Wallace Edgar: 852 books

Book cover of Bones
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2010

It is a time when the major world powers are vying for colonial honours, a time of ju-ju, witch doctors and an uneasy peace with Bosambo, impressive chief of the Ochori. When Commissioner Sanders goes on leave, the trusty Lieutenant Hamilton takes over administration of the African territories. However,...
Book cover of The Keepers Of The King's Peace
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2010

'I want you to go up the Isango, Bones,' said Sanders, 'there may be some trouble there - a woman is working miracles.' Unexpected things happen in the territories of the Belgian Congo where Commissioner Sanders keeps an uneasy peace, aided by his trusty assistant Lieutenant Hamilton and hindered,...
Book cover of Bones In London
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2010

The new Managing Director of Schemes Ltd has an elegant London office and a theatrically dressed assistant - however Bones, as he is better known, is bored. Luckily there is a slump in the shipping market and it is not long before Joe and Fred Pole pay Bones a visit. They are totally unprepared for...
Book cover of The Man at the Carlton
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2018

Lew Daney, chief suspect in a jewel robbery and an ensuing murder, vanishes leaving no trace. Once he saved Mary Grier from a knife attack by a madman. Mary Grier now works at Clench House in Scotland as secretary to the miserly Mr. Arkwright, and Mr. Arkwright’s nephew and heir is „"Tiger"”...
Book cover of The Duke in the Suburbs
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2019

The Duke de Montvillier and George Hankey, who discovered silver in Los Madges, have moved into Kymott Crescent. Alicia Terrill, widow and relation of Sir Harry Tanner, finds the Duke a distinctly unpleasant neighbour. Sir Harry's son is sent to intervene. Unannounced, Sir Harry arrives with a stranger....
Book cover of The Angel of Terror
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2019

The Angel of Terror aka The Destroying Angel Jack Glover of Rennet, Glover and Simpson does not believe his cousin Meredith killed Bulford. Meredith's father was an eccentric and unless Meredith is married by the age of thirty his sister inherits everything. She is dead and Meredith, now in prison,...
Book cover of The Secret House
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Dickson McCunn, a respectable, newly retired grocer, plans a walking holiday in the hills of south-west Scotland. He meets a young English poet and finds himself in the thick of a plot involving the kidnapping of a Russian princess, who is held prisoner in the rambling mansion, Huntingtower. This modern fairy-tale is also a gripping adventure story. (Amazon)
Book cover of The Squealer
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2019

Also known as The Squeaker, the story is based on the age-old saw 'Thou shalt not blab'. The main question seems to be who is The Squealer, but you find out who he is well before the end and, as usual, it's not who you think it is.
Book cover of The Avenger
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2010

Francis Elmer has vanished, and all that is found is a typed note signed 'The Head Hunter'. Elmer's niece Adele Leamington is an extra at the Knebworth Film Corporation. The actress Stella Mendoza keeps the whole set waiting to shoot, in the best Hollywood tradition, but her starring role is given...
Book cover of Terror Keep
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2018

When John Flack, a notorious criminal mastermind, escapes from Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum, life becomes dangerous for Mr. J.G. Reeder. So Mr. Reeder is quite glad, when the woman he loves leaves London and takes a job as a secretary at Larme Keep, a noble boarding house near the coast. But there are strange things going on in the Keep ...
Book cover of Feuer im Schloß
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Der Alte heißt ein geisteskranker Verbrecher, der aus der Irrenanstalt von Sketchley Hill in der Nähe von London ausbricht. Kurze Zeit später stellt Lord Arranway einen nächtlichen Einbrecher in seinem Schloß. Als er seine Waffe auf den Mann richtet, verhindert Lady Arranway einen Mord. Und doch brennt das Schloß einige Zeit später bis auf die Grundmauern nieder.
Book cover of Der Mann, der seinen Namen änderte
by Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: July 8, 2019

Die Sekretärin Majorie Stedman wird Ohrenzeuge einer Auseinandersetzung zwischen Sir James Tynewood und "Pretoria-Smith". "Ich will meine Rechnung begleichen", hört sie Sir James sagen. Gleich darauf fällt ein Schuß. Am Abend erfährt Marjoirie, daß Sir James tot ist. Angeblich hat er Selbstmord begangen.
Book cover of Die gelbe Schlange
by Ravi Ravendro, Edgar Wallace
Language: German
Release Date: July 20, 2017

Stephen Narth ist hochverschuldet. Seine Lage scheint aussichtslos. Doch dann eröffnen sich ihm Möglichkeiten, den drohenden Konkurs noch abzuwenden – einzige Bedingung: Er muss eine seiner weiblichen Verwandten an den mysteriösen Goldminenverwalter Clifford Lynne verheiraten, um an das Erbe...
Book cover of Tam O' The Scoots
by Edgar Wallace
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

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