Yao Xu: 8 books

Book cover of Dam Failure Mechanisms and Risk Assessment
by Limin Zhang, Ming Peng, Dongsheng Chang
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2017

This book integrates the physical processes of dam breaching and the mathematical aspects of risk assessment in a concise manner • The first book that introduces the causes, processes and consequences of dam failures • Integrates the physical processes of dam breaching and the mathematical...
Book cover of Yin und der Drache 02: Goldene Drachenschuppen
by Richard Marazano, Xu Yao
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Der böse, schwarze Drache Xi Qong macht sich auf den Weg, die ganze Welt zu zerstören, denn sein Zorn und seine Eifersucht auf die Menschen sind grenzenlos. Der goldene Drachee Guang Xìnshi will dies unbedingt verhindern und stellt sich gemeinsam mit Yin und ihren Freunden der drohenden Gefahr ...
Book cover of Yin und der Drache 01: Himmlische Kreaturen
by Richard Marazano, Xu Yao
Language: German
Release Date: August 18, 2016

Shanghai 1937. Krieg bedroht das Land und die Japaner wollen ihre Macht demonstrieren. Unbeeindruckt von der lauernden Gefahr lebt Yin mit ihrem Großvater ein friedliches Leben. Sie hilft ihm beim Fischverkauf und hört eher selten auf das, was man ihr sagt. Viel lieber sucht sie nach neuen Abenteuern...
Book cover of Innovative Approaches Towards Low Carbon Economics

Innovative Approaches Towards Low Carbon Economics

Regional Development Cybernetics

by Jiuping Xu, Liming Yao, Yi Lu
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Climate change is an inevitable and urgent global challenge with long-term implications for the sustainable development of all countries. To overcome this human crisis, the scientific consensus is driving global action towards low carbon economics. Though this action has to involve all sectors (industries,...
Book cover of Yin et le Dragon - Tome 2
by Xu Yao, Richard Marazano
Language: French
Release Date: April 26, 2017

Yin et son grand-père se sont habitués à la présence du Dragon d’or, qui les aide dans leur pêche quotidienne. Mais la guerre fait rage à Shanghai : derrière les assauts de l’armée japonaise, qui donnent lieu au terrible massacre de Nankin, c’est le Dieu Xi Qong, maître des Dragons,...
Book cover of Theory and Practice of Hydrocarbon Generation within Space-Limited Source Rocks
by Defan Guan, Xuhui Xu, Zhiming Li
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

This book analyzes hydrocarbon generation and accumulation within space-limited source rocks. The authors draw conclusions based on the principles of basin formation, hydrocarbon generation and accumulation, coupled with the practice of terrigenous basins in eastern China. Hydrocarbon generation and...
Book cover of Random-Like Multiple Objective Decision Making
by Jiuping Xu, Liming Yao
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2011

What are the random-like phenomena that can be found everywhere in real-life world? When carrying out a random sampling survey on the traffic situation, we often obtain some descriptive results such as approximately expedite, a little crowded and so on, therefore, the average level should be regarded...
Book cover of Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics

Nonlinear Guided Wave Optics

A testbed for extreme waves

by Stéphane Barland, Bruno Garbin, Massimo Giudici
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2017

Experiments and theory have rapidly progressed on nonlinear optical extreme waves, showing that guided wave nonlinear optics and fiber lasers provide a relatively simple, accessible and controllable test bed for the observations and accurate statistical studies of extreme wave phenomena that obey...
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