伊娃‧易洛斯(Eva Illouz): 8 books

Book cover of Hard-Core Romance

Hard-Core Romance

"Fifty Shades of Grey," Best-Sellers, and Society

by Eva Illouz
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2014

From its beginnings in Twilight fan-fiction to its record-breaking sales as an e-book and paperback, the story of the erotic romance novel Fifty Shades of Grey and its two sequels is both unusual and fascinating. Having sold over seventy million copies worldwide since 2011, E. L. James’s lurid...
Book cover of Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery

Oprah Winfrey and the Glamour of Misery

An Essay on Popular Culture

by Eva Illouz
Language: English
Release Date: November 5, 2003

Oprah Winfrey is the protagonist of the story to be told here, but this book has broader intentions, begins Eva Illouz in this original examination of how and why this talk show host has become a pervasive symbol in American culture. Unlike studies of talk shows that decry debased cultural standards...
Book cover of Il romanzo rosa erotico. Cinquanta sfumature di grigio, i bestseller e la società
by Eva Illouz
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 6, 2015

L’enorme successo di "Cinquanta sfumature di grigio" va oltre il caso letterario, che neppure c’è. Da quel punto di vista i tre romanzi sono scritti male, zeppi di ripetizioni e di stereotipi. Eppure oltre 100 milioni di persone, in maggioranza donne sopra i trent’anni, hanno letto...
Book cover of The Great Regression
by Zygmunt Bauman, Donatella della Porta, Nancy Fraser
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2017

We are living through a period of dramatic political change – Brexit, the election of Trump, the rise of extreme right movements in Europe and elsewhere, the resurgence of nationalism and xenophobia and a concerted assault on the liberal values and ideals associated with cosmopolitanism and globalization....
Book cover of 為什麼愛讓人受傷?:迷惘、煎熬、躁鬱、厭世……愛情的痛,社會學也懂!
by 伊娃‧易洛斯(Eva Illouz)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 4, 2019

問世間,情為何物?愛情,為何令人遍體鱗傷? 到底情感挫折來自童年陰影,或是源於社會與文化結構的影響? 跟著知名社會學家伊娃•易洛斯一層一層探索現代愛情產業鏈,找出讓我們創鉅痛深的真相。 愛情痛苦的經驗非常普遍,幾乎可以說是人類集體共通的經驗。情傷創造一大票專家,驅策出版業、電視、無數媒體產業持續運轉。正因為整個社會認為痛苦是個人精神史的體現,相信訴說與認識自我具有療效,「自助」產業才會如此欣欣向榮,並將感情煎熬的矛頭轉到自我的私密史,以及自我形塑的能力上。 面對現代親密關係產生的疑難雜症,《為什麼愛讓人受傷?》企圖切換分析的角度:問題的癥結不在失能的童年,不在個人自覺不足,而在社會文化的衝突和矛盾,已構成現代人自我與認同的基本架構了。 作者伊娃‧易洛斯想告訴大家:愛情是被具體社會關係形塑和創造的!愛情在市場內流通,市場內充滿相互競爭、地位不對等的行動者;某些人較有能力界定被愛的條件,認為自己比別人更有資格被愛。 社會學主要研究對象是痛苦的集體表現形式,不過對尋常精神痛苦卻相對輕忽。這是由於社會學為了避免蹚個人主義和精神分析這一潭渾水,不太願意涉足情感方面的痛苦,畢竟那被視為臨床心理學之骨幹。可是,社會學若想跟得上時代,就無法迴避這一塊,勢必得面對、探索可充分反映近現代自我脆弱性的情感。因為,自我脆弱易傷,有其制度性原因,也有情感層面的因素,而愛情正是這樣一種情感。 愛情痛苦,不是旁枝末節,也不是看起來比較嚴肅的痛苦型態的附庸。《為什麼愛讓人受傷?》揭開現代愛情產業鏈的真相,證實了愛情痛苦可具體呈現現代性自我無能為力的困境和樣貌。 ※...
Book cover of Happycracy


Come la scienza della felicità controlla le nostre vite

by Edgar Cabanas, Eva Illouz
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 27, 2019

Viviamo in un mondo invaso dall’apparente felicità, a un livello tale che essere felici sembra essere diventato non solo un obiettivo di vita, ma un diritto e un obbligo. Non ci è concesso di fallire, e siamo condannati al successo e al benessere. Per aiutarci, alla fine degli anni Novanta è...
Book cover of Why Love Hurts

Why Love Hurts

A Sociological Explanation

by Eva Illouz
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2013

Few of us have been spared the agonies of intimate relationships. They come in many shapes: loving a man or a woman who will not commit to us, being heartbroken when we're abandoned by a lover, engaging in Sisyphean internet searches, coming back lonely from bars, parties, or blind dates, feeling...
Book cover of Happycracia


Cómo la ciencia y la industria de la felicidad controlan nuestras vidas

by Edgar Cabanas, Eva Illouz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 26, 2019

La industria de la felicidad, que mueve miles de millones de euros, afirma que puede moldear a los individuos y hacer de ellos criaturas capaces de oponer resistencia a los sentimientos negativos, de sacar el mejor partido de sí mismos controlando totalmente sus deseos improductivos y sus pensamientos...
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