William R Forstchen: 35 books

Book cover of Pillar to the Sky
by William R. Forstchen
Language: English
Release Date: February 11, 2014

From William Forstchen, the New York Times bestselling author of One Second After, comes Pillar to the Sky, a towering epic to rank with Douglas Preston's Blasphemy and Michael Crichton's Prey... Pandemic drought, skyrocketing oil prices, dwindling energy supplies and wars of water scarcity...
Book cover of One Second After - Die Welt ohne Strom
by William R. Forstchen
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2019

Der US-Bestseller. Was wäre, wenn jemand vorhätte, die USA anzugreifen? Wäre es da nicht strategisch klug, dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten zunächst den Schutz durch die überlegene Technologie zu rauben? Was wäre, wenn es eine Waffe gäbe, die alles Elektronische ausschalten könnte?...
Book cover of Tag des Zorns

Tag des Zorns

Der brutale Angriff der Terrormiliz IS. Erschütternd aktuell.

by William R. Forstchen
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Der Untergang des Abendlandes? Die schlimmsten Befürchtungen der amerikanischen Bevölkerung werden wahr. Islamistische Terrormilizen wüten direkt vor der Haustür und treffen die Menschen an ihrem verwundbarsten Punkt: den eigenen Kindern. Angriffe auf Schulen überall im Land, brutale Schändungen...
Book cover of Der Sternenturm

Der Sternenturm


by William R. Forstchen
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2015

BAUEN WIR EINEN TURM ZU DEN STERNEN!Es beginnt als abenteuerliche Idee ... und wird zur größten Hoffnung der Menschheit! Mit einer 36.000 Kilometer hohen Säule ins Weltall wollen die Wissenschaftler Gary und Eva Morgan nicht nur die Besiedlung anderer Planeten ermöglichen, sondern auch die weltweite...
Book cover of Riposte


Le Régiment perdu, T4

by William R. Forstchen
Language: French
Release Date: June 14, 2013

Dans un monde ruisselant de sang, Andrew Keane, anciennement colonel de l’armée de l’Union, est désormais le leader de la résistance humaine face à un ennemi plus terrible que le pire des cauchemars... La horde merkie, qui asservit les êtres humains comme du bétail depuis des centaines...
Book cover of Ralliement


Le Régiment perdu, T1

by William R. Forstchen
Language: French
Release Date: May 17, 2013

1865, City Point, Virginie. Le colonel nordiste Andrew Keane conduit ses soldats a bord d’un navire de transport, ignorant que leur prochain port d’attache n’est ni au Nord ni au Sud, mais... sur un autre monde ! Une tempete les balaie dans une faille surnaturelle et les expedie sur une...
Book cover of Rassemblement


Le Régiment perdu, T2

by William R. Forstchen
Language: French
Release Date: May 24, 2013

Le colonel Keane et ses «tuniques bleues» ont ete projetes dans un autre monde domine par des hordes de creatures guerrieres qui traitent les humains comme du betail. Les fusils et les canons de la guerre de Secession ont vaincu les epees et les fleches de leurs ennemis monstrueux, les Tugars, et...
Book cover of Revanches


Le Régiment perdu, T3

by William R. Forstchen
Language: French
Release Date: June 7, 2013

Le colonel Keane et ses « tuniques bleues » ont ete projetes dans un monde domine par d’abominables creatures qui ont reduit les humains en esclavage. Keane et ses hommes ont deja vaincu deux fois ces hordes, Tugars ou Merkis, sur terre comme sur mer. Mais les choses peuvent changer bien...
Book cover of Le Diseur de vérité
by William R. Forstchen
Language: French
Release Date: May 27, 2013

Sachez que j’étais – moi, Ali – le Diseur de vérité de mon seigneur Muhammad, le shah des shahs, maître de Khwarezm, le plus grand de tous les royaumes de l’Islam. Khwarezm, qui s’étendait de l’Indus au Tigre, du turquoise de l’océan au Nord glacé, était le royaume aux mille...
Book cover of False Colors
by William R. Forstchen, Andrew Keith
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

MORE WAR…A desperate attack on the Kilrathi homeworld had succeeded in destroying the entire planet, including the Emperor and his warlords. The surviving Kilrathi, on warships and on their colony worlds were hopelessly demoralized and had sued for peace. The catlike warrior race was no longer a threat...
Book cover of Honored Enemy

Honored Enemy

Legends of the Riftwar, Book 1

by William R. Forstchen, Raymond E Feist
Language: English
Release Date: March 17, 2009

As the Riftwar tears Midkemia apart, enemies trapped in the frozen Northlands must trust each other to stay alive. . . . In the sprawling, embattled land of Midkemia, fate can form strange alliances. Nine years into the bloody and ongoing Riftwar, Dennis Hartraft's Marauders are cold, hungry,...
Book cover of Fleet Action
by William R. Forstchen
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2016

The Kilrathi Empire is in a bind. For the last five years they have been constructing a secret fleet so powerful that it will slice straight through to Earth and destroy the Confederation. There is a problem, however: the Confederation has become increasingly successful with its behind-the-lines raids...
Book cover of Action Stations
by William R. Forstchen
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2017

THEY PLANNED ON A NICE WARThere had been a century of peace, and the politicians of Earth and its colonies were running on platforms of cutting “wasteful” military spending—all while Earth’s military tried to keep aging and obsolete ships flying and battle-ready. And while the swords rusted,...
Book cover of The Forgotten War
by William R. Forstchen
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 1999

The legendary Starfleet Captain Lucien Murat, a contemporary of Christopher Pike, disappeared during a battle with the alien Tarn. Now, generations later, Captain Picard is conducting delicate diplomatic negotiations with the Tarn when the Starship Enterprise™ discovers the descendants of Murat and...
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