Ti: 101 books

Book cover of Corre como un etíope

Corre como un etíope

Manual para entrenar como un atleta de élite

by Marc Roig Tió
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 13, 2016

Correr como un etíope es el deseo de la mayoría de la gente que ha encontrado en esta actividad un placer sin igual. Y aunque parezca mentira, sí se puede entrenar como los récords del mundo. El autor de este libro te explica cómo, desde la experiencia personal de haber sido «liebre de lujo»...
Book cover of Green Jobs for Sustainable Development
by Ana-Maria Boromisa, Sanja Tišma, Anastasya Raditya Ležaić
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2015

A ‘green economy’ must be built on ‘green jobs’ - the kind of employment that is low carbon, intended to reduce energy use and expected to restore environmental quality. But attempts to define exactly what a ‘green job’ is have led to varied and often contradictory answers. There are many...
Book cover of Commander's Wild Side

Commander's Wild Side

Bold Flavors for Fresh Ingredients from the Great Outdoors

by Tory McPhail, Ti Adelaide Martin
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2009

Dozens of dishes featuring wild game, fish, and fowl from one of america's favorite restaurants With legendary talent, the freshest ingredients possible, and a tradition of fun, Commander's Palace proves that great restaurants only get better with time. A New Orleans institution since 1880,...
Book cover of The Tenement Elemental
by Ti King
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2011

Four short prose stories of the modern day occult, bound together by the four elements. Four seperate lives share a single fate, interwoven in the greater picture. A News Anchor burning inside, devoured by his own guilt. A soldier discovering that the war is never over, even once the fighting is done....
Book cover of Karneval des Todes
by Jan Orbahn, Anna-Katharina Höpflinger, Nadine Baumann
Language: German
Release Date: August 4, 2017

Karneval, eigentlich ein buntes Treiben, um das Leben zu feiern und dieses ohne Tabus für wenige Stunden im Jahr zu genießen. Man verkleidet sich, um ausgelassen und frei die Sorgen der Welt für kurze Zeit vergessen zu können. Doch hinter so mancher Verkleidung verbirgt sich ein wahrer Schrecken,...
Book cover of The End of the World Confusion About the Bible
by Bossant Ti Denis
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

After you are done reading The End of the World Confusion About the Bible You will have the knowledge to stand comfortably in front of whoever to speak. You will go from a listener to a speaker because you will know what others don’t. You will know the complete and correct meaning...
Book cover of Understanding law and the state
by Bojan Tičar
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2013

This book has been written as a university study book intended to be used as an aid in understanding the main institutions of law and the state. Its purpose can be found in a thought paraphrased from the Roman philosopher and orator Marcus Tullius Cicero: Non enim tam praeclarum est scire leges quam...
Book cover of Environmental Finance and Development
by Sanja Tišma, Ana Marija Boromisa, Ana Pavičić Kaselj
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

This book focuses on environmental financing in the process of alignment with the EU. Based on comparative analysis of national environmental strategies and financial needs, and their links with strategic development documents in five selected countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, Croatia,...
Book cover of Performance of Mutual Funds in India

Performance of Mutual Funds in India

A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector Mutual Funds

by Ti. M. Swaaminathan
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2011

This book is the result of six years of studios research. Mutual fund is a subject that has gained popularity in recent time not only among the players in the stock market, but also among the households and other investors\' in various forms. This book is comprehensively designed to intensively analyze...
Book cover of Die 1968er-Jahre in der Schweiz

Die 1968er-Jahre in der Schweiz

Aufbruch in Politik und Kultur

by Damir Skenderovic, Christina Späti
Language: German
Release Date: June 30, 2013

Lange Zeit hat sich die schweizerische Geschichtsforschung kaum mit den Ereignissen um das Jahr 1968 befasst. Im Gegensatz zu anderen europäischen Ländern hielt sich hartnäckig die Meinung, "1968" habe in der Schweiz nicht stattgefunden. Erst seit kurzem existieren Studien, historische...
Book cover of La Pire Espèce
by Ptiluc, Richard Malka, Agathe André
Language: French
Release Date: October 7, 2015

C'est une île mystérieuse n'apparaissant sur aucune carte... Et peuplée d'animaux surprenants : des hyènes féministes qui se disputent tout le temps, des ânes gauchistes qui apprennent à ne pas courir plus vite les uns que les autres, des pitbulls dirigés par celui-qui-joue-sur-les-peurs...
Book cover of L'eau froide gardée: D'une cendre
by Salah Stétié
Language: French
Release Date: August 31, 2014

« — Qui sauvera ce pays du martèlementDes soldats qui s'avancent sous un triomphePour arracher l'eau froide gardée — et la prendre ? » L’eau froide gardéeEcrits dans une langue riche, somptueuse et envoutante, le poème L’eau froide gardée, suivi de profondes réflexions...
Book cover of Nem csak egy kaland
by Havasréti József
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Budapest, 1973. Egy kutatócsoport új tudatmódosító anyagot tesztel. Konzultánsuk Aron Jakovlevics Suler, a szovjet pszichiátria szürke eminenciása, akiről lényegében senki nem tud semmit. A kísérlet egyik magyar résztvevője a saját útját járja: őrült képzelgéseinek engedelmeskedve...
Book cover of L'énergie thermonucléaire
by Claude Étiévant, Paul Angoulvent
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1976

Un Que sais-je qui nous permet de faire le point sur les multiples ressources offertes par l'énergie thermonucléaire et qui, de nos jours, et au vu des préoccupations environnementales qui nous concernent tous, offre une réflexion intéressante sur les alternatives énergétiques. Extrait de la...
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