Vladimir: 813 books

Book cover of O que resta da ditadura

O que resta da ditadura

a exceção brasileira

by Vladimir Safatle, Edson Teles
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 29, 2019

Bem lembrada na frase que serve de epígrafe ao livro, a importância do passado no processo histórico que determinará o porvir de uma nação é justamente o que torna fundamental esta obra. Organizada por Edson Teles e Vladimir Safatle, O que resta da ditadura reúne uma série de ensaios que...
Book cover of Do uso da violência contra o Estado ilegal
by Vladimir Safatle
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 29, 2019

Este ensaio de Vladimir Safatle foi extraído da obra "O que resta da ditadura" (Org. Edson Teles e Vladimir Safatle), editado pela Boitempo. Fruto de um seminário realizado na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), em 2008, o livro reúne textos de escritores e intelectuais como Maria Rita...
Book cover of The Silver Lute of Emigrant
by Vladimir Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2013

The poetic book The Silver Lute of Emigrant by our Russian author Vladimir Morgan is a collection of poems written by him in exile. This is a declaration of love to the Motherland, admiration of its wide open spaces; prayer to God on the protection, experiences of the person who turned in a foreign...
Book cover of Trois Entretiens
by Vladimir Sergueïevitch Solovyov
Language: French
Release Date: July 30, 2014

Trois Entretiens Vladimir Sergueïevitch Solovyov, philosophe russe (1853–1900) Ce livre numérique présente «Trois Entretiens», de Vladimir Sergueïevitch Solovyov, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet...
Book cover of La coda
by Vladimir Sorokin
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2013

«Se ci fossero code organizzate per ordine di merito, l'autore russo Vladimir Sorokin andrebbe di diritto al primo posto.» The Guardian Pubblicato per la prima volta alla fine degli anni Ottanta dopo essere circolato clandestinamente fra gli intellettuali, il romanzo di Vladimir Sorokin descrive...
Book cover of Camino al Cielo
by Vladimir Burdman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 26, 2016

VLADIMIR BURDMAN SCHWARZ, desmenuza pensamientos, que estimulan y acrecientan esa ansia de búsqueda de lo sublime, que palpita en cada ser humano. La vibración en función del infinito es la motivación esencial de esta obra, muy actual y poética, que trata hondamente la problemática de la creación,...
Book cover of Der Bezauberer
by Vladimir Nabokov
Language: German
Release Date: March 4, 2016

"Der Bezauberer" ist eine erste faszinierende kürzere Version des "Lolita"-Themas, mit dem der begnadete Schriftsteller Vladimir Nabokov seinen Weltruhm begründete. Der Protagonist der Erzählung ist, wie in "Lolita", ein Mann in den Vierzigern mit pädophilen Neigungen....
Book cover of Der schwarze Handschuh

Der schwarze Handschuh


by Vladimir Odoevskij, Peter Urban
Language: German
Release Date: February 3, 2014

Eine bezaubernde russische Trouvaille Charmanter Feingeist und scharfzüngiger Kritiker skandalöser Zustände, erzählt Vladimir Odoevskij stets mit der Eleganz des formvollendeten Stilisten. Dieser Auswahlband ist eine Trouvaille für alle, die sich mit Felicitas Hoppe von der «Leichtigkeit,...
Book cover of Lava Jato
by Vladimir Netto
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2016

Em Lava Jato – O juiz Sergio Moro e os bastidores da operação que abalou o Brasil, o jornalista Vladimir Netto acompanha as investigações desde seu início, em março de 2014, e, como num livro de suspense, vai revelando, pouco a pouco, os principais desdobramentos do maior escândalo de corrupção...
Book cover of Ten Commandments of a Good Entrepreneur
by Vladimir John
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2014

TEN COMMANDMENTS OF A GOOD ENTREPRENEUR will teach you especially what you should not forget before you start a business and if you are already running one, what steps should you take to protect your business and family assets. 
Book cover of Forex Strategy: ST Patterns Trading Manual, Chart Analysis Step by Step, 300% for One Month
by Vladimir Poltoratskiy
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2017

The ST Patterns Trading Manual will provide a detailed hourly technical analysis using EUR/USD pairs for May 2017. Calculations of the results are performed based on the actual results without rounding off. The strategy shows a good technical result for the EUR/USD pair in May—equal to about 300%...
Book cover of The Man from the U.S.S.R.
by Vladimir Nabokov
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2012

Early dramatic works—plus two essays—by the author of Lolita and Pale Fire.   Including The Man from the USSR, The Event, The Pole, and The Grand-dad, this volume collects works for the theater written during Vladimir Nabokov’s émigré years, before his writings in English earned him worldwide...
Book cover of Lectures on Don Quixote
by Vladimir Nabokov
Language: English
Release Date: August 23, 2016

One of the twentieth century’s greatest novelists offers his take on the Spanish classic. The author of Lolita and Pale Fire was not only a master of fiction but a distinguished literary critic as well. In this collection of lectures, which he delivered at Harvard in the early 1950s, Vladimir...
Book cover of Brainstormed


Someone Just Hacked Into Your Brain

by Vladimir Lange
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

Neurosurgeon Mauricio de Barcelos is propelled into the spotlight when his revolutionary brain implant saves the life of the President's daughter. Designed to treat depression, the implant is a cost-effective, computer-programmable device that could spell overnight relief for millions. Mauricio's...
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