Vito: 176 books

Book cover of The Mighty Crusaders: The Lost Crusade
by Ian Flynn, Chuck Dixon, Scott Tipton
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The Mighty Crusaders return in an all new lost tale, featuring a stellar cast of talent. With the New Crusaders facing an uncertain future and the truth about their parents slowly being revealed, one man searches for answers. But will the answers he finds be worth reliving the pain of his own past?
Book cover of Dudù e Drusilla e il mistero della spilla scomparsa
by Vito G. Cassano, Anna Massari
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 6, 2016

Piccola storia in quartine di versi ottonari e illustrazioni all'acquerello adatta a piccoli e grandi lettori (...compresi genitori e nonni). Pubblicata da Nerodichina Edizioni nel 2010 in un volumetto ormai introvabile, è adesso disponibile in versione digitale. Una preziosa spilla, regalo di Dudù,...
Book cover of G.I. Joe: Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow, Vol. 1
by Dixon, Chuck; Atkins, Robert; Di Vito
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2013

SNAKE EYES returns to Japan to re-join the Arashikage clan and team up with STORM SHADOW. Their target: the new COBRA COMMANDER! Will the most dangerous JOE turn his back on his loyalties and his friends just to bring down the new COBRA leader?
Book cover of Jingle Bloody Bells 2
by Matteo Bertone, Angelo Marenzana, Luigi Bonaro e Daniele Picciuti
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 25, 2016

Seconda raccolta di Natale marchiata Nero Press e curata da Babbo Natale. Ancora una volta Santa Claus ci mostra il suo lato folle e un po' splatter nell'amalgamare la sua antologia natalizia. In questo volume otto racconti dall'animo nero stravolgeranno la vostra idea che a Natale si sia tutti più...
Book cover of Vorrei che il cielo fosse imparziale
by Vito Introna
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 4, 2011

Annalisa vive da anni nella sua tenuta, spersa nel cuore degli Abruzzi. Si è lasciata andare, ritrovandosi trasandata, grassa e soprattutto ‘sola’. Orfana di entrambi i genitori non si è mai sposata e, dopo un’infausta esperienza lavorativa post laurea vissuta a Roma, si è chiusa in una sorta...
Book cover of The Immortal Marilyn

The Immortal Marilyn

The Depiction of an Icon

by Frank Tropea, John De Vito
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2006

From the late 1940s to the early '60s, Marilyn Monroe appeared in barely thirty movies, beginning with bit parts and moving on into supporting roles for such films as The Asphalt Jungle, All About Eve, and Clash by Night. She soon shot to international fame and gained prominent roles in a number of...
Book cover of 52 Ways to Wreck Your Retirement

52 Ways to Wreck Your Retirement

...And How to Rescue It

by Tina Di Vito
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2012

Retirement planning isn't something that happens at a specific point in time or at a specific age - we are all affecting our retirement plans every day with every decision we do or don't make. Canadians are living longer, and the average retiree in the future may have as much as 30 years of retirement...
Book cover of Addiction: The Master Keys to Recovery
by Michael De Vito D.C. DACACD
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2011

Addiction: The Master Keys to Recovery, is an effective, easy to read, step by step guide for achieving successful recovery from substance abuse and addictive behavior.  The Master Keys have been proven time and time again to help individuals overcome addictive behavior and lead them on a life of successful...
Book cover of L’amministrazione di sostegno
by Emilio Vito Napoli
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2010

Il volume si occupa dell’istituto dell’amministrazione di sostegno, nuova disciplina introdotta nel codice civile con la legge n. 6 del 2004, che ha istituito una nuova figura (quella dell’amministratore di sostegno, appunto) accanto agli altri istituti a tutela delle persone incapaci (interdizione,...
Book cover of Taxation in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Vito Mr. Tanzi, M. Yücelik, Peter Mr. Griffith
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 1981

This study indentifies some of the taxation problems most frequently encountered by Fund member countries in sub-Saharan Africa and seeks solutions that may be useful to either the region as a whole or to groups of countries in the region.
Book cover of Questione di tasse

Questione di tasse

La lezione dell'Argentina

by Vito Tanzi
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 18, 2010

Non esiste, stranamente, nessun termine tecnico per indicare lo sviluppo in senso inverso, in virt del quale un paese ricco diventa progressivamente pi povero: se esistesse, lŐespressione tornerebbe utile per descrivere quanto avvenuto in Argentina nella seconda met del Novecento. Al principio del secolo...
Book cover of The Well-Behaved Puppy
by Dominique De Vito
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2007

This quick-reference guide describes the basics to caring for your new puppy. It offers thorough yet concise coverage of important topics like housetraining, teaching puppy manners, and tips to keep a puppy healthy, plus a comprehensive section on solving common problem behaviors.
Book cover of A Shock to the System

A Shock to the System

Restructuring America's Electricity Industry

by Timothy J. Brennan, Karen L. Palmer, Raymond J. Kopp
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

A Shock to the System is a guide to the decisions that will be faced by electricity providers, customers, and policymakers. Produced by a team of analysts at Resources for the Future, this concise and balanced work provides background necessary to understand the increasing role of competition in electricity...
Book cover of Toward a New Social Contract

Toward a New Social Contract

Taking on Distributional Tensions in Europe and Central Asia

by Maurizio Bussolo, Maria Eugenia Davalos, Vito Peragine
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

The growing economic fissures in the societies of Europe and Central Asia between generations, between insiders and outsiders in the labor market, between rural and urban communities, and between the super-rich and everyone else, are threatening the sustainability of the social contract. The institutions...
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