Yamaguchi: 26 books

Book cover of Roy's Fish and Seafood

Roy's Fish and Seafood

Recipes from the Pacific Rim: A Cookbook

by Roy Yamaguchi, John Harrisson
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2013

A full-color cookbook featuring 100 fish and seafood recipes as well as information about each variety of seafood from Hawaiian chef Roy Yamaguchi. Owner of the critically acclaimed Roy’s restaurants, public television host and celebrated chef Roy Yamaguchi is considered one of today’s...
Book cover of Dream Big, Little Pig!
by Kristi Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

New York Times Bestseller! "Follow your Dreams!" "You go, Girl!" "Dream Big, pig!" Poppy is a waddling, toddling pig with big dreams. She wants to be a star! But she soon discovers that's not as easy as it sounds. It's only when Poppy feels the magic of...
Book cover of Dream Big, Little Pig!
by Kristi Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

"Follow your Dreams!" "You go, Girl!" "Dream Big, pig!" Poppy is a waddling, toddling pig with big dreams. She wants to be a star! But she soon discovers that's not as easy as it sounds. It's only when Poppy feels the magic of gliding and sliding, swirling and...
Book cover of Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II

Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II

Living in Internment Camps and Rebuilding Life Afterwards

by Precious Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2014

Experiences of Japanese American Women during and after World War II: Living in Internment Camps and Rebuilding Life Afterwards examines the experiences of Japanese American women who were in internment camps during World War II and after. Precious Yamaguchi follows these women after they were released...
Book cover of De Alma Lavada

De Alma Lavada

Uma Brasileira Sozinha no Tribunal em Londres

by Naomi Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2015

Leia o primeiro capítulo no site: www.dealmalavada.com  Quando tudo o que você acredita cai por terra, a única certeza é a mudança. Se é a vitória ou a derrota, tudo depende do quanto você aceita se desafiar e ouvir o seu coração....
Book cover of Management of Service Businesses in Japan
by Yasuhiro Monden, Noriyuki Imai, Takami Matsuo;Naoya Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2012

With the service industry taking up the largest portion of its GDP, Japan has much to share in the area of managing service industry. This book explores and elucidates the unique management styles in non-manufacturing industries or service industries in contemporary Japan, both practically and theoretically...
Book cover of Hayashi Reiki Manual

Hayashi Reiki Manual

Traditional Japanese Healing Techniques from the Founder of the Western Reiki System

by Petter, Frank Arjava, Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Dr. Hayashi is the most renowned student of Reiki founder, Dr. Mikao Usui. Dr. Hayashi Develped his own style of Reiki and became the teacher of Hawayo Takata, who introduced Reiki to the West. However, Dr. Hayashi had also tought Reiki to Japanese Students such as the Young Chiyoko Yamaguchi, born in...
Book cover of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Volume 2
by Satoru Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2019

After hitting her head on a rock, Katarina Claes regains the memories of her past life, and realizes that she's been reincarnated into the world the otome game she'd been playing. There's only one problem — she's the villainess of the game, who has only bad endings! From practicing with the...
Book cover of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Volume 3
by Satoru Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2019

After being reborn as the villainess of an otome game, Katarina has done everything in her power to avoid the Bad Ends awaiting her at the end of the school year. Now, she has successfully finished the events of the game without being exiled or killed! Not only that, but she has made a close group...
Book cover of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Vol. 1
by Satoru Yamaguchi, Nami Hidaka
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2019

A high school girl is stunned to find herself reincarnated as the conniving villainess from her favorite dating sim game, Fortune Lover. Now, as Katarina Claes, the impossibly rich and spoiled daughter of a Duke, her new life seems to perfectly sync up with the world of the game. This means big trouble!...
Book cover of It's a Big World, Little Pig!
by Kristi Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2012

Poppy, the adorable, persistent, dreaming-big pig, has a new adventure in store for her: the World Games ice-skating championship in Paris! Poppy is nervous about meeting so many new people in a new place. But, ever courageous and supported by her family (Emma, too!), Poppy embarks upon this exciting...
Book cover of 素人也能寫出好文章:從動筆前的「思考準備」到下筆後的「冷靜修改」,誰都能寫好作文、報告、企畫書的32種練習!
by 山口拓朗(Takuro Yamaguchi)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 31, 2018

