Wegner: 77 books

Book cover of Der Knabe Hüssein und andere Erzählungen
by Armin T. Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2012

Alltagsleben im Orient, Krieg und Greueltaten im Konflikt zwischen Türken und Armeniern, die Großstadt Istanbul am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts und die italienische Idylle. Armin T. Wegner ist heute vor allem für sein Eintreten gegen den Völkermord an den Armeniern bekannt. Nun wird sein literarisches...
Book cover of Der Fuchs will Frieden
by Dushan Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: April 2, 2017

Eigentlich sind die meisten Bewohner des Feldes ganz glücklich. Das ändert sich jedoch schlagartig, als es zu Missverständnissen der besonderen Art kommt. Hat der Fuchs Erfolg mit seiner Mission? Welche Rolle spielt der Hase Augetot? Die Antwort auf diese und weitere Fragen erfährt der Leser in dieser modernen und doch traditionellen Fabel.
Book cover of Das Orakel von Paris
by Antonia Munoz, Lara Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: May 25, 2012

Die Autorin schreibt auch als Lara Wegner. Paris im Jahr 1678. Die Stadt brodelt. Wahrsager, Schwarzmagier, Scharlatane und Giftmischer geben sich in den Salons der Aristokratie die Klinke in die Hand und zelebrieren an geheimen Orten schwarze Messen. Jeanne Meunier ist ein einfaches Mädchen aus...
Book cover of Große Ideen für kleine Gärten

Große Ideen für kleine Gärten

Das Gestaltungsbuch

by Victoria Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: May 16, 2017

Üppige Pflanzen, ein ausladendes Blütenmeer und Blickachsen, die zu einem Spaziergang animieren – wenn man einen großen Garten zur Verfügung hätte, wären die Ideen grenzenlos. Was aber, wenn das eigene Grün nur eine kleine Fläche umfasst, noch dazu am Hang und größtenteils im Schatten...
Book cover of Legendary Deer Camps
by Wegner Rob
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2001

This second book in the Deer and Deer Hunting Classics series rekindles the deer hunting history and the role of deer camps in hunting's culture. Relive the hunts, joy, and trepidation of famous American deer hunters such as William Faulkner, Aldo Leopold, and Oliver Hazard Perry. Rare historical...
Book cover of Shockwaves of Possibility

Shockwaves of Possibility

Essays on Science Fiction, Globalization, and Utopia

by Phillip E. Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2014

Shockwaves of Possibility explores the deep utopianism of one of the most significant modern cultural practices: science fiction. The author contends that utopianism is not simply a motif in SF, but rather is fundamental to its narrative dynamics. Drawing upon a rich array of theory and criticism...
Book cover of Das Erbe der Steinzeit

Das Erbe der Steinzeit

Warum uns unsere Nahrung krank macht

by J.N. Wegner
Language: German
Release Date: February 7, 2012

Schon wieder ein Buch über gesunde Ernährung ? Nein, Denn dieses Buch will Ihnen helfen, Sich so zu ernähren, wie es der Gattung Mensch entspricht. Wenn Sie die Ratschläge in diesem Buch beherzigen, werden Sie schnell merken, dass Sie sich vitaler und leistungsfähiger fühlen, als je zuvor. Und...
Book cover of Poetry In Slow Motion: Navigating Parkinson's Disease
by Jean Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2015

Poetry for those with Parkinson’s Disease, and the people who love them.
Book cover of Chasing the Valley 2: Borderlands
by Skye Melki-Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: January 2, 2014

The action-packed adventure continues in the second book of the Chasing the Valley trilogy! Danika and her crew of escaped refugees are seeking the safety of the Magnetic Valley - and trying to evade Sharr Morrigan, the king's most lethal hunter. But the borderlands they must cross to reach...
Book cover of Chasing the Valley
by Skye Melki-Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2013

Set in a land where magic can be terrifying, Chasing the Valley combines the friendship and camaraderie of Ranger's Apprentice with the hardship and survival of The Hunger Games - with spectacular results. Danika is used to struggling for survival. But when the tyrannous king launches an attack...
Book cover of Agent Nomad 2: Deadly Magic
by Skye Melki-Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2017

Red sky at night, sailor's delight. After their mission in London, Nomad, Riff, Phoenix and Orbit are back at HELIX, training to master their magic. But things have changed. Nomad's secret is out. Her peers know she is a Witness; a sorcerer with the rare ability to read others' magic....
Book cover of Missional Moves

Missional Moves

15 Tectonic Shifts that Transform Churches, Communities, and the World

by Rob Wegner, Jack Magruder
Language: English
Release Date: September 25, 2012

The church was never designed to be a fortress for the righteous, but a flood of revolutionaries, bringing the Good News of the Kingdom to broken lives and broken communities. Today, millions of Christians are awakening to the holism of the gospel call, expanding their understanding of mission beyond...
Book cover of Understanding Scripture

Understanding Scripture

An Overview of the Bible's Origin, Reliability, and Meaning

by R. Kent Hughes, Peter J. Gentry, Leland Ryken
Language: English
Release Date: February 29, 2012

Originally featured as articles in the ESV Study Bible, these eighteen essays have been repurposed and republished in a convenient format. Covering a diverse range of essential subjects, including how to read the Bible well and why it is reliable, the essays delve into specific topics such as world...
Book cover of A Theory of Action Identification
by Robin R. Vallacher, Daniel M. Wegner
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

First published in 1985. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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