cover of Gotthardfantasien


Eine Blütenlese aus Wissenschaft und Literatur

by Thomas Fries, Elke Shoghig Hartmann, Jens Herlth
Language: German
Release Date: May 11, 2016

Wiege der Eidgenossenschaft, militärisches Réduit, Transitort, technisches Experimentierfeld, Fiktionsmaschine: Der Gotthard setzt Fantasien frei, und zwar nicht nur im Jahr der Eröffnung des Basistunnels, sondern schon seit mehr als zwei Jahrhunderten. Experten aus Politik-, Geschichts-, Kultur-...
Book cover of Die Sachensucherin

Die Sachensucherin

55 kurze Geschichten

by Matthias Amann, Helen Anderer, Roland Bärwinkel
Language: German
Release Date: August 14, 2015

Als das Literaturbüro Ruhr, der Klartext Verlag und Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe ihren Wettbewerb "Geschichten zum Mitnehmen" ausschrieben, ahnten sie nicht, wie unüberhörbar das Echo darauf sein würde. 1449 Einsendungen trafen im Literaturbüro ein, viele enthielten die maximal möglichen zwei...
Book cover of Geschichte Österreichs

Geschichte Österreichs

Reclams Ländergeschichten

by Thomas Winkelbauer, Christian Lackner, Brigitte Mazohl
Language: German
Release Date: October 7, 2015

"...die Gegend, die in der Volkssprache Ostarrîchi heißt..." wird erstmals so genannt in einer Urkunde Kaiser Ottos III. für das Erzbistum Freising. Sie trägt das Datum 1. November 996 und liegt heute im Hauptstaatsarchiv in München. Wegen dieser Urkunde feierte Österreich im Jahr...
Book cover of Grandes Ecoles - La fin d'une exception française
by Thomas Lebègue, Emmanuelle Walter
Language: French
Release Date: September 10, 2008

Vous pensez que les diplômés des grandes écoles vivent dans une sorte de paradis professionnel, où le chômage n'existe pas et où le pouvoir d'achat progresse de 5 % par an ? Eh bien... vous avez raison. Pourtant, le système des grandes écoles françaises ne vacille plus, il tangue....
Book cover of The Riddle of the Frozen Flame
by Thomas W. Hanshew, Mary E. Hanshew, Walter De Maris
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

Mr. Maverick Narkom, Superintendent of Scotland Yard, sat before the litter of papers upon his desk. His brow was puckered, his fat face red with anxiety, and there was about him the air of one who has reached the end of his tether.
Book cover of Entweltlichung der Kirche?

Entweltlichung der Kirche?

Die Freiburger Rede des Papstes

by Jürgen Erbacher, Michael N. Ebertz, Alois Glück
Language: German
Release Date: April 24, 2012

"Die von ihrer materiellen und politischen Last befreite Kirche kann sich besser und auf wahrhaft christliche Weise der ganzen Welt zuwenden, wirklich weltoffen sein ... Um so mehr ist es wieder an der Zeit, die wahre Entweltlichung zu finden, die Weltlichkeit der Kirche beherzt abzulegen."...
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