「一篇文章的好壞,九成取決於最初動筆的階段。」 日本資深編輯、獨立記者山口拓朗 集結18年間超過2300件採訪經驗的智慧結晶 從動筆前的暖身,到下筆後的修訂 為寫作素人量身打造的思考指南 ★日本亞馬遜書店,平均4.7星(滿分5星)好評,讀者公認最易讀又容易實踐的寫作指南 即便不是作家或文字工作者,相信每個人都有枯坐在桌前,面對空白的Word檔苦苦思索的經驗。不管是Email、廣告文案、臉書po文還是企劃書,「寫不出來……」、「不知該如何開始」、「沒辦法說服人」……永遠都是職場菜鳥、寫作苦手的夢魘。不若坊間一般的寫作書,本書並非寫給「寫得好還要更好」的職業作家或記者,而是寫給「不擅長寫作」的讀者。 累積18年工作資歷,如今已是資深編輯、記者、撰稿人的作者山口拓朗,也曾在剛成為自由接案工作者時,文章被批評為無趣、不具說服力、沒有觀點……差點失去了身為職業作家的自信心。自此之後,作者便不斷思考何謂「好看的文章」,從自身超過2300件以上的採訪經驗中,發現最重要的不是「寫了再說」,而是在下筆之前的「思考」與「準備」。將「隨便寫寫」的心態轉換成「寫之前先準備」、「思考過後再寫」,就能讓文章變得截然不同! ▍在下筆之前,你可以先練習 .送禮訓練法→就像寫給不同對象的情書,文章也需投讀者所好! .說話、書寫訓練法→透過說話與書寫進行資訊的「理解→整理」 .自問自答訓練法→想寫出怎麼樣的文章,就得提出怎麼樣的問題 ▍動筆之後,你還可以 .文章減半訓練法→別讓讀者失去耐性 .舉例訓練法→用具體實例增加說服力 .蒐集視角訓練法→讓文章更加立體 ▍感動別人前,要先坦率面對自己 .為什麼/喜怒哀樂訓練法→深入挖掘自己的感覺…… .承認他人訓練法→尊重他人的價值觀,如此就能不怕批評,勇敢寫出自己的心聲 .分辨邏輯/情感訓練法→均衡分配「理論」與「感覺」 ▍熱情書寫,冷靜修改 .從抽象到具體: A公司委託敝公司經營的網站,點擊數急速上升,聽說顧客數量也有爆炸性的成長。 ↓ A公司委託敝公司經營網站半年以來,點擊數從每月平均三千瀏覽頁數竄升到三萬, 顧客數量也從平均一天一百人增加到原來的三倍。 .增加資訊,讓文章更具說服力: 有高血壓的人建議採用腹式呼吸法,請務必嘗試看看 ↓ 有高血壓的人建議採用腹式呼吸法,因為腹式呼吸法具有平穩呼吸,刺激副交感神經運作的作用。副交感神經運作可使血壓安定,因此可以保護血管,不僅有助於改善高血壓,也有助於預防或治療因自律神經失調引起的疾病,請務必嘗試看看。 .善用引號傳達臨場感: 您正苦惱於人群恐懼症嗎?推薦您這套《一日三分鐘冥想DVD》 ↓ 「只要站在一堆人前面,我就腦袋一片空白,緊張得說不出話來……」 您有人群恐懼症煩惱嗎?推薦您這套《一日三分鐘冥想DVD》 除上述訓練法外,本書還針對如何寫出淺顯易懂的文章、有說服力的文章、有深度的文章、能打動人心的文章,提出各式提升「思考力」與「準備力」的練習方法。寫不出文章、提案詞不達意、回信牛頭不對馬嘴……不知該如何動筆嗎?每天花3分鐘跟著作者一起演練如何寫作吧! ★各方好手推薦 文案的美 林育聖 說書...
Book cover of Ligand Platforms in Homogenous Catalytic Reactions with Metals

Ligand Platforms in Homogenous Catalytic Reactions with Metals

Practice and Applications for Green Organic Transformations

by Ryohei Yamaguchi, Ken-ichi Fujita
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2014

Serving as a user's manual for synthetic organic and catalytic chemists, this book guides chemists in the design and choice of ligands to catalyze organic reactions and apply the results for more efficient, green, and practical synthesis. • Focuses on the role of ligands in metal complexes...
Book cover of My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Volume 1
by Satoru Yamaguchi
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2018

After hitting her head particularly hard one day, Duke Claes' daughter, Katarina, suddenly recalls all the memories of her past life: that of a teenage Japanese girl. Just before her untimely death, this girl recalls playing an otome game... that is exactly like the world she's living in now! She...
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