Tom Fletcher: 26 books

Book cover of The Ravenglass Eye
by Tom Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2012

A malevolent power is on the prowl - and it's hungry for death. Edie is a barmaid at The Tup in the small town of Ravenglass. So far, so normal. But when she is caught in a freak earthquake she develops a strange new power - 'The Eye' - which allows her glimpses of other worlds and mysterious...
Book cover of The Leaping
by Tom Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2010

An astonishing and innovative blend of horror, folktale and disturbing realism, The Leaping is the first instalment in what is shaping up to be a genre-defining series. Jack finished university three years ago, but he's still stuck in a dead-end job in a sinister call-centre in Manchester....
Book cover of The Thing on the Shore
by Tom Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2013

The Thing on the Shore takes place in a call center in Whitehaven. When Artemis Black (from The Leaping) is assigned to manage the centre on behalf of a mysterious multinational corporation called Interext, the isolation and remoteness of the place encourage him to implement a decidedly unhinged personal...
Book cover of Idle Hands

Idle Hands

The Factory Trilogy Book 2

by Tom Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2017

Can Wild Alan unite the Discard against the tyranny of the Pyramid? Idle Hands is an ancient disease that once tore through the Discard, and if Wild Alan doesn't find a way into the Black Pyramid to administer the cure to his son, Billy, it will soon be stalking Gleam once again. Even with...
Book cover of The Creakers
by Tom Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2019

At night, this mischievous bunch peeks out from under your bed. When you hear that creak . . . creak . . . THE CREAKERS are there! Discover a hilarious and eerie middle-grade story by a UK star. What would you do if you woke up to a world with no grown-ups? When all the parents in the...
Book cover of Friosaurio Rex
by Tom Fletcher
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 9, 2017

Una historia sobre la amistad, la familia, la Navidad y la magia, que te demostrará la fuerza que puede tener un deseo y que lo imposible... a veces sucede. Estáis a punto de compartir esta aventura con: Un niño llamado William Trundle, (sí, es un apellido raro pero no podía escoger). Brenda...
Book cover of Der Weihnachtosaurus
by Tom Fletcher
Language: German
Release Date: October 2, 2017

»Lieber Weihnachtsmann, ich wünsche mir einen echten Dinosaurier ...« Die Weihnachtswichtel am Nordpol sind ganz aus dem Häuschen, als sie tief im Eis ein geheimnisvolles Ei entdecken. Der Weihnachtsmann höchstpersönlich brütet das Ei unter seinem dicken Po aus. Zur Verblüffung aller...
Book cover of Der Weihnachtosaurus und die Winterhexe
by Tom Fletcher
Language: German
Release Date: October 14, 2019

Endlich wieder Weihnachten mit dem Weihnachtosaurus! Ein Jahr nach seiner Begegnung mit dem außergewöhnlichsten Dinosaurier aller Zeiten, dem Weihnachtosaurus, bekommt William Trudel eine Einladung an den magischen Nordpol vom Weihnachtsmann persönlich. Dort trifft er während einer exklusiven...
Book cover of 13 Tales To Give You Night Terrors
by Elliot Arthur Cross, Troy H. Gardner, Erin Callahan
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2015

Murder, mayhem, maniacs... these thirteen horror stories are guaranteed to give you night terrors!Journey with us into the dark heart of horror as authors from around the globe reveal their deepest fears. From Scotland and England across the Atlantic to the USA, we meet a pair of twins with...
Book cover of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Drought on the Canadian Prairies
by Jose Armando Boninsegna, Barrie Bonsal, Darrell Corkal
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Although there is considerable historical literature describing the social and economic impact of drought on the prairies in the 1930s, little has been written about the challenges presented by drought in more contemporary times. The drought of 2001-02 was, for example, the most recent large-area,...
Book cover of How Clients Buy

How Clients Buy

A Practical Guide to Business Development for Consulting and Professional Services

by Tom McMakin, Doug Fletcher
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2018

The real-world guide to selling your services and bringing in business How Clients Buy is the much-needed guide to selling your services. If you're one of the millions of people whose skills are the 'product,' you know that you cannot be successful unless you bring in clients. The problem is,...
Book cover of 為什麼客戶會買單:好的專業不用賣!讓顧客自己捧錢上門的7個秘密


How Clients Buy: A Practical Guide to Business Development for Consulting and Professional Services

by 湯姆.麥瑪欽(Tom McMakin)、道格.弗萊徹(Doug Fletcher)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: April 9, 2019

服務性產業實戰銷售的最佳指南 洞悉客戶購買專業服務的決策路徑 你在銷售自己的專業服務時,是否總卡在以下的情境? ●資金有限,欠缺本錢灑廣告來吸引客戶 ●競爭者眾多,不做區隔難以顯現自己獨到之處 ●專業能力無形無痕,不知怎麼說服客戶自己有真本事 ●總算跟客戶搭上線,卻遲遲沒辦法說服對方成交 投身諮詢和專業服務領域所面臨的困難,與銷售有形產品者很不同。 你是某一門服務的專業高手,卻沒人教過你怎麼找到客戶、帶進訂單, 但不去深入了解客戶的購買方式,很容易在激烈的市場競爭中倒下。 如果你拿捏不準強迫推銷或無感推銷的界線, 或是一想到「銷售專業服務」腦袋就一片空白,完全狀況外, 這本書便是你的救星,祭出務實可行的銷售建議把你拉出泥淖: ●把口碑傳出去,建立富有成效的連結 ●拋開自我宣傳的恐懼,宣揚你的成就 ●贏得潛在客戶的信任,以便打造持久關係 ●揚棄銷售宣傳話術,支持誠實、積極和價值互惠 成功的諮詢和專業服務,不需要四處叫賣、低價搶市, 而是要協助客戶走過動心購買的決策路徑,由他們自願掏錢出來。 掌握7個讓客戶動心的秘密,誘發高品質客戶的興趣, 一旦客戶明白你真的能協助他們解決問題,他們就會主動來找你! 【專業推薦】 林明樟 財報名講師/超級數字力創辦人 鄭緯筌 台灣電子商務創業聯誼會共同創辦人 解聰文 奧必概念國際業務發展總監 琳恩.道蒂 安侯建業聯合會計師事務所美國總裁兼執行長 了解客戶購買服務真正的理由,可能是商業中最困難的話題。聆聽顧客的聲音、了解客戶的動機,這本書幫你洞悉行銷魔術的基本原則及方法,值得各種行業的專業人士珍惜! ——解聰文(Martin...
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