Xin Xin: 89 books

Book cover of Gems from the Top 100 Speeches

Gems from the Top 100 Speeches

A Handy Source of Inspiration for Your Thoughts and Language

by Xin-An Lu
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2004

Public speaking is one of the things many fear the most. This fear is justified-Many eyes to look into and many minds to contend with. Thoughts are elusive. The catcher of powerful thoughts-the apt words-are even more elusive. Yet, you do not need to despair. By standing on the shoulders of great...
Book cover of Optimal Mean Reversion Trading

Optimal Mean Reversion Trading

Mathematical Analysis and Practical Applications

by Tim Leung, Xin Li
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2015

Optimal Mean Reversion Trading: Mathematical Analysis and Practical Applications provides a systematic study to the practical problem of optimal trading in the presence of mean-reverting price dynamics. It is self-contained and organized in its presentation, and provides rigorous mathematical analysis...
Book cover of Reflections on Communication, Education, Scholarship, and Life
by Xin-An Lu
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2003

Our actions in education, business, and government are no longer guided by conscious ideals, but by entrenched practices that are products of expediency, indolence, and even tyranny. Inveterate and ubiquitous problems abound. Students hate school. Employees dislike their jobs. Professors become disinclined...
Book cover of A Manual of Guidelines, Quotations, and Versatile Phrases for Basic Oral Communication
by Xin-An Lu
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2003

Rather like the nerves in human body, communication forms the sinew and tendon of any social body. The quality of everyday life is not only affected by the way we design our work and institutions, but also (perhaps more importantly) by the way we interact and communicate with each other. This booklet...
Book cover of China's National Balance Sheet (2015): Leverage Adjustment and Risk Management
by Yang Li, Xiaojing Zhang, Xin Chang
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

The book aims at perfecting the national governance system and improving national governance ability. It evaluates the balance sheets of the state and residents, non-financial corporations, financial institutions and the central bank, the central government, local government and external sectors –...
Book cover of Product-Service System Design for Sustainability
by Carlo Vezzoli, Cindy Kohtala, Amrit Srinivasan
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2017

This book, based on a huge European and Asian research project, is a state-of-the-art examination of the theory and practice of system innovation through Product-Service System (PSS) design for sustainability from a trans-cultural viewpoint. PSS design incorporates innovative strategies that shift...
Book cover of Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling

Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling

With Applications in the Medical and Behavioral Sciences

by Sik-Yum Lee, Xin-Yuan Song
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2012

This book provides clear instructions to researchers on how to apply Structural Equation Models (SEMs) for analyzing the inter relationships between observed and latent variables. Basic and Advanced Bayesian Structural Equation Model**ing introduces basic and advanced SEMs for analyzing various...
Book cover of The Logic of Logistics

The Logic of Logistics

Theory, Algorithms, and Applications for Logistics Management

by David Simchi-Levi, Xin Chen, Julien Bramel
Language: English
Release Date: November 19, 2013

Fierce competition in today's global market provides a powerful motivation for developing ever more sophisticated logistics systems. This book, written for the logistics manager and researcher, presents a survey of the modern theory and application of logistics. The goal of the book is to present...
Book cover of Public Secrets as a Phenomenon in Organizational Communication: How Public Knowledge Fails to Become Organizational Action
by Xin-An Lu
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2003

There seem to be two realms in our waking time: work and life. However, work is often juxtaposed against life, which is found in anything but work. Organizational work has become nothing more than the necessary evil, the means for a livelihood. Work has ubiquitously become the enemy of life. What...
Book cover of From Trade Surplus to the Dispute over the Exchange Rate

From Trade Surplus to the Dispute over the Exchange Rate

Quantitative Analysis of RMB Appreciation

by Xin Li, Dianqing Xu
Language: English
Release Date: February 29, 2016

Since 2005, China has been accused of causing the trade deficit and manipulating the exchange rate. At the same time, there have been arguments against the RMB appreciation. The reason for this conflict is the lack of quantitative research or elaboration on many extremely important indicators. To...
Book cover of Tales from the Development Frontier

Tales from the Development Frontier

How China and Other Countries Harness Light Manufacturing to Create Jobs and Prosperity

by Hinh T. Dinh, Thomas G. Rawski, Ali Zafar
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2013

Despite widespread agreement among economists that labor-intensive manufacturing has contributed mightily to rapid development in China and other fast-growing economies, most developing countries have had little success in raising the share of manufacturing in production, employment, or exports. Tales...
Book cover of Income Disparity in China

Income Disparity in China

Crisis within Economic Miracle

by Dianqing Xu, Xin Li
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2014

China has achieved remarkable economic success in the past three decades and has become the second-largest economy in the world after the United States. However, accompanying this rapid economic growth is an increasing income inequality. In recent years, China's income disparity has reached an alarming...
Book cover of China's New Strategic Layout
by Ming Xin
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

This book, based on the Chinese dream and its basic principles, global significance, path of implementation and practical requirements, systemically explains China’s Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy. The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy is the strategic concept of the Communist Party of contemporary...
Book cover of Educated Youth
by Ye Xin
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

During the Cultural Revolution over 14 million Chinese high school graduates were sent from the cities to live and work in the countryside. They were known as zhiqing ‘educated youth’. They fell in love, married, had children. In the late 1970s the policy changed and they were allowed to return,...
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