William Bernstein: 11 books

Book cover of The Intelligent Asset Allocator: How to Build Your Portfolio to Maximize Returns and Minimize Risk
by William Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2000

“Bernstein has become a guru to a peculiarly ’90s group: well-educated, Internet-powered people intent on investing well—and with minimal ‘help’ from professional Wall Street.” --Robert Barker, BusinessWeek William Bernstein is one of today’s most unlikely financial heroes. A...
Book cover of The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio
by William Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2010

The classic guide to constructing a solid portfolio— with out a financial advisor! “With relatively little effort, you can design and assemble an investment portfolio that, because of its wide diversification and minimal expenses, will prove superior to the most professionally managed accounts....
Book cover of The Birth of Plenty: How the Prosperity of the Modern Work was Created
by William Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: June 21, 2010

“Compact and immensely readable . . . a tour de force. Prepare to be amazed.” — John C. Bogle, Founder and Former CEO, The Vanguard Group “Vital—a cogent, timely journey through the economic history of the modern world.” — Publishers Weekly In The Birth of Plenty, William...
Book cover of 投資金律:建立獲利投資組合的四大關鍵和十四個關卡(全新增訂版)
by 威廉.伯恩斯坦(William Bernstein)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 26, 2016

◆亞馬遜書店理財暢銷榜十四年長踞不墜,備受讚譽的投資學必讀經典 一本每位投資人都需要的投資書籍。 ——綠角 美國最大共同基金公司先鋒集團創辦人、指數化投資教父約翰.伯格(John C. Bogle)力薦 深度剖析投資四大支柱——「理論」、「歷史」、「心理學」、「投資產業」 想在動盪時代成功捍衛個人財富?你不可不讀! 「讀者朋友,假如您看到這行字,代表您已經拿起了投資界最知名的傑作之一。不要放下,仔細把它看完。過一陣子,再把它看一次。你將發現買這本書的錢和閱讀它的時間,將是你最值得的投資。這本書將讓你對投資有深刻的了解,走上正確的道路,避免日後閱讀無用書籍與投資無用工具的浪費。」 ——綠角(財經作家、「綠角財經筆記」站長)專文導讀 威廉.伯恩斯坦,一位在專業上受人景仰的醫生,在投資領域他更是受人尊重的智者。投資失利後,他勇敢面對積極研究,發揮行醫最高精神,以過人的智慧為投資大眾找出失利的病因與成功的方法。他獨到的見解,獲得投資泰斗先鋒集團創辦人約翰.博格爾及《商業周刊》等專業媒體的讚譽,他的第一本書《智慧型資產配置》到現在都還是廣受尊崇的一本投資書。 【一本能幫助投資者真正獲利,所有券商、投信、財經記者卻都不希望你看的理財書】 如今,伯恩斯坦更進一步提供真實生活中的投資案例,寫成了《投資金律》分享讀者,帶你從投資時的各個面向理解投資行為。在書中,伯恩斯坦以循序漸進的十四堂課,精彩剖析每位投資人都該熟知的四大支柱,幫助你快速建立最正確的投資觀念,打造低風險且能真正獲利的投資組合。這四大支柱分別是: ◎投資理論:風險與報酬的關係、如何看待貼現率與股價、預期長期股市報酬的「高登公式」、稅負問題、投資組合的奧祕……——「千萬別以為高獲利還能夠無風險。」 ◎投資歷史:投資市場的歷史脈絡、經濟泡沫出現的四個必要條件、南海泡沫、經濟大恐慌、網路泡沫、股票之死……——「幾乎每隔一段時間中,市場就要狂亂一次,如果毫無準備,你就注定失敗。」 ◎投資心理學:投資時最大的心理危險分子、與這些危險分子共處的策略——「找出這個年代中廣為人接受的傳統智慧,並且假設它是錯的——通常來說,它真的是錯的。」 ◎投資產業:金融產業三大支柱——經紀商、共同基金、媒體的運作策略與目標,以及你該如何跟他們打交道——「股票經紀人服務客戶的方式,跟鴛鴦大盜服務銀行的方式如出一轍。」 【《投資金律》帶你「精通投資關鍵知識」、「打造完整投資策略」、「獲致財務自由」】 讀畢本書,你將能全盤理解投資該具備的所有知識及工具,建立受用一生的正確投資觀念,打造低風險、能真正穩定獲利的長期策略。你會學到: .如何將儲蓄、退休金、房地產等不同等級資產轉化為專屬最佳投資組合。 .為何「不同於大盤市場、積極挑選股票」的投資行為反倒容易失利? .認識並排除情緒及心理狀態對決策的不利影響。 .看清整個金融業的實際運作狀況,為什麼證券業、基金業與媒體,非但不是你的投資夥伴,反而經常是你主要的競爭對手? 投資是一趟沒有目的地的旅程,《投資金律》將告訴你如何建立投資組合,在長期投資中成功獲利。避免分心、堅持到底,你將確立你的財務方向和目標,為你和你的家人創造長期穩定的財富。 【國外讚譽】 「《投資金律》針對成功投資的流程,提供了強而有力的原則、歷史紀錄和理解。我會希望這是一本由我執筆的書。」 ——約翰.博格爾(John...
Book cover of Los cuatro pilares de la inversión

