Victor Hugo: 803 books

Book cover of Ruy Blas
by Victor Hugo
Language: French
Release Date: September 22, 2010

Peut-on aimer une reine quand on n’est qu’un valet ? L’amour peut-il triompher des différences sociales ? Hugo met en scène ce défi dans Ruy Blas en 1838 et inscrit l’histoire d’amour dans une machination.  Le valet Ruy Blas s’introduit en effet auprès de la reine aimée, grâce à...
Book cover of Quatrevingt Treize
by Victor Hugo
Language: French
Release Date: December 7, 2011

Édition enrichie (Introduction, notes, chronologie et bibliographie) Dans la Vendée de 1793, trois personnages s'affrontent : l'aristocrate Lantenac, fidèle à son passé, son petit-neveu Gauvain, tourné vers l'avenir généreux de la République, et le conventionnel Cimourdain, plus durement...
Book cover of Oliver Cromwell
by Victor Hugo
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2018

'Oliver Cromwell' was written in 1827, but was not performed until 1956. The reasons were its length of almost 7000 verses and Hugo's gigantic list of characters. The drama tells the story of Oliver Cromwell's internal conflicts in being offered the crown of England. The preface is nowadays considered as one of the manifestos of the Romantic movement.
Book cover of Le Roi s'amuse
by Victor Hugo
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2018

Le roi s'amuse, best translated as 'The King Amuses Himself', is a play in five acts. It is set in Paris in the 1520s and the plot was used for Verdi's 1851 opera Rigoletto. The main person of the play is Triboulet, a witty court jester, through whose words Hugo frequently attacks contemporary society.
Book cover of Ruy Blas
by Victor Hugo
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2018

Ruy Blas has held the stage better than any other of his dramas and has been popular in America. Here Hugo's dramatic theory of contrast of grave and gay, rapid alternation of tragic and grotesque, is pushed to its utmost verge. The scene is Madrid; the time 1699. Don Salluste de Bazan, scorned by...
Book cover of Les Contemplations (Cronos Classics)
by Victor Hugo, Cronos Classics
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2017

Cette version du livre contient une table des matières active. Les 11 000 vers des Contemplations furent écrits dès 1834, mais surtout pendant l'exil à Jersey, puis à Guernesey, en particulier à partir de 1853 alors que Hugo composait les Châtiments. Mettant fin au silence lyrique qu'il observait...
Book cover of Les Misérables / Die Elenden
by Victor Hugo
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Jean Valjean, für den Diebstahl eines Brotes als junger Mann zur Galeere verurteilt, kehrt nach neunzehn Jahren Bagno nach Frankreich zurück. Ein freundlicher Bischof nimmt ihn gastlich auf, und als Jean der neuerlichen Versuchung nicht widerstehen kann und seinem Wohltäter das Tafelsilber stiehlt,...
Book cover of Sefiller
by Victor Hugo, Yadigar Şahi̇n
Language: Turkish
Release Date: July 23, 2014

Hugo, Sefiller adlı dev romanının önsözünü şöyle bitirir: “Yeryüzünde yoksulluk ve bilgisizliğin egemenliği sürdükçe, böylesi kitaplar gereksiz sayılmayabilir.” Yurdunun çıkarları adına siyasal kavgalardan hiç çekinmedi. Bu yüzden de tam yirmi yıl sürgünde kaldı. Sefiller...
Book cover of Marion de Lorme

Marion de Lorme

English / French

by Victor Hugo
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2017

Marion De Lorme the heroine, and Didier the hero, are simple figures, and more like those to be found in the 'Hernani.' Didier is another brother of the Giaour, — mysterious, melancholic, misanthropic. Like Hernani, he is a wanderer on the face of the earth, and has great capacity for suffering....
Book cover of Hernani


programme de littérature Tle L bac 2019-2020

by Victor Hugo
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2018

La nouvelle œuvre au programme du bac littéraire, dans une édition «  Spécial Tle L ». Avec un corpus de documents sur la  bataille d’Hernani  et des questions traitées pour se préparer efficacement à l’épreuve de littérature.   L’œuvre Hernani est un proscrit. Aimé de la belle...
Book cover of Histoire d'un crime

Histoire d'un crime

Déposition d'un témoin

by Victor Hugo
Language: French
Release Date: November 27, 2009

" Malheur à qui resterait impartial devant les plaies sanglantes de la liberté !" Histoire d'un crime est tout sauf un livre impartial. C'est le récit, à la première personne du singulier, d'un homme qui était à la veille du 2 décembre 1851 un écrivain illustre, académicien, pair...
Book cover of Ernani - Il re si diverte - Ruy Blas
by Victor Hugo
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 3, 2013

«I caratteri del teatro di Hugo – spiega Enrico Groppali nell’introduzione – sono gli inconsapevoli portavoce, nella loro enfatica legge di causalità, della psicologia del profondo. Le accensioni di un io troppo a lungo represso, le immotivate prese di posizione, i bruschi trapassi d’umore,...
Book cover of L'uomo che ride
by Victor Hugo
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 1, 2015

Pubblicato nella primavera del 1869, questo romanzo di Hugo fu scritto durante l'esilio che lo scrittore subì a causa delle sue idee politiche. La storia di un bambino abbandonato sulla costa inglese, che crescendo è vittima di una deformazione del viso che costringe il suo volto a una smorfia simile...
Book cover of I Miserabili - Tomo III - Marius
by Victor Hugo
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 29, 2014

L'azione, in questo 3° tomo, si svolge nel 1832 e il giovane Marius Pontmercy è il protagonista della storia. Marius è figlio di un bonapartista e nipote di un realista. Con il nonno, il signor Gillenormand, con cui vive fin da piccolo, entra in rotta di collisione per questioni ideologiche, lascia...
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