Wallace Edgar: 852 books

Book cover of Die Gräfin von Ascot
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: May 3, 2017

Neugier breitet sich in der kleinen Ortschaft Ascot aus, als sich eine wohlhabende Gräfin dort niederlässt. Eine Gräfin taucht in Ascot auf, und bezieht dort eine Villa. Ein Einbrecher sucht die Villen in Ascot heim. Immer wieder erbeutet er Schmuck. Die Gräfin engagiert als Beschützer den Privatdetektiv John Morlay und stellt ihn vor eine äußerst schwierige Aufgabe.
Book cover of Die Schatzkammer
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Der kessen Barbara Storr gelingt es, die konkursgefährdete Firma Maber & Maber zu retten. Währendessen verschwindet plötzlich der alte Mr. Maber. Ein Konkurrent versucht trickreich, Barbara Stoll des Mordes zu überführen ... (Amazon)
Book cover of Geheimagent Nr. 6
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Excerpt: "Nachdem man auf der internationalen Polizeikonferenz in Genua drei Tage lang die verschiedensten Probleme erörtert hatte, kam man schließlich auch auf Cäsar Valentine zu sprechen. Es lag nichts Besonderes gegen ihn vor; die Beamten tauschten nur im Anschluß an den Fall Gale ihre...
Book cover of Kurzkrimis


Der Dieb in der Nacht – Harry mit den Handschuhen – Der unbekannte Boxer

by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: February 19, 2017

Der Chefinspektor klopfte mit der Hand auf einige Papiere, die vor ihm auf dem Schreibtisch lagen. »Es handelt sich um einen anonymen Briefschreiber, der stets mit ›Ein aufrichtiger Freund‹ unterschreibt. Er schickt unverschämte Briefe an hochstehende Persönlichkeiten und hat schon viel Unheil...
Book cover of L'Africa di Sanders

L'Africa di Sanders

Le storie africane vol.10

by Edgar Wallace
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 3, 2015

Decimo capitolo dei racconti con protagonisti il commissario Sanders e il tenente Bones. Ancora una volta assieme al capotribù Bosambo, i due ufficiali inglesi sono occupati a risolvere situazioni pericolose nell'Africa centro-occidentale. Sulle rive del Grande Fiume arrivano furbi speculatori che...
Book cover of Sanders of the River
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2017

The Sanders series, viewed from today's perspective, is essentially about a make believe world, with clear cut delineations of good and evil, well defined codes of conduct and absence of any great emotional conflict. It should definitely not be seen through the currently fashionable prism of racism...
Book cover of The Book Of All-Power
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of The Coat of Arms
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2013

It is a small world, and the possibility of old criminal acquaintances meeting at a Surrey roadhouse is by no means remote. Sketchley, where the Coat of Arms roadhouse stands, is a place of strange happenings. There are thefts of valuable gold plate, a suspicious old man, seen but not caught, and...
Book cover of Bones in London
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2019

The new managing director of Schemes Ltd. has an elegant London office and a theatrically dressed assistant. However Bones, as he is better known, is bored. Luckily there is a slump in the shipping market and it is not long before Joe and Fred Pole pay Bones a visit. They are totally unprepared for...
Book cover of The Book of All-Power
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Book cover of The Man who bought London
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: May 24, 2013

King Kerry is going to buy London. This morning he is on his way to buy shops in Oxford Street. Elsie Marion is late for work when she falls into conversation with him. Suddenly two shots ring out. They miss, but King Kerry seems to know his attacker. From a high office window a man shakes his fist:...
Book cover of Wonderful London
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2018

People, mostly young people, came to Tressa to resolve their immediate problems, for Tressa was wise in the ways of men and women, had London and its queer code at her finger-tips, and, a greater asset than her sophistication, had never lost touch with the human heart. She was fifty, slim, white of hair and hand, and, sophisticated as she was, had the habit of innocent interpretation.
Book cover of Big Foot
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2010

Footprints and a dead woman bring together Superintendent Minton and the amateur sleuth Mr Cardew. Who is the man in the shrubbery? Who is the singer of the haunting Moorish tune? Why is Hannah Shaw so determined to go to Pawsy, 'a dog lonely place' she had previously detested? Death lurks in the...
Book cover of Der Unsichtbare

Der Unsichtbare


by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: December 30, 2017

»Sie haben wohl Gespenster gesehen? Johnston, Sie sind gesundheitlich vollkommen herunter. Ich werde morgen Mr. Nelson aufsuchen und ihn bitten, daß er dem Komitee empfiehlt, Ihnen einen Urlaub zu bewilligen.« »Vielleicht haben Sie recht, aber ... ich habe in Beverley Green Dinge gesehen, die...
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