Los cuatro pilares de la inversión

Fundamentos para construir una cartera ganadora

by William Bernstein
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 7, 2016

Invertir no es azar, ni es casualidad. Es, más bien, un viaje en el que se va de la mano de brokers, periodistas, especuladores y empresas que seguramente tendrán intereses opuestos a los suyos. Los cuatro pilares de la inversión demuestra cómo ignorar esos y otros obstáculos, cómo seguir en...
Book cover of Ending Poverty in America

Ending Poverty in America

How to Restore the American Dream

by Michael S. Barr, Jared Bernstein, Anita Brown-Graham
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2009

**An “**engrossing collection of rigorously researched articles” from Elizabeth Warren, Jared Bernstein, William Julius Wilson, and more (Publishers Weekly). Can the wealthiest nation in the world do anything to combat the steadily rising numbers of Americans living in poverty—or the...
Book cover of A Splendid Exchange

A Splendid Exchange

How Trade Shaped the World

by William J. Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: May 14, 2009

A Financial Times and Economist Best Book of the Year exploring world trade from Mesopotamia in 3,000 BC to modern globalization.   How did trade evolve to the point where we don’t think twice about biting into an apple from the other side of the world?   In A Splendid Exchange, William J. Bernstein,...
Book cover of The Investor's Manifesto

The Investor's Manifesto

Preparing for Prosperity, Armageddon, and Everything in Between

by William J. Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2009

A timeless approach to investing wisely over an investment lifetime With the current market maelstrom as a background, this timely guide describes just how to plan a lifetime of investing, in good times and bad, discussing stocks and bonds as well as the relationship between risk and return. Filled...
Book cover of Masters of the Word

Masters of the Word

How Media Shaped History from the Alphabet to the Internet

by William J. Bernstein
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2013

A captivating, illuminating, and sweeping historical narrative revealing the fascinating role media has played throughout the course of history. In “an engaging mix of theory, fact and enlightenment from across the millennia that wears its rich scholarship lightly,” Masters of the Word...
Book cover of Figures of Buddhist Modernity in Asia
by Dr. Ian G. Baird, Corey L. Bell, Dr. Stephen C. Berkwitz
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2016

This book introduces contemporary Buddhists from across Asia and from various walks of life. Eschewing traditional hagiographies, the editors have collected sixty-six profiles of individuals who would be excluded from most Buddhist histories and ethnographies. In addition to monks and nuns, readers...
Book cover of Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature

Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature

Perspectives on Business from Novels and Plays

by Andrew Bernstein, Walter Block, Susan Love Brown
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2016

Capitalism and Commerce in Imaginative Literature are committed to treating literary texts with integrity and believe that business should have a larger claim upon people’s literary consciousness. In addition, they all value the important role of literature in dealing with the complexities of a...
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