Vito: 176 books

Book cover of La vita autentica
by Vito Mancuso
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 8, 2011

In una celebre pagina di Shakespeare, Antonio, di fronte al cadavere di Bruto suicidatosi poco prima, esclama: "Questo era un uomo!". Ma che cosa fa di qualcuno "un uomo", qual è la caratteristica che, persino di fronte a un nemico mortale, ci fa sentire in presenza di un "vero uomo"? Per Vito Mancuso,...
Book cover of Hegel teologo

Hegel teologo

e l’imperdonabile assenza del «principe di questo mondo»

by Vito Mancuso
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 29, 2018

«Un’interpretazione originalissima, un Hegel inedito, non soltanto ripensato, ma che – meraviglia! – viene raccontato e per questo diviene finalmente leggibile.» Elmar Salmann «Un lavoro avvincente… nuovo e originale per quanto riguarda il significato complessivo del pensiero hegeliano…...
Book cover of Esps of 9/11

Esps of 9/11

Extra Sensory Perception

by Vito D'Angelo, Vito D?Angelo
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2011

WHAT IS ESPS of 9/11 ABOUT? - Well please let me answer the question seeing it the way I really did. Supposing you had a whole lot of experiences with ESP, You would be aware ESP can do any mental thing! It is has proven to you to be your mental super being of some kind. It tries all the time to get...
Book cover of Shakespeare: I am Italian. He reveals himself in coded messages
by Vito Costantini
Language: English
Release Date: May 9, 2016

The year 2016 is the four hundredth anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, the greatest playwright and poet of the English language. In reality, it was an illiterate actor who died in 1616. He had pilfered not only the stage name, but also the works of two Italian immigrants, Michelangelo and...
Book cover of Intertwined
by Vito Pace
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2014

Willie awoke in an institution. The dreams had stopped. He was now left alone to face the stark truth that he had been avoiding his whole life— the reality of his own existence.During his stay at The North Oaks Psychiatric Center, Willie struggles with a decision. Should he surrender his...
Book cover of Attè ti picchia, Luigi? Quasi un diario di quotidiana follia dall'ultima scuola speciale
by Vito Piazza
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Questa è una storia vera. È la storia dell’ultima scuola «speciale» italiana per alunni con disabilità: la «Treves-De Sanctis», nella periferia milanese, di cui l’autore è stato per anni direttore. Sembra venire da un passato lontanissimo, superato, seppellito dalle nuove bandiere dell’integrazione,...
Book cover of #ElFinDelPeriodismo


Historias de un oficio perdido o cómo eran las redacciones antes de internet

by Luciano Di Vito, Jorge Bernárdez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2017

A través de entrevistas a doce de los periodistas de mayor trayectoria en el país, los autores reconstruyen un mundo en vías de extinción: el de las redacciones de algunos de los diarios y las revistas más importantes de la Argentina, con experiencias fundamentales de la radio y la televisión....
Book cover of Termites of the State

Termites of the State

Why Complexity Leads to Inequality

by Vito Tanzi
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2017

In Termites of the State, renowned public economist Vito Tanzi presents a sweeping account of the industrialized world's economic development during the twentieth century to today. In the tradition of grand economic histories, Tanzi connects the biggest issues of the modern world including extreme...
Book cover of Police Leadership and Administration

Police Leadership and Administration

A 21st-Century Strategic Approach

by William F. Walsh, Gennaro F. Vito
Language: English
Release Date: July 4, 2018

William Walsh and Gennaro Vito have adapted the strategic management process to the police organizational world in this innovative new text, Police Leadership and Administration: A 21st-Century Approach. Focusing principally on the police executive, this book covers pioneering management techniques...
Book cover of Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling

Using Propensity Score Matching To Examine Focal Concerns Theory

by Anthony Vito
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2016

Racial Profiling: Using Propensity Score Matching to Examine Focal Concerns Theory combines theory and propensity score matching to offer readers a better understanding of racial profiling through traffic stop data concerning the race and gender of the driver. The book examines the likelihood of a...
Book cover of Camosci e girachiavi

Camosci e girachiavi

Storia del carcere in Italia

by Christian G. De Vito, Guido Neppi Modona
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2014

Il carcere è un mondo immerso nella società, ma è anche un’istituzione sempre pronta a ripararsi dagli sguardi estranei, nascondendosi dietro le mura di cinta. Un’istituzione che si trasforma, ma che rivela anche un’impressionante continuità nei meccanismi che dominano il suo funzionamento...
Book cover of Vinyl Tiger Vol.1: the 80s
by Dave Di Vito
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2016

After setting out on an adventure to escape the hum drum life he fears awaits him, Alekzandr is brutally betrayed by the first person he puts his trust in.After that gruesome event in India, he must gather himself in his quest to live an interesting life: a quest that is beginning to bare fruit when...
Book cover of Maddy
by Paola Di Vito
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 29, 2016

Stanley è un genio, ma un totale fallimento con le donne e con l’umanità, in genere. Nell’arco di poche ore commetterà due errori che gli costeranno davvero caro: far credere a sua madre di avere una ragazza e chiedere aiuto al suo amico Murphy. Quale modo migliore per cercare...
Book cover of Fourteen Threadless Needles
by Vito Pasquale
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2011

Fourteen Threadless Needles is a poetry collection about a lifetime of relationships, the relationship of a lifetime and the awareness that 'Something there is that doesn't love a happy ending.' Poems about love, sharing, laughter, forgetting, second guesses and a poem for you: A Poem for You —...
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