Tooty Nolan: 37 books

Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Stepladder to the Stars
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2016

Museum of Future Technology curator, Hakking Chestikov, visits the mystical mountain kingdom of Kah-Ki-Pu for cosmetic surgery. The resulting physiological changes exceed his wildest dreams, but personal disaster strikes on the return journey, which ultimately leads to potential salvation from extermination for the braver souls of Worstworld.
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Worstworld Volume Two
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2016

What a nightmare planet Worstworld turns out to be. An impending supernova is not good news for starters. There's loads of other stuff happening to our intrepid earplug explorers too. And who could possibly feel secure on a planet that has a mystical mountain kingdom named Kah-Ki-Pu?
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Time Shard Museum
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2018

In this, the 29th photo-novel, former nun - Buttox Barkingwell - is inspired to bring the version of the Museum of Future Technology (that she had discovered previously beneath the ice upon a mountain side far, far away) back to life; and in doing so rival the original museum. This is bad news for...
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Those Magnificent Earplugs
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2017

From the farthest reaches of space comes the worst news possible for the silicon residents and visitors of the Museum of Future Technology: the K T Woo has been destroyed, with the loss of all hands aboard. Step up Magnuss Earplug: just one of many magnificent earplugs whose self-appointed task is...
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Return of the Prodigal Earplug Volume Two
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2016

Ballington the Cork God now rules a disjointed Museum that remains torn by Time Storms. And Mr Zinc is up to no good in an 11th century Irish peat bog too. Not to mention interfering Time Techs from the future. Oh yes, it's all go-go-go down at the Museum of Future Technology!
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Third Day of the Earplug
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2016

WARNING: SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF REQUIRED. It is the third day following the arrival of the Earplug Brothers in the Museum of Future Technology. And if those five heroic earplugs thought that they might enjoy a quiet day, they were going to be very disappointed. Trouble was already brewing - and that didn't include the impending zombie apocalypse!
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Worstworld Volume One
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2016

With their business on Mars concluded, its time for the passengers and crew of Ship Number Fifteen to begin the voyage back to Earth and the Museum of Future Technology. But Captain Horatio Noseblower hadn't reckoned on the arrival of a vengeful Hyperspace Pirate mothership. Yikes - is disaster about to befall the brave Earplug adventurers?
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Martian Interlude Volume Two
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2016

The Earplugs of the Museum of Future Technology have moved to Mars - and they've been treading on someone's toes in the process. Little do they suspect that troubles brewing. Prepare for armageddon!
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Earplug Aftermath
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2016

WARNING: FAMILY-FRIENDLY CONTENT. NOTHING TOO DISGUSTING. Its the day after the thwarted attack from Hyperspace, and it's clean-up time. But in the Museum of Future Technology it can never be that simple. Cue an attempted take-over by a delusional earplug who is under the control of a robot bent upon revenge.
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Museum of Terror
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2016

WARNING: THIS BOOK IS SUITABLE ONLY FOR SILLY PEOPLE. The Earplug Brothers' adventure continues. This time they must contend with subterranean dwellers and zombies emerging into the museum; robots from the future; the military in pursuit of biological androids; some beach bums from Spain; a strange...
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: The Grand Tour Vol 2
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2018

In this, the sequel to The Grand Tour, the Earplug Brothers continue upon their quest for loot. Sadly, though, things are never quite as they seem - especially when The Supreme Being sticks his great big nose into their affairs!
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Return of the Prodigal Earplug Volume One
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2016

The Family-Friendly saga of sentient earplugs continues. Whilst Magnuss and Hair-Trigger struggle to find their way back to the REAL Museum of Future Technology, the grand depository of advanced 'tech' succumbs to another threat. This time it's a Cork God who has escaped imprisonment in a stasis field. Can Magnuss return in time to thwart his evil plan?
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Unity Volume Two
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2016

WARNING: Minimum requirements for reading this story are; a high degree of silliness and a degree in Science-Fiction. Oh, and a belief that living earplugs really could exist wouldn't be a bad attribute either. This story includes serious problems for the Chi-Z-Sox from the Supreme Being. Lots of...
Book cover of Junior Earplug Adventures: Return to the Museum of Future Technology
by Tooty Nolan
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2016

WARNING: Contains many chapters with a shed-load of words and pictures. This tale follows the journeys of would-be Museum of Future Technology visitors. Some are disillusioned Monks of the Order of the Holey Vest. Another is a delusional conquistador. And there are others too - like a Nun with a magical...
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