Vanessa: 2154 books

Book cover of Boudica


The Life of Britain's Legendary Warrior Queen

by Vanessa Collingridge
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2007

An “intelligent and infectiously enthusiastic” biography of the Celtic queen and an analysis of her impact on British and feminist history (The Sunday Times). Boudica has been mythologized as the woman who dared to take on the Romans to avenge her daughters, her tribe, and her enslaved...
Book cover of Captain Cook
by Vanessa Collingridge
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2011

A uniquely woven story encompassing three separate centuries and three different lives. Captain Cook, best known for his heroic voyages through the Pacific Ocean, is brought to life in vivid detail. We follow his humble beginnings as the son of a farm labourer, through his convention-shattering treatment...
Book cover of The Exclusive Millennial Blueprint
by vanessa gowora
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2017

Have you always wondered how the most influential young people got to the top? This book does just that it goes behind the scenes of the most influential people and shows you how it all started. You will learn how Adam Braun created Pencils of Promise and how it changed the world. Lewis...
Book cover of Love. Hope. Faith.
by Vanessa Miller, Kyna Williams, Kendy Ward
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2015

Stories of Love, Hope and Faith line the pages of this spiritually uplifting anthology produced by bestselling author, Vanessa Miller.   Love. Hope. Faith. will take you on a journey toward your happy place. The contributing writers of this anthology pour out their hearts to deliver...
Book cover of Wheelmen


Lance Armstrong, the Tour de France, and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever

by Reed Albergotti, Vanessa O'Connell
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

The first in-depth look at Lance Armstrong's doping scandal, the phenomenal business success built on the back of fraud, and the greatest conspiracy in the history of sports Lance Armstrong won a record-smashing seven Tours de France after staring down cancer, and in the process became an international...
Book cover of 和任何人都能愉快相處的科學:人際智商實驗室精心研發【附微表情抽認卡】
by 凡妮莎.范.愛德華茲, Vanessa Van Edwards
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 1, 2017

《財星》500大企業人際智商教練的14個行為密技, 讓你人際智商飆升,事業升級、人際關係改善、收入增加! ★附「微表情快速辨識卡」,隨身攜帶,時時練習,輕鬆變身解讀人心高手! ★王介安(資深廣播人∕GAS口語魅力培訓Ⓡ創辦人)、鄭匡宇(作家∕演講家∕主持人∕製作人)、謝文憲(作家∕企業講師)、iphone8ss(作家∕PTT名人) 愉快推薦! .擁有高人際智商者,年所得平均比人際智商一般的人高出29000美元。 .頂尖商業人士90%都擁有高人際智商。 .人際溝通能力強的人,快樂程度比別人高出42%,人生也比較充實。 作者曾有嚴重的社交恐懼,但她很早就體認到,自己可以像準備考試那樣學習人類行為,之後更成為備受歡迎的人際智商教練。經過多年研究與實驗,她發展出一套人際相處公式,並以此幫助公司團隊增進人際智商、協助單身男女建立關係,也讓創業家利用有科學根據的行為密技贏得提案競賽。 現在,她將研究成果簡化為14個密技,教你以科學手法培養與人愉快互動的技能,解除你的人際焦慮! 你會在書中學到: 一、如何在一場互動的最初5分鐘與對方展開談話,迅速建立信任,留下令人難忘的第一印象。 二、在互動的最初5小時速讀他人,以辨識對方的需求及預測行為。 三、在互動的最初5天學會影響他人、領導團隊,並增加你對你遇見的每個人的影響力,將粗淺的關係轉變為終身的友誼。 讀完本書教你的「555」,你的人際智商成績會提高至少50分! 結交朋友與影響他人的確有一套科學,學會這套科學之後: 在工作方面,你會知道如何協商加薪、如何和同事拉近關係、如何做出一針見血的電梯簡報。 在社交方面,你會讓人對你留下難忘的第一印象、擁有較深厚且充滿支持性的友誼,並和你遇見的每個人都相處融洽。 在感情方面,你會讓約會對象對你留下良好印象、避免誤會,並深化彼此的關係。 ★人際智商小測驗! 在交流活動中,站在什麼地方最好? A.會場入口附近。 B.餐檯旁,這樣你就可以和別人一起坐下來享用餐點。 C.吧台的出口處。 D.在你認識的人身邊。 讓別人和你達成共識最好的方法是: A.向對方說一個故事。 B.讚美對方。 C.逗對方發笑。 D.說一句出人意料的話。 你的新同事做出以下哪項行為,最能讓你知道對方是個神經質的人? A.張貼勵志海報。 B.上班第一天的每一場會議都提早到場。 C.立刻向你自我介紹。 D.等你先自我介紹。 想知道答案嗎?請見本書! **作者簡介 ** 凡妮莎.范‧愛德華茲(Vanessa...
Book cover of Captivate


The Science of Succeeding with People

by Vanessa Van Edwards
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2017

Do you feel awkward at networking events? Do you wonder what your date really thinks of you? Do you wish you could decode people? You need to learn the science of people. As a human behavior hacker, Vanessa Van Edwards created a research lab to study the hidden forces that drive us. And she’s...
Book cover of Marketing in the Age of Google, Revised and Updated

Marketing in the Age of Google, Revised and Updated

Your Online Strategy IS Your Business Strategy

by Vanessa Fox
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

Search has changed everything. Has your business harnessed its full potential? A business's search strategy can have a dramatic impact on how consumers interact with that business. But even more importantly, search engine activity provides amazingly useful data about customer behavior, needs,...
Book cover of Lies: Even Love Has Its Casualties
by Vanessa D. Werts
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2016

Bobbi Farqua is a Washington, DC, publicist who knows how to close a deal. Success in business comes easy, but her love life is a different story. The loyalty she shows her clients doesn’t work with men—it never did. They only want one thing, and now so does she. When Bobbi takes on NFL baller,...
Book cover of Pearl Harbor and More - Stories of WWII: December 1941
by Marion Kummerow, R.V. Doon, Vanessa Couchman
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

On December 7th 1941, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes carried out a devastating surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and changed the face of World War II. This wide-ranging collection of eight stories by a diverse group of authors, who write wartime fiction,...
Book cover of A Taste of Traditional Regency Romances

A Taste of Traditional Regency Romances

Extended excerpts of Regency novels

by Regina Scott, April Kihlstrom, Camille Elliot
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2015

From some of the most beloved authors of Regency romance come stories to delight. These excerpts, set in the time of Jane Austen, will give you a sip of sweet romance and will leave you eager for more.   Gail Eastwood, The Captain's Dilemma: Escaped French war prisoner Alexandre Valmont...
Book cover of Their Treasured Bride
by Vanessa Vale
Language: English
Release Date: October 3, 2015

"One cowboy is never enough." Rebecca Montgomery never expected to leave London and go to the American West, but this was how her brother saves her an impending marriage of convenience. She also never expected her brother to marry her by proxy to a trusted friend before dying on the...
Book cover of Their Reluctant Bride
by Vanessa Vale
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Emily Woodhouse is a penniless, homeless widow thanks to her recently deceased husband. His gambling ways have placed her in a desperate situation. Faced with working off his debt in the basest of ways, she chooses instead to accept Tyler and Xander's unconventional marriage proposal. She won't be...
Book cover of Shades Within Us

Shades Within Us

Tales of Migrations and Fractured Borders

by Seanan McGuire, Susan Forest, Lucas K. Law
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2018

Journey with twenty-one speculative fiction authors through the fractured borders of human migration to examine the dreams, struggles, and triumphs of those who choose—or are forced—to leave home and familiar places. Recommended by Booklist (American Library Association), Library Journal,...
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