Vito: 176 books

Book cover of Public-Private Partnerships In Middle East Development: The Challenge Of Civil Society Engagement
by Alexandra De Vito, M.C.R.P., John Balouziyeh
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2015

Over the past sixty years, the field of international development has come full circle, returning to priorities that value people over gross domestic product. Principles for successful development, such as institution building, managed competition to reduce corruption, human organization, the design...
Book cover of The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions

The Objectivity of Judicial Decisions

A Comparative Analysis of Nine Jurisdictions

by Vito Breda
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2016

This book discusses how judges qualify their activities as objective. The data for this project was retrieved from a large sample of cases using Langacker’s methodology. The sample included over a thousand decisions from Brazil, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Romania and the...
Book cover of Dracula


Una storia vera

by Vito Bianchi
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 4, 2011

Scordatevi "il bel Danubio blu": il fiume di questa quattrocentesca e balcanica vicenda è rosso di sangue. Ungheresi, romeni, serbi, albanesi, greci sono in lotta senza quartiere contro i turchi,'flagello della Cristianità", ma anche tra di loro. Su tutti, per spietatezza e intransigenza, spicca...
Book cover of Indagine a tempo
by Vito Francesco De Giuseppe
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 28, 2013

In un futuro prossimo l’India e la Cina sono ormai divenute paesi leader dell’economia mondiale. L’ex ufficiale medico e attuale capitano di polizia indiana Virat si ritrova a dover affrontare un'indagine intricata che parte dal massacro dei suoi più fidati amici e colleghi e si dipana nella Mumbai del 2049.
Book cover of Ensayo sobre el lenguaje ritual

Ensayo sobre el lenguaje ritual

La adivinación en quechua y en aimara

by Vito Bongiorno
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 31, 2015

La finalidad principal de este trabajo consiste en la descripción del lenguaje empleado en los ritos adivinatorios difundidos en las zonas de habla quechua y aimara de la cordillera centro-andina. En particular, se analiza el lenguaje utilizado durante los ritos oraculares de interpretación de hojas...
Book cover of Deep Love 2
by Daniele Picciuti, Angelo Marenzana, Gianluca Ingaramo
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Seconda raccolta di San Valentino, nuovi oscuri modi di intendere l'amore. Tra odio, vendetta, sangue e morte, otto autori ci danno la loro versione delle profondità abissali insite nell'animo umano, quando a dettare le regole è l'amore.
Book cover of Jingle Bloody Bells
by Matteo Bertone, Daniele Picciuti, Angelo Marenzana
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 21, 2015

Babbo Natale pubblica il suo primo libro ed esordisce in digitale, attraverso le narrazioni di nove autori italiani che ci parlano della propria visione del Natale. La notte più magica dell'anno si trasforma così in un teatro di morte e orrore, a volte venato di ironia, a volte sprofondato nella...
Book cover of Grosso Guaio a Dorba Rocchese (Dark Twin)
by Samuele Fabbrizzi, Vito Pirrò
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 1, 2017

“La mia città non conosce la luce del sole. Dorba Roc­chese è tenebra sporcata dai neon di bar e bordelli. Brulicante di prostitute, droga e violenza.” Inizia così la storia di Garco e Stecca, due “addetti al recupero crediti” per il boss Baldimeo, malavitoso di Dorba Rocchese. Due personaggi...
Book cover of Breaking Generational Curses & Pulling Down Strongholds
by Vito Rallo
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2015

Learn to use the mighty weapons of spiritual warfare God has provided every believer in Christ—weapons that have divine power to demolish spiritual strongholds in believers' lives! If you are living under what feels like a curse, or are unable to overcome problems that also plagued your parents,...
Book cover of The Everything New Puppy Book

The Everything New Puppy Book

Choosing, raising, and training your new best friend

by Carlo De Vito, Amy Ammen
Language: English
Release Date: April 18, 2009

Nothing is more adorable than a new puppy. But without the proper time spent training them, todayÆs puppies can become tomorrowÆs nightmare hounds. This book teaches puppy owners all they need to know to successfully raise a puppy of any breed or background. Complete with black-and-white photos,...
Book cover of Training Your Dog
by Dominique De Vito
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

This enjoyable guide explains how to train your dog in a positive and fun manner. It includes quick-reference “Make It Easy” boxes to recap important information and basic training techniques that encourage obedience in your dog. This family-friendly, comprehensive guide to training features newly...
Book cover of Practical Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice
by Gennaro F. Vito, George E. Higgins
Language: English
Release Date: June 10, 2014

Practical Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice shows readers how to apply the principles of fiscal responsibility, accountability, and evidence-based practice to criminal justice reform plans. Unlike other policy-based texts, which tend to focus more on implementation than assessment, this book...
Book cover of The Philosophy of Michael Mann
by Robert Arnett, R. Barton Palmer, Steven Sanders
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2014

Known for restoring vitality and superior craftsmanship to the crime thriller, American filmmaker Michael Mann has long been regarded as a talented triple threat capable of moving effortlessly between television and feature films as a writer, director, and executive producer. His unique visual sense...
Book cover of West Highland White Terriers
by Dominique De Vito
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The West Highland White terrier is a small but sturdy dog with confidence and energy to spare. This all-new, expertly written guide will teach you how to obedience train your Westie to help keep excess energy in check.  This family-friendly, comprehensive guide to superior pet care features newly written...
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