Vladimir: 813 books

Book cover of Così parlò Vladimir Lenin

Così parlò Vladimir Lenin

Il padre della rivoluzione d'Ottobre spiega se stesso in un'antologia ragionata delle sue opere e dei suoi discorsi

by Vladimir Lenin
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 16, 2015

Patrimonio storico del movimento operaio, l'opera di Lenin è una miniera inesauribile di idee, suggestioni e stimoli utili ad organizzare la soggettività desiderante degli sfruttati affinché possano essere colte fine in fondo le opportunità di realizzare, qui e ora, i principi rivoluzionari della...
Book cover of The Rehearsals
by Vladimir Sharov, Oliver Ready
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

New Jerusalem Monastery, seventeenth-century Moscow. Patriarch Nikon has instructed an itinerant French dramatist to stage the New Testament and hasten the Second Coming. But this will be a strange form of theatre. The actors are untrained, illiterate Russian peasants, and nobody is allowed to play...
Book cover of Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles
by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, Boris I. Prilutsky
Language: English
Release Date: April 10, 2012

Richly illustrated and presented in clear, concise language, Biomechanics of Skeletal Muscles is an essential resource for those seeking advanced knowledge of muscle biomechanics. Written by leading experts Vladimir Zatsiorsky and Boris Prilutsky, the text is one of the few to look at muscle biomechanics...
Book cover of La Cité sans nom
by Vladimir Odoievski, Patrice Lajoye
Language: French
Release Date: March 24, 2015

Entre mysticisme et science-fiction, moralisme et exotisme, le prince Vladimir Odoievski n'a jamais su se fixer. Visionnaire, il invoque une sylphide lors d'une expérience d'alchimie, rencontre un architecte du XVIIIe siècle lors d'un périple en Italie, invente l'internet et les blogs ainsi qu'un...
Book cover of Destroy Evil
by Vladimir Živković
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2017

This book contains texts from Vladimir's books. The texts refer to the dark side of human subconsciousness in terms of bad sexuality, inadequate love relationships and the fallacy of modern spirituality. Find something new, innovative and good. Good luck and enjoy!
Book cover of I tre dialoghi e il racconto dell'Anticristo
by Vladimir Sergeevič Solov’ëv
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Composta nel 1899, «I tre dialoghi e il racconto dell’Anticristo» rappresenta l’opera ultima ma non conclusiva del pensiero di Vladimir Solov’ëv. Lo sterile razionalismo della filosofia europea, la desacralizzazione mascherata da “nuova” religione e la dominante etica tolstojana ispirano...
Book cover of Anti-aging Drugs

Anti-aging Drugs

From Basic Research to Clinical Practice

by Alexander M Vaiserman, David Gems, Eric Le Bourg
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2017

Aging is a natural phenomenon that is peculiar to all living things. However, accumulating findings indicate that senescence could be postponed or prevented by certain approaches. Substantial evidence has emerged supporting the possibility of radical human health and lifespan extension, in particular...
Book cover of I Speak for the Silent Prisoners of the Soviets
by Vladimir V. Tchernavin
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2017

"I tell my own story because I believe that only in this way can I discharge the moral obligation which a kindly Fate imposed upon me in helping me to escape from the Soviet Terror the duty to speak for those whose voices cannot be heard. In silence they are sent away as convicts to the concentration...
Book cover of Love and Sex
by Vladimir Živković
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2017

This book contains texts from Vladimir's books. The texts are related to human sexuality, love relations and contemporary spirituality. Learn something new, innovative and good. Good luck and enjoy!
Book cover of Seven Lives

Seven Lives

Almost Everything Can Be Taken from an Individual, but His or Her Story

by Vladimir Azarov
Language: English
Release Date: August 28, 2018

Vladimir Azarov grew up and came to maturity during a time in the Soviet Union when penal camps and the secret police were ubiquitous, but the one great truth that he and the world learned from all the great Russian writers, and that he learned in his own life in political exile, is that almost everything...
Book cover of Le roman de Saint-Pétersbourg

Le roman de Saint-Pétersbourg

Les amours au bord de la Néva

by Vladimir Fedorovski
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2017

À l'occasion du tricentenaire de Saint-Pétersbourg, Vladimir Fédorovski met en scène les grands moments de l'histoire sentimentale de cette ville insolite créée par la seule volonté de Pierre le Grand au bord de la Néva. Pierre Ier et son impératrice paysanne, Catherine II et son vigoureux...
Book cover of Le roman des tsars

Le roman des tsars

400 ans de la dynastie Romanov

by Vladimir Fedorovski
Language: French
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Le Roman des tsars est un ouvrage de révélations. Vladimir Fédorovski propose des clés originales pour déchiffrer les énigmes des tsars et éclairer leurs zones d'ombre. Les nouvelles techniques scientifiques, notamment l'examen de l'ADN, permettent à l'auteur de mener l'enquête pour suivre...
Book cover of Le Roman du Siècle rouge
by Alexandre Adler, Vladimir Fedorovski, Patrice de Méritens
Language: French
Release Date: February 16, 2012

De la révolution bolchevique à la guerre froide, de la perestroïka à l'arrivée au pouvoir de Vladimir Poutine, la Russie a connu durant le XXe siècle des événements décisifs, aux répercussions géopolitiques majeures. Quel regard porter sur ces années cruciales qui ont engendré l'une des...
Book cover of Introdução a Jacques Lacan
by Vladimir Safatle
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 27, 2017

Escrito para aqueles que procuram se introduzir à experiência intelectual de Lacan, este livro de Vladimir Safatle volta às livrarias em versão ampliada e atualizada. Jacques Lacan foi responsável pela consolidação de uma prática clínica inovadora que compreendia o sofrimento psíquico como...